the office fanfiction jim saves pam

By Hes about to quip back, fleetingly glad for the return to their normal rhythm, only the hazy look that crosses her face gives him pause. Im just catching a movie then going for a drink with some college buddies. ta petro employee handbook. The room was tense for a couple of beats, and maybe a little stunned. Her eyes narrowed and for a second she tried to decipher whether or not he would be proud of her, before quickly chasing the notion away with a little involuntary head shake. Hed come close, when hed smacked a finger down on a globe one day and spontaneously booked that trip to Australia that wouldve fell over the day her wedding was set. Jim shakes his head as he twists away, before pitching forward once more into steepled hands, the oncoming sneeze shuddering out of him huHEHGSSSCHuh!. The image of her, dressed all in white and smiling angelically as she and Roy went round the venue arm-in-arm greeting their guests, welcoming him to their special day no. He was just one of those people that when they got sick it was always pretty obvious, and anyone in the general vicinity tended to know about it. theoffice # 6 Happens Like That - Jim Halpert by Melissa 38.4K 850 10 Jim Halpert and Melissa Ford have been best friends since he started at Dunder Mifflin in 1999. Hes aware of how much of an asshole this makes him sound, and isnt proud of it in the least, but being with Karen hed grown used to feeling relieved when he found out she was busy and that he got to be by himself for a while with no need to perform this version of himself that was cool, put-together, evolved, and happy to be moving on. She got up from her chair and made her way towards the kitchen, and Jims eyes discreetly followed her as she passed. The prospect of what they had wasnt enough. She liked him a lot and saw a way forward for them; potential for a future if he felt the same way and wanted to try. He smiled immediately, which gave him away despite putting up some display of half-hearted argument along the lines of I never took you for a night owl, Beesly - isnt it kind of late? jim suggests, and ryan knows he's half-joking, but it's still terrifying to think about. She never looked at him like that, never so closed devoid of emotion or expression or, Jim disregards how her hands, soft and welcoming and begging to be held just a little longer, linger in the palm of his own where they so perfectly fit as he begins to pull away. GOOD MORNING, SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA, Michael announced with his same pushed, happy snarl walking into the Office with a toy red wagon tugging along behind him. Jim is Gone! To be fair to the people I played basketball with back then though, it is pretty hard to miss. Pam finds Jims collection of sex tapes from previous girlfriends. Shed been doing that all day, and he couldnt help but notice others (particularly Angelas) pointed disdain and he felt annoyed on Pams behalf. I can tell one of the camera interns has moved to my disappointed face. Christmas is a special time of caring. But, as long as I am making Pam happy, I dont give a flying f*ck. She had fallen into a pit of routine. Hed just laughed and joked that he should throw a rival party at the exact same time that she definitely was invited to. It was like second-hand happiness, and it carried them both through right to the end of the day so effectively it completely clouded any memory she may have had about whatever Michael or Dwight had been doing. I am your boss and I will not take no for an answer! Pam tries to befriend Karen. Trying to break dance? He's stealth at work except for Jim and Pam they know and they also know he's gay. I just love everything about this. In the split second he hits send, he swivels away and snatches a tissue from the half-empty box sitting in the corner of his desk, and brings his hands hurriedly to his face. He chuckles, delightfully caught off-guard that shed remembered him telling her about both instances. Summary: Jim cheated on Pam. But at least back then shed at least been his friend and been privy to that information as things were developing. It felt good. She succeeds at a little more than that. he was treading on a tightrope within his own mind, petrified in the fear of falling, of feeling of being anything but what hed convinced himself was normal. Well, with you to defend it, who needs me? he replies, pausing for a second as their eyes meet just to properly look at her, before tilting his head down to kiss away her indignation. Its its probably for the best, right? She found herself standing a little straighter in the days that followed, walking with a little more purpose. It took Jim a second to realise hed sat forward in his chair, enough to displace Karens hand from its perch, before he wordlessly sunk back again. Five words, one interaction in high school that made every decision for her in the future. The Office (US) Relationship: Pam Beesly & Jim Halpert Characters: Jim Halpert Pam Beesly Michael Scott Dwight Schrute Andy Bernard Stanley Hudson Additional Tags: Hurt Jim Hurt/Comfort Angst and Hurt/Comfort concussion Jim Halpert sick Sick Character car crash Jim-centric Hospital Roy beats up Jim Language: Feel better. Hed talk to her about things (but obviously not, How much had Jim told her about them and what had happened last year? She glanced up from her desk in a quiet moment once the office settled into its usual humdrum, eyes settling in their usual spot on the back of Jims neck. No, no, no, no, nononono, NO, Michael insists. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Complete Work. season 1/2/3 a redo of the booze cruise ( s2 e11 ) Jim sets his eyes on someone else after the heart breaking events and regrets from the first booze cruise. He half-assed his job, half-assed his relationship, and now, after a bizarre accident, hes even half-assed death itself. SO GOOD!!! No, no - I can tell the difference Betsy reached up to quickly feel his cheeks with the backs of her fingers. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. As soon as the words left his lips he already knew what her response was going to be, fear and apology briefly flashing in her eyes in equal measure. you were all snuffly and hoarse at dinner, and- yeah, just trust me she finished, before stepping away towards the door. This work could have adult content. But for some reason being thanked so sincerely by Karen for helping them over a bump in their relationship just touched a nerve Pam wasnt fully aware was still so raw. So I suppose this will have to do. I just loved seeing Dwight so riled up for competition and defending his title as Assistant to the Regional Manager. Her head is pounding and whatever adrenaline shed felt in the aftermath of the meeting earlier had long worn off, leaving her achy and tired and so stuffed up she could barely breathe. Jim disregards how her hands, soft and welcoming and begging to be held just a little longer, linger in the palm of his own where they so perfectly fit as he begins to pull away. His lips still tingled as he accepted her answer, thenturned on his heel and left, leaving her standing there still as a statue, beside the desk that would no longer be his. JIM9334: Then I suppose Im glad I can provide some morbid sense of entertainment, weirdo. The Office: Jim had an affair with Cathy Sims. Yeah, probably. Synopsis. theofficelovestory jimhalpertlovestory jimhalpertfanfiction +5 more # 7 Paper salesman by 0 4.1K 167 10 Its just- he pauses, nodding his head in agreement with a self-deprecating smile. Maybe it was the bright smile that greeted him. Also, its summer and Scrantons having an unusually warm season. Itd be practically volunteering herself. Pathetic to even yeah. Jim asked, bored, and returned to his documents. Studying him, but shining with concern the few times hed accidentally caught her gaze over the dinner table. Jim wouldve bet he did, if he wasnt more sure of the fact that if he did know Jim would be a dead man. , When theyd started officially dating was kind of hazy to decipher. I look at Pam who shares the same confused look like me, and she shrugs and goes back to work. Roy and Pam are at a coffee shop. Yeah, Michael, what if she wanted to sell them to someone who needed them. And that once the initial confession was unleashed it ignited a fire that burned and told him that it was the moment to fight. The feeling of fresh, new relationship excitement is just woven into every inch of this chapter. Pam froze for a second, feeling a flush of warmth in her cheeks as everyone turned their attention towards her. She looked him in the eye as shed said it too, and whatever Michael saw there gave him pause and had him stuttering out of his rhythm. Theyd always be friends. Jims heart sank into his stomach. *****************************************************************. They only really bother me when the pollen counts high, and on the days that it is I take two of these before work he argues, raising an eyebrow in Pams direction. So yeah, Jim noticed things. She checks her watch, heaving out a sigh as she raises her eyes to her reflection in the mirror. An "Office" fanfic between Jim Halpert Dwight Schrute. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. After a couple of beats they continued course though, and she feltthe bed dip beside her. On her desk, right next to the keyboard sat a steaming cup of tea. At Pam and Roy's wedding y/n is Pam's childhood friend as well as the maid of honor. He hadn't realized he had talked out loud. Her life had gone from this mass of chaos to nothing. Im having a lot of fun writing this! And she's just a little too bleary, too sick to come up with a good payback off the top of her head until he helps her build up steam. it was a miserable, never-ending walk. Hope you enjoy , Conference room, five seconds! You did that the last time too. It was established after Kevin threw up all over his desk because he had food poisoning. See, thats why you shouldnt hold them in like that. Lets do the movie. Dont sneeze, dont sneeze, dont sneeze just a couple more minutes, think decidedly non-sneezy thoughts (whatever they were), anything at all-, hhH? You're scary when you look at me like that?" You sound like youre getting a cold, too. so well written! Will they be each other's salvation, or each other's downfall? Very early dating life shenanigans. Jim shrugs Eh,I think Ill take my chances, Beesly. He eventually turns back around and eyes the screen with a teary glare. Finally gave her some tangible level of commitment and outward expression of forward-thinking regarding them. Roy Anderson/Jim Halpert. Like theyd both unspokenly decided to let the rest of the conversation slide, for the sake of, She studies his face wordlessly for a long few seconds, eyes narrow in skepticism, and he tries to keep his expression as neutral as he can. Though she puts it off for as long as possible, Pam eventually decides that the coffee machine must be tackled. I'm incredibly excited for this! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. this but lesbian jim because this tag desperately needs more content:')casino night but with useless desi lesbian "jaya"/jim and a sh*t ton of angst and mutual yearning. He noticed the previous day when she looked kind of run down, movements/expressions a little sluggish, and she kept clearing her throat with what looked like winces while they were discussing yet another one of Angelas cat parties. Affection curls in her chest like vine at the thought, though it wasnt a totally unwelcome constriction. She also needed to cast aside how shed always been abstractly aware that he was an attractive guy, but recently couldnt seem to shake the realisation that she was to some degree physically attracted to him (which wasnt a crime, she had to remind herself. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Physical touch was one of the biggest, shiniest new elements to what they had now, and it was like now that they could act upon the urges to be physically close to one another, with no fiances or girlfriends muddying the waters, it made them realise just how desperate and touch-starved theyd been before. Jim Halpert/Dwight Schrute. Theres something about his demeanour that strikes her as odd though and Pams about to question him further, only is distracted for a second by how close his body is to hers, a little bare strip of his belly just visible as he strains to reach, and she easily gives into the urge to loop her arms around his waist as he fiddles with the box. He's in deep, so much deeper than he realized, and he maybe sort of understands why Halpert fucked off to Connecticut. Apparently it is a thing, though. We've talked before about how Karen is kind of a maligned character, but she is perfectly expressed in this--a deep, intelligent, driven person who approaches her situation with logic but also hope and willingness to ask for what she needs--such a great foil for Pam in this moment. But that evening after the party was over, driving back to fancy new apartment (the first place shed ever had completely on her own) Pam really, truly got what Jim saw in her. But these little Jim-isms niggled at her. So, I gotta find a way to get these cookies out of the building. hybrid. It, In a spontaneous moment of decisiveness that surprises even himself, Jim steels himself and deletes her number from his phone in one fell ', She bither lip and musteredout a weak , She turnedback into her pillow as she heardthe front door slam closed, making her wince. He cant sleep once he gets home, sprawling out on the couch and flicking through late night TV, instead. Receptionitis15: Little bit late, but bless you, by the way. She swats his arm with a scoff, Youre so mean about your own nose!. Jims watery gaze meets her own, the opposition in hers now mirrored in his, and he grabs the packet of Claritin where it was forgotten on the bench, holding it up to her. The most likely explanation was that Michael misunderstood him. Like some sort of mind reader, Jim must sense she was about to speak up, because he jumps in quickly with I gotta ask - how did you get that coffee machine working on the first attempt, with no instructions? Hes in love with her and she at the very least has feelings for him too. It was an interesting thought, but one that eventually faded away in the lights and conviviality of Casino Night, and sitting across from her at that poker table. And that Jim is so deep in this pit of heartache and misery that, even if he weren't getting sick, it's blatantly obvious to the people that care about him that he's not doing well. Alright, I know what Im doing. Feel overwhelmed with emotion as spicy hunk Dwight Schrute sweeps you off your feet! Nothing, I I start, but Michael is already up and dancing around our clump of tables, headed toward his trusty steed; Dwight.