Women's Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation


PRESS RELEASE: Prerequisite for Establishment of Praying Site will be Omitted


“Regarding the SKB, we are continuously in contact with the Ministry of Religious Affairs. We will review this later. The permission to establish a praying site that [previously] needed 90 people must be have its reduced, if possible be omitted entirely,” said the Minister of Interior.

PRESS RELEASE: Women's Jamboree Asked Ministry of Interior to Revoke Two SKBs


These two SKBs (of the Minister of Interior, the Minister of Religious Affairs and the Attorney General) concern the regulation of praying sites, and are considered discriminative. In addition, they have also asked Minister of Interior to revise the Qanun in Aceh as it discriminates against women.

PRESS RELEASE: Women Leaders National Jamboree--230 Women Leaders Building the New Indonesian Economy and Peace


Risma Umar from Institute for Women Empowerment (IWE) has stated that women leaders who attended the meeting are those who, for [the last] four years, have been involved with the Women's Empowerment for Leadership Development and Democratization (WELDD) program which the Institute for Women Empowerment (IWE) is a partner under.

PRESS RELEASE: 230 Women Attended the National Jamboree


As many as 230 women leaders from various Indonesian regions will be attending the National Women Leaders Jamboree event to be held in Depok, West Java on Saturday, 7 - 9 November 2015. This event is hosted by Institute for Women Empowerment (IWE) along with several organizations such as JALA PRT, Solidaritas Perempuan, Kalyanamitra, Yasanti, MWPRI, Tunas Mulia, KPA, Kalyanamitra, Rahima and Fahmina, Institute Pelangi Perempuan.

Iran: How the discussion about women’s presence in stadiums can teach us feminist lessons

At the end of August 2014 with the beginning of the men’s volleyball world championships, a sad news story surfaced in Iranian social media communities stating that a young woman named Ghoncheh Ghavami had been arrested. Ghavami was detained on June 20th at Azadi (“Freedom” in Farsi) where female fans held a brief demonstration after being told they could not enter the stadium to watch a men’s volleyball match.

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