Women's Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation

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India: Threatened Existence - A Feminist analysis of the Genocide in Gujarat

The UK launch of a new report by the International Initiative for Justice in Gujarat.
“Coming as it does almost 18 months since the pogrom, this report can operate as a reflection on the inadequacy of existing processes, both legal and otherwise, to provide justice and redress to victims, and as an allusion to new forms of activism around Gujarat that are relevant to broader struggles for democracy and equality.

The Gujarat experience once more highlights the need to look at sexual violence as a significant engine of genocide. We need to understand the genocidal nature of the Hindutva project so as to emphasize the critical responsibility of intervention that lies with both the civil society and the State.”

Read the report at the Online Volunteers website.

Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA)

The Mall, London, SW1

4.00pm, 13 and 14 December 2003

The film Gujarat - a laboratory of Hindu Rashtra (45 mins/Hindi with English Sub-titles)

dir. Suma Josson, 2003, India

Report authors include Anissa Helie, Algeria/France, Gabriela Mischkowski, Germany, Nira Yuval-Davis, UK, Rhonda Copelon, USA, Sunila Abeysekara, Sri Lanka, Farah Naqvi, India, Meera Velayudan India, Uma Chakravarti, India, and Vahida Nainar, India.

The International Initiative for Justice in Gujarat brought together a panel of feminist jurists, activists, lawyers, writers and academics from all over the world and was initiated by: Citizen’s Initiative (Ahmedabad), People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) - Shanti Abhiyan (Baroda), Communalism Combat, Aawaaz-e-Niswaan, Forum Against Oppression of Women (FAOW) and Stree Sangam (Bombay), Saheli, Jagori, Sama, and Nirantar (Delhi), Organised Lesbian Alliance for Visibility and Action (OLAVA, Pune), and other women’s organizations in India.

IIJ c/o FAOW, 29 Bhatia Bhavan, Babrekar Marg, Off Gokhale Road, Dadar (W), Mumbai 400028

Email: iijg2002@yahoo.com