predictive index ceo profile

They work well with others and thrive in a team setting. If you fall into this category you are typically a detail-oriented individual who focuses on collecting thorough data. The study began by asking CEOs to what degree the pandemic has forced their business to restructure. Last year, finding the right talent was the No. Maybe you have been thinking of starting your own business? Stay on top of your Business Credit File . Companies may be committed to remote work, but that doesnt mean the shift has been easy. The following study dug deep into these issues, revealing a common thread: Executive and critical teams are struggling to get along and deliver on strategy. Artisan: This is usually the person who is considered the backbone of the organization. They understand that the future of work has changed forever, and they know they must adapt to remain competitive. 49 Monroe Center St NW Ste. COVID-19 has upended the nature of work. These people are driven by a need for mastery in their areas of specialization. These versatile workers can transform their working styles to meet the needs of the team. If you fall under the persistent category type you are typically a confident, analytical, strong-minded individual who approaches challenges with confidence, consistency, and organization. These workers value stability and consistency. And, these executives need a consultant to help them do so. Find out how you can help them build dream teams that get along and get the job done in the year to come. As CEOs make critical decisions about the future of their business, the shift in strategy hasnt been without bumps in the road. Access tools to help you manage income and expenses. This website uses cookies and third party services. Using Predictive Index to Match Executives Our independent executive matching process partly relies on assessment tools. Please check your email for your account information. Thousands of leaders use Predictive Success, a leader in Talent Optimization, to create teams that win and execute on strategy. Youll discover whats fracturing senior leadershipand why team cohesion is critical to success. An analytical, innovative individual who is willing to take calculated risks. Thats talent optimization: a powerful discipline that helps leaders put people in the right places, at the right times, for the right business needs. Other executives include Mike Zani, Chief Executive Officer; Jackie Dube, Chief People Officer and 14 others. Only two profile types fall into this category: an individualist and a scholar. Mavericks are visionaries with high aspirations and incredible tolerance for risk. CEOs dont just want to inspire employees for the here and now. Persuaders: People with this profile type are social, determined, and well-spoken individuals. Following such a drastic shift under short notice, senior teams are still acclimating to the current world of perpetual Slack messaging and Zoom meetings. The predictive index personality types are evaluated based on 4 traits. As of September, 78% of CEOs believed their executive team had strong cohesion. The Scholar PI emoji can be recognized by an open book. When asked how theyve engaged with consultants for help with business strategy, 54% of CEOs said Purchasing a new software or system. Mavericks: A person who has high aspirations and takes risks! As a leader, you have many important areas of focus. Employees are burnt out and disengaged after months of dealing with increased workloads, altered business strategies, and ambiguity. Its no surprise employee productivity is a major concern for CEOs. Success Centre Each reference profile describes the test takers based on the balance of the four factors that appears through their results, and helps the employer gain valuable insight into the workstyle preferences, social . Most candidates complete this assessment within less than 10 minutes. Which of the following are of high concern to you? Through the Predictive Success team of experienced, professional consulting staff, we give Canadian companies the edge to connect people to prot. Between navigating the pandemic, the economy, and a remote future, CEOs have critical business problems to solve. Is the team prepared for the work ahead? You like to contribute a strategic, data-driven approach to building winning teams. Predictive Index (PI), like few other well known assessment tools, is a very accurate system, but the most amazing part of it is that it produces accurate results within 6 minutes of inputs! It relies on objective people data, such as cognitive ability and behavioral fit. And that means helping clients build a talent strategy that prepares their employees for the work ahead. When senior leadership is making major decisions at lightning speed, its easy for middle managers to lose clarityespecially in a remote environment. Understanding how you are wired will enable you with the confidence that you are the right candidate for the position and/or industry by allowing you to take a deeper look into how you function internally. If leadership is in our DNA and we cant change our drives, is everyone with other drives doomed to be poor leaders? It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. By creating a unique emoji for each of the Predictive Indexs 17 unique reference profiles, users of the PI are able to better understand what each profile entails with a simple glance. COVID-19 has made it more difficult to earn and keep new business. Researchers asked CEOs to answer twice: once for how theyre feeling now (September 2020) and again for how they felt back in March 2020. With Predictive Index a talent optimization platform used by thousands of organizations around the globe for more than 65 years we can help you tie your people strategy to your business strategy. These team cohesion issues arent just prevalent; for many CEOs, theyre exhausting. A versatile individual who can really strive in multiple situations and industries! The Predictive Index Human Resources Services Westwood, MA 52,445 followers We empower businesses to align talent & people strategy with business strategy through our talent optimization platform. Align business strategy and people strategy, Explore our resource and learning library, Explore our resources and learning library. 2021 is a whole new ballgame for your clients and their teams. And CEOs recognize that power, too. That doesnt mean you have to start engagements from scratch. A director or manager of an innovative team would be a great position. Interestingly, only 17% of CEOs said Talent strategya 13% decline from 2019. Do you enjoy structure in the workplace? Experience the power of the worlds leading talent optimization platform, Call Support: 877-235-1541 Call Sales: 877-421-3717. By submitting my information, I agree to be subject to PI's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. To help your clients build momentum, first ensure their teams are engaged and motivated to hit their goals. They are factual leaders and are always happy to make a decision. They are extraverted, supportive, encouraging and thrive working in a team setting. View our Privacy Policy. Comprehensive company profiles. It introduces a free response format that asks you to fill in two identical checklists of 86 adjectives. Through this revealing process, your clients and their teams will discover their natural superpowers, as well as any caution areas. Hows senior leadership holding up? After a thorough analysis of millions of Behavioral Assessments, the PI Science Team identified 17 "Reference Profiles" that create a behavioral map for different types of people. Often perfectionists who are steady and dependable, this reference profiles PI emoji is symbolized by a beaming lighthouse. Valuable research and technology reports. When asked what their plans are for remote work moving forward, 76% of CEOs said theyll allow remote work on a full-time basis for all or most employees. An overwhelming 97% of companies will allow remote work in some form moving forward. Among the different tests and resources we use, the Predictive Index is one of our favorites. They often see the result, and create it. The goals of the company and the culture of its employees play a big role in the companys success. Operators are cooperative and patient, with the ability to remain calm in nearly any circumstance. I would investigate the HR world if this is you! But with COVID-19 and the economic downturn, CEOs have had to cut costs, reduce spending, and slow or freeze hiring. Which of the following is your #1 priority? Teams arent just newtheyre virtual. More than ever, CEOs are looking to retain the customers they have while also getting the most out of the people they have. Tel:905.430.9788 Not only does remote work change how teams communicate and collaborate; it can decrease employees confidence in the strategy. Contact 2? An Individualists PI emoji consists of a wise owl, quietly staring off into the night. Youve felt the magic of being on a dream team before, and youre about to feel that magic again. Yet good intentions arent enough to get stuck teams unstuck. Were committed to your privacy. Responses revealed a common thread: Executive and critical teams are struggling to get along and deliver on strategy. CEOs were presented with the following statement and asked to respond via a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5= strongly agree): My team has strong cohesion. Their answers provide a window into the minds of executive leaders during one of the most trying times in recent history. All of the best leaders, so-called CEO DNA or not, are in tune with their strengths and weaknesses and know when to let others lead. As of September 2020, in which areas could you benefit from a consultant to help with talent strategy? Next, researchers wanted to learn how CEOs have leveraged consultants in the past. Companies have generally stabilized since the onset of the pandemic. Be receptive to their technical needs, and accommodate them as best you can. In closing, your DNA combined with your life experiences play a large role in why youre a CEO, but if youre a successful leader, you no doubt have many people around you to thank. Made with remotely by ZenBusiness INC 2023. Feel the joy of working on a team that trusts each other. Its no secret that people are pivotal to business success. They are someone who brings reliability to the workforce. You are also self-disciplined and a go-to person who does not leave room for error. And this starts with helping clients build dream teams that get the work doneno matter what the future holds. This category consists of six different profile types: Analyzer, Controller, Venturer, Specialist and Strategist. They are fluent conversationalists that ask questions and listen intensely to everything you have to say. If you are a collaborator, consider being an account manager or a role that works with a team to create results. But 2021 brings brand-new challengesfor you, your firm, and most critically, your clients. Researchers asked CEOs to what extent theyve needed external help with their business and talent strategies in the past six months. A whopping 96% of respondents said they changed direction due to the pandemic, with 50% indicating their strategy shifted to a great extent. Someone who is a natural go-getter! The results from PI can help you assess a career path to make sure you are getting what you need and also meeting your employers expectations. While these alone are critical findings, they lead to something even more striking: Ninety-one percent of CEOs indicated they needed help with both business and talent strategies. Mavericks also tend to be leaders which make them good entrepreneurs. It was the most popular response by a wide margin. Thats an eye-popping 17% increase from the 2019 CEO Benchmarking Report. Months into the pandemic, you may have adapted to some of these changes. Tel:716.328.0678 You also may exceed in areas that push your boundaries and would be considered a strong-willed and goal-oriented individual. So the answer is that our DNA can play a large role in our propensity for being a successful CEO. 310 Byron St. South, Suite 1 Researchers had CEOs answer another statement, again asking them to respond via a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5= strongly agree): Employees across the company are able to effectively communicate the companys mission and strategy to others. As shown below, CEOs that lead almost entirely remote teams are more likely to doubt their teams ability than CEOs with less-distributed teams. CEOs dont value just any consulting solution. Venturer: This person likes to take charge! They want something thats tailored to the needs of their business. This designation helps CEOs better understand the behavioral makeup of their team. To what extent has the strategic direction of your company shifted since March 2020? This person likes to take charge! Red Wolf Group founder and CEO, Alicia Lykos, tells you all you need to know about each Predictive Index reference profile to help you understand each indivi.