netgalley profile example

, talk about the type of content that you create. Remember, the person reading your bio is a person. Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. Loved reading your Tips!! , Thanks for the advice. And if you find yourself craving indie books and a little less pressure, Discovery will be waiting right here. Not a Member? NetGalley is fairly simple to navigate, and you shouldnt have any problems. Your suggestions are very helpful. So how do you make a good Edelweiss or NetGalley profile? We love to read ourselves! Conciseness! Thank you so much for this advice! Do you run a book club? As with your preferred categories, it might seem like you should hedge your bets by going big, but its actually better to be selective yes, even as a new reviewer. Ive set this section of my Netgalley bio up by separating all the different sites I use to review. First Second uses Netgalley theyre a galley service that lets people request advance digital copies of our graphic novels (and other peoples graphic novels and prose books). This helps to ensure youre sharing the most accurate information about your job, social media statistics, and reading preferences. I just updated it now! Your Bio is the perfect place to share this information with publishersas long as youre comfortable, of course! . Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. If you feel NetGalley and its (admittedly impressive) big-name titles are your jam, have at it! Review Macmillan. I think they want you to have an 80% review rate? How Do I Make A Good Edelweiss Or NetGalley Profile? ), Thanks and yes, thats something I need to do too , This is great! I review everything I read. Hello, thank you for this it is really helpful for anyone setting up a netgalley profile! Publishers pay even more to list multiple books, including a set-up fee and a monthly subscription fee. . People typically request copies because theyre reviewers, and they need the advance copy of the book to write a review from, or because theyre teachers or librarians or booksellers, and they need to read the advance copy to figure out how many books to buy for their classroom or library or bookstore. The best books can go undiscovered. Book recommendations come in many forms, and its helpful for publishers to see if the books they approve you for may also end up in a listicle, Booktube video, Bookstagram picture, or more! Become an influencer in your genre and grow your following. Plus, set a recurring reminder for yourself to update those stats on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc). Your Reviewer Resume When a teacher/librarian/bookseller/reviewer etc. As you go, make any necessary updates. As for authors and publishers, there is an actual monetary cost. Are you a member of an authors street team? Check out our list of 17 sites where you can get paid to read and review. Reading Preferences: Your Topics - share how you interact with books. If you do have a website even if its just to host the main pieces of your portfolio add a link to that too. Check out more of our Profile dos and donts here! Im going to give several bloggers profiles as examples! Inactive reviewers wont be deleted, but low activity will severely damage one's chances of picking up first-choice proofs. Make sure you mention where those reviews appear and any places you cross-post your NetGalley reviews. However, if this is your goal, know that it will take some time (months or even years) to establish yourself as a reliable, auto-approval-worthy reviewer. I currently have XXXfollowers. Will you be writing any reviews (even just a few sentences?) I just wanted to make a sort of follow up post after the anti-piracy thread regarding Netgalley. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. Try to stick to 3-5 authors to keep things simple. I don't have hardly any social media presence but I do post reviews on goodreads. Thank you so much for all the advice! Make sure to include the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. If youre a reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. Well, youve come to the right place. I don't know about Netgalley but there have been several threads of people asking for Goodreads friends. Independent authors can choose between two six-month promotional packages, priced at $450 and $849 respectively. I don't give an ARC to people who write one-line reviews. I need to sign up for your newsletter to keep up. Netgalley is a site which is primarily used to get advance copies of books to industry figures so that they can take some action that will sell copies of a book when it comes out (like, writing a review that encourages people to buy books! This may be frustrating to hear when youre eager to pick up tons of books, but believe this: authors and publishers care way less about the numbers than they do about the reviews themselves. Ive revamped my most popular blog post slightly! Dont: Forget to check for typos and broken links I Give Feedback on everything else. I know my Profile needs some sprucing up and your comments really are very useful. This isnt the best statement to lead with if youre trying to convince a publisher to give you a digital galley. Thank you so much for this helpful advice , Thank you. Ive only had done 2 read nows so far (busy with a class until next week) and one I DNFed already. Do you host any online reading events? I use NetGalley and have gotten 85 books (not all romance) but I think I've been rejected for every direct request I've made. Do you host any online reading events? Welcome! There are wonderful authors and books that I would love to review. Profile Picture Twitter:I use Twitter to post my book reviews, share bookish news and support other book bloggers. Your Bio - Think about your NetGalley Profile like a resume. Maybe thats why I get rejected a lot haha. Trust book recommendations from real people, not robots . Publishers are looking for thoughtful, professional reviewers and your Bio is the first taste of your writing that they get. Great post, and definitely a useful tip for anyone new in NetGalley, and I think I consider myself quite a newbie there. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. "I love to read." First Second uses Netgalley they're a galley service that lets people request advance digital [] Look through which Categories youve selected, check that your links are working, and reread your Bio. These roles include bookseller, educator, librarian, media, or reviewer; you can choose to provide more specific details as well. Sunday Summary | 28th 4th June BookBum, How to write book request emails to publishers BookBum, The Mystery Blogger Award, take 6 BookBum, My Experience with NetGalley as a Newbie | Mint Loves Books, How To Order Books By Email Your reviews can help an unknown author find their audience. read tons of exciting new books before anyone else. Join For Free! Lots of numbers and where I publish and promote the books, and I also had to add that my blog was exclusively English (but thats probably just for those who dont live in an English-speaking country in the first place). NetGalley proudly works with publishers and authors, large and small, throughout the world. In Edelweiss, you can also specifywhy you want the book or why youre a good candidate for reviewing it, which can help! This can mean the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. I have kids so I reviewed a lot of kids books to quickly get my stats up. Just add any social media/sites where you discuss books (even if it's just Goodreads!) Now, consider youve just received 76 book requests. AvalinahsBooks receives books for free for review: Opinions are my own, but I sometimes get books for review in exchange for my opinion (for free). Click here for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type. }); Welcome to part 2 of the #NewBloggers 101 post series! Hi Jenna, sorry for the late response, Ive been on holiday! This site uses cookies. Learn more about our use of cookies: Cookie Policy. One thing I forgot to mention, but have now added, is that remember to update your stats reasonably often to keep everything up to date . What you need to keep in mind when requesting, though, isto not let it get out of hand. If youre not comfortable sharing your own photo, use the official brand logo from your bookstore, library, or school. But before that,if you want to find the other #NewBloggers 101 posts, just expand this list: NetGalley and Edelweiss are platforms where you can request advance reader copies of books in exchange to your honest review technically for free (you pay for it with blood, sweat and tears!) NetGalley is a service that allows authors and publishers to send digital books to readers for review. (My first one was from Berkley (publisher), and I love them, so I was excited.) Yes, you can have as many books as youd like! Book Blogger Etiquette: How To Get Comments? Everyone who joins Netgalley has to put together a quick profile; its basically something that has a persons name and their description of why they should be given books. I have kids so I reviewed a lot of kids books to quickly get my stats up. Finally, set your reading preferences on NetGalley, i.e. Do I still need to include it in the bio? Do you review for Amazon VINE? However, you also have to fill out your company (presumably helpful if you work in publishing or for a magazine/newspaper) and your role. Good luck with getting book freebies! Question: when you mention the stats for your WordPress account by month, how did you find that? Waterstones:Once published, I will post my reviews to the Waterstones website.. A friendly space for all horror, mystery & speculative fiction lovers. You can read. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All Rights Reserved. Add your school name. Provide links to your preferred platforms So as a reviewer, you might be a blogger, consumer reviewer, book trade professional (like an agent), or traditional reviewer who works for a publication. Set your own deadline a week before the publication date if possible, so you wont be scrambling to write a review at the last minute. But how does NetGalley work exactly, and is it worth signing up as a reader and reviewer? Its also bolstered by the fact that advance reader copies, or ARCs, are like catnip to readers after all, who can resist the chance to read tons of exciting new books before anyone else? By sharing your favorite authors, you can help provide an even better understanding of the types of books within those Categories you most enjoy. Click here to browse our publisher list. All that said, only you can decide which reviewing platform is best for you. Thank you so much! Short quiz about how much you actually know about requesting books! If you dont have one handy, snap a quick shot of yourself and a favorite book! Email and WordPress included, I also include all my social stats seperately, As for finding your stats by month, go to your my site/stats homepage bit and then in the top bar click months, and then you filter it by each month! There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. NetGalley was developed as an alternative to the production of paper galleys and has since evolved into a key marketing and publicity platform for publishers and authors. and share what you like in your profile/bio. Just keep requesting and reviewing! However, theres no such thing as a free lunch NetGalley members are expected to provide frequent reviews to retain access to its titles. Your Profile includes a section titled Where I Share Reviews. This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where youre employed. So that's how I do NetGalley! I blog about all sorts of topics in books empathy, culture, adventure cake. Basically I was hoping people could chime in with what to put in your bio and how they've had success getting approved. Everyone has influence. You will find your profile at the top of the dashboard: And then you just fill it out, copy pasting the text into the text box: The rest you will do when requesting the book for the first time, and it will save your preferences for the next time! If you prefer, you can replace your name with an auto-generated alias displayed next to your reviews instead Adding ABA or BA membership numbers to an account You don't have to if you don't enjoy the extra effort. NetGalley reports are an incredibly useful tool for a publisher using the site. Thanks for this. (LogOut/ Thanks and yes, they dont really give you much of an indication of what you should put in the bio! When you request there, you have the option to share why you're requesting a specific book, so that could possibly boost your chances. This post describes my position exactly although about a year later xD Thanks for asking the question, and I'd love to be one of your -- probably many now -- goodreads friends. Im not sure on a picture, I would guess it does help a little. (I note that this is a really, really specific set of instructions that will definitely help you out with requesting any First Second requests; possibly not so much with other publishers, depending on their own policies.). NetGalley is a service that provides digital advance copies aka galley proofs of books for members to read and review. Theirs is long. Indicate if you are a member of a professional organization, such as a state or regional teacher's association. If youre picking up ten new books a week and rushing to review them, you might build up a decent reputation but youll soon find yourself hating the work, and your reviews will start to sound churned-out and dull. As it gets new views every day I thought it could do with a little update. arent necessary. I love using ReadNow to find books I wouldn't have encountered otherwise, I don't mind not getting advance copies of the huge buzzy books because I know my library will buy them anyway, but ReadNow has helped me find some indie or small press authors I've really taken to. Thank you fo sharing. Thanks for your help and suggestions. When you request books on NetGalley, publishers will see the ABA logo near your name, allowing them to easily identify you as a confirmed ABA member. Here are a few Dos and Don'ts for your NetGalley profile, and 10 Things You Should Include in Your NetGalley Profile -- brought to you by We Are Bookish, NetGalley's editorial blog for members. and yes, I didnt think about it for ages and then after I updated it a few months back, I have found myself getting accepted for a load more books! Ive been using Netgalley for about a year and have been approved for about 70ish books. Hey Zuky! I love dark, unsettling, and weird fiction. Are you a blogger? Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. If I DNFed, I say why. So that should help you figure out the ins and outs of requesting books on Edelweiss, and let me talk about what you should do about your profile. Do you review audiobooks as well as print/e-books? however, social media followers dont take up that much space! What a publisher does then is to look at a persons profile. Simply click Find Titles at the top of the page and youll be taken to a dashboard of recently added titles, as well as dozens of categories to choose from. thank you again! Make sure to include the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. Also make sure that you have the right categories in your profile. If you dont have one handy, snap a quick shot of yourself and a favorite book! You can read this interview with a book publicist to learn more about the stats theyre looking for. , and the information there can help to shape what you share in your Profile. I have been trying to make my profile stronger. That does not affect my opinion or the review in any way. } Use the step-by-step instructions below as a general guideline for customizing the short bio templates above, or write one from scratch. I am starting to post my book reviews on Netgalley, but Im noticing that they arent separating into paragraphs and are just combining all togetherwhich looks ugly. Instagram: I use my Instagram to snap pics of my current reads and previously read books that I enjoyed, which can include Netgalley reads.