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Senegal: Press Release: UNFP Team Vists GAMCOTRAP

Published Date: 
Thursday, December 3, 2015

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The UNFPA Country Director in Dakar office, Andrea Wojnar Diagne accompanied by the country team paid a courtesy call on GAMCOTRAP to congratulate Dr. Touray and her team on the successful Dropping of the Knife celebration and for putting her heart and soul to the campaign to end FGM.  Madam Diagne noted the UNFPA  global alliance to end FGM  and that the pronouncement to ban FGM is a positive move to further accelerate the work being done. She congratulated the organisation for the good work to end FGM and promote the health and well being of Gambian women and children. Commenting on the future country programme, UNFPA official noted that the direction is towards providing baseline, evidence and monitoring.  She emphasised that reports should highlight results which GAMCOTRAP is already doing.   The focus will be on youth, women, social media and other actors so as to move in a holistic manner.  Madam Diagne observed that pronouncement and passing a law does not mean abandonment but are tools to facilitate total abandonment. She noted that work has to go as culture does not change just because there is a law, the discussion and dialogue should continue in a culturally sensitive manner as GAMCOTRAP and other actors are doing to address harmful traditional practices at community level.  She advised on the continued use of the new media in the advocacy.  


UNFPA pays a courtesy call on GAMCOTRAP

In her response Dr. Touray noted that over the years there  has been  evidence of change in communities which is visible by the number of circumcisers and communities abandoning FGM. Also the engagement of young people in the advocacy to end FGM is evidence of the impact made which is very positive.   She called for a strong platform of partnership with a unified voice to decrease misrepresentation and conflict in information. She noted that GAMCOTRAP has always targeted youths and use of new media as well as research evidence in its programme of activities. This she noted will continue while pursuing legislation to Ban FGM in the Gambia. She noted that GAMCOTRAP is supporting the government to achieve its obligation towards women and children and confirmed that the organisation will continue to engage and move the process further.  She appreciated the sustained efforts made by UNFPA in supporting the organisation which made it possible to reach this level. Dr. Touray asserted that this success is possible because of the professionalism that UNFPA has and believing that local initiatives can be supported to make a difference. 

The UNFPA Country Office team members, Assistant Country representative Mr. Momodou Mboge and Programme Officer – Gender Mrs. Fatou Kinteh accompanied their colleague from Dakar.

Prepared by GAMCOTRAP

2nd December 2015

Culturally Justified Violence Against Women
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