Women's Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation

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Shadow Reports: Holding Governments Accountable for Women’s Human Rights

To date, 174 states parties have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
To assess the progress made in eliminating discrimination against women, each of the states parties must submit periodic reports every four years. NGOs also play a crucial role in promoting effective implementation of the Convention through their advocacy efforts and by monitoring the government’s implementation of the Convention. The development of an independent, or shadow, report provides an effective means for NGOs to critique or supplement information in the official state report. This alternative reporting mechanism holds governments accountable to their citizens, the CEDAW committee, and the UN. The process of developing a shadow report can be as important as the report content, as women’s NGOs collaborate to establish priorities and a common vision for ensuring women’s equal rights in their countries.

The Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM), a non-governmental organization working on the promotion and defense of women's rights in Morocco, coordinated the development of the shadow report in cooperation with 22 women’s NGOs. Rabéa Naciri, President of ADFM/Rabat, and Amina Lemrini, ADFM Executive Committee member, are presently in New York for the 29th CEDAW committee session. They spoke with WLP Communications Associate Abby Jenkins about their role in preparing the NGO shadow report.

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