Développement de l’autonomie et du leadership des femmes pour la democratisation


Rethinking Regional Security Through Africa's Economic Integration

Following the peaceful 2013 general elections, I decided to explore and highlight the role of youth and women in the peace process that transformed its previous 2007/2008 volatile post-election violence. On my last day in Nairobi, a few hours before heading to the Westgate shopping mall, I heard about the Al Shabab attack. It was a tragic and sad day, waiting for the fate of the hostages and praying for the victims. Two weeks ago, Tunisia has also witnessed an attack on the Bardo Museum in the heart of the capital city, Tunis, next door to the Parliament. I experienced the same saddening feeling.

La radio campagne innovante qui souligne le rôle des femmes dans la paix et la sécurité


La radio Souriat FM a lancé 21 jours d'activisme pour promouvoir les trois concepts de la résolution 1325 du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU.

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