Women's Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation

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South Asia: Muslima action in South Asia

Muslim women working towards social change in South Asia.
A website that aims to provide appropriate resources and address matters pertinent
to and for Muslim women (Muslima in Arabic) involved with activism in South
Asia, with an emphasis on the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, and
Pakistan. Each section of this website attempts to further educate Muslim women
activists, therefore strengthening their ability to mobilize against issues that
concern them as individuals, as organizations, as movements, etc.

activism on a global scale is empowered through advocacy networks with other
individuals and groups that share similar purposes and goals. South Asia,
specifically, has a large number of Muslim women activists striving for the
betterment of the female role in society and her just treatment. By providing a
space for these activists to exchange information they, as individuals and as
groups, will be strengthened in their activities.