برنامج تطوير قيادة المرأة وتمكينها لعملية الديمقراطية

Achieving Transformative Feminist Leadership: A Toolkit for Organisations and Movements

This toolkit was developed to help individuals and organisations dedicated to advancing a feminist social change agenda—an agenda that believes that all development and social justice must be rooted in gender and social equality. It is based on the assumption that such processes require a diff erent type of leadership, what we may term ‘Transformative Feminist Leadership’ (TFL). This document (refered to as ‘the concept paper’ throughout this toolkit) proposed that feminist leadership for social transformation is a ‘diamond’, comprising four inter-related dimensions—politics purpose; power; principles/values and practices. It further proposed that these four dimensions are practiced, mediated and deeply influenced in specific and unique ways by ‘The Self’—the personal histories and experiences of the individual who practices leadership in a given context, at any level of an organisation or movement. 

To read more, download the full PDF below.

Srilatha Batliwala and Michel Friedman
Published Date: 
Political and Public Participation