Women's Empowerment and Leadership Development for Democratisation

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India: Communal Harmony Award to Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer

Association for Communal Harmony (ACHA), USA, gave Communal Harmony award for 2002-2003 to Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer on 7th December, 2003 in Oregon state. A function to give award was held on 8th December, 2003 and it was broadcast by a Radio channel.
Dr. Engineer was connected on phone line to give his message to the audience and to convey his acceptance of this award.

He spoke on the phone line and said "I accept the award in all humility and I am grateful to ACHA for giving me this honour. I will continue to work for Communal Harmony in India until the last breath of my life. The danger has increased manifold after the BJP came to power and recently won elections in three states in Hindi heartland. There is a great need to intensify activities to contain communal forces and promote communal harmony and interfaith understanding."