homestuck class personalities

Latula's "rad girl gamer" act fits with this pattern as well, as it was noted by Aranea in Openbound 1 that the Knight had lost her sense of smell. Vriska is cerulean-blooded and takes the role of an antihero in Homestuck. [HS 5] English's surname comes from the villain Lord English. It is possible that these classes are "master classes" in the sense that they are "master copies," or guidelines for what defines active and passive classes. 8ut once that journey is over, how fearsome he 8ecomes! First shown on-screen during Homestuck's third act, Shaenon Garrity described Jade as "the most recalcitrant" of the four kids. Sollux is known to evade absolute death, even becoming only half-dead. This suggests that Bards can use their aspect to improve their own abilities and possibly others. Games Music Resources Tools . The Carapacians serve as NPCs to the game of Sburb. Two of the Seers can hear the mental commands of the exiles louder and clearer than the other players. Aranea said he had "strong prophetic insights" that warned him of the oncoming Doom, much like Sollux. Similarly, Horuss Zahhak, Page of Void starts out with a deficit of nothing, being a high ranking renaissance troll with many skills. The Heir outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. No one will be able to hide any secrets from you! Page may also refer to the middle age term for a young knight in training. ", "Stuck on Homestuck: Shelby Cragg's paint adventure", "The Wizeguy: 'Homestuck' inspired 'Hiveswap' Interview", "Thanks for playing: the weird legacy of 'Homestuck', He used the Breeze to lift the Dersite battleship containing WV and the Courtyard Droll, created a windy shield in Collide and was an important influenced in his session's direction, for example, gifting Rose her signature knitting needles and retconning the entire Game Over timeline. Because of this, some speculate that Mages relate to knowledge and are similar to Seers. This religion is similar to that of the juggalo: he has an obsession with Faygo and believes firmly in miracles and the coming of the Dark Carnival. [6] He is often high on Sopor Slime or possessed by other forces such as Lord English or his classpect. These similarities go beyond just the terms though, the traits of each type also fit the general personalities of canon characters who are of the associated class. She is teal-blooded and portrayed as an avid role-player and has a strong sense of justice. You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. During his stay on the meteor, his uncanny ability to inspire Rage in Terezi results in him becoming her kismesis, which proves to be a very negative (or self-destructive, as it were) relationship for her. Known Seers are Rose Lalonde, the Seer of Light; Terezi Pyrope, the Seer of Mind; and Kankri Vantas, the Seer of Blood. homestuck class personalities . [6][HS 20] Her astrological sign is Libra. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. Additionally, Kurloz, the Prince of Rage, is always seen as being completely calm in all situations, meaning he completely lacks rage. This also could allude to Roxy's description of the active/passive classes being similar to the "attack/defend powers in an RPG". Also I think that Knights are meant to defend/protect their aspect on others or for others. Aside from her interest in the occult, the character also enjoys knitting and uses her knitting needles as her go-to weapons (strife specibus Needlekind). He claims he has a strong desire to kill all land-dwelling trolls and had commissioned a doomsday device from Vriska to that effect, but he never acts on any of this. Dersite and self proclaimed "Mayor of Can Town" who led a rebellion. -ROGUE- Alright, so with all of the Classes done, its time for the Aspects. The Seer is a passive (+) class, that uses extensive knowledge to coordinate their team members. Tavros entered the Medium disabled with dreams of flying, and had to overcome this (using a rocket car and robotic legs) in order to make any significant impact on the session. Heirs generally have to do very little work to become key players- fate guides them naturally to where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. several underlings with time-themed powers. Though Hussie used death as "the line between relevance and irrelevance", characters generally remain relevant in some way in the story, as there exist various video game-style constructs that allow a character to be revived. It may be significant that two Knights have been seen to have problems with other versions of themselves- Dave being creeped out by the "other hims" and Karkat always having arguments with his future and past selves. The name Karkat is a reference to "Karkata" the name of Cancer in the Hindu zodiac. They would build up the aspect in themselves and others before using it to bring destruction physically or destroy their aspect in others. Gamzee, as the Bard of Rage, could enter some sort of berserk mode, causing deep fear in everyone around and becoming exceptionally strong. The Prince's powers seem to include, (aside from their obvious abilities to channel their aspect to destroy, or simply destroy their aspect outright) phenomenal offensive abilities: If the pre-scratch version of Dave's bro is any indication, Dirk is also an incredibly strong fighter. A powerful psychic with an ability to speak with the dead, Aradia is responsible for recovering the code for Sgrub, the troll version of Sburb, from some ruins. Page: The biggest weenies, awkward and initially the weakest link of the group. Her classpect is Seer of Light. Jack Noir, along with Jade Harley, was unable to pick up the source of his scent, as if the Breeze was protecting him. It's a plant personality quiz. more directly cognizant of their exiles' commands. What do you do? His classpect is Knight of Time. A 2014 title quest that gives you your class and aspect based on a very short self-administered personality test. This could make it the passive (+) counterpart to the Knight class, Knights being speculated as those who fight (for themselves/for others) with [aspect] and Maids being those that protect themselves and others. The exact powers of Maids are unknown. MS Paint Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. God Tier Classes October 30, 2013 Emily Fantasy & Mythology Homestuck God Tier Class Maid Page Mage Knight Rogue Sylph Seer Thief . ARADIA: he is a powerful warrior class which exploits the flow of time as a weapon. Q2: What (in your opinion) is the greatest way you contribute to the fandom? It argues it's the cleanest, most streamline one, cutting all unnecessary variables. Bard: That one chill, offbeat friend who's hella weird but in a good way. Q11: You're traveling your planet, searching for your second gate. [7] His weapon of choice is a hammer (strife specibus Hammerkind). The garb of Knight is simple, wearing a T-shirt and pajamas while over it a blackish-grey hoodie cape, and flaunty red long-boots. Another speculation is that Witch is related to "breaking the rules" of their aspect. Canon Dubiously Canon Eridan Ampora, also known by his Trollian handle "caligulasAquarium", is one of the sea dwelling Alternian trolls. But before you know it, an incredibly contrived situation unfolds before you! He was on the Blue Team. In addition, it appears the right pant leg, along with probably the leg itself, was torn off so that Caliborn could replace it with a gold robotic prosthetic. He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. A definition of a Mage is one who knows about [aspect] or one who knows about [aspect] for themselves. When he did, he was surrounded by a strange purple lightning, which turned red later, and may have been Rage itself considering the purple colours of his god tier robes. All seen Maids have been female. Aradia gave the Trolls, Dave, and Rose time when she stalled Jack Noir and boosted the meteor towards its destination, and Jane is able to give life to others by reviving them once they die. Q9: Congratulations, you're in! John, the Heir of Breath, receives a sort of freedom from the storyline and a disconnection from reality when he is affected by Lord English's "treasure", and Mituna receives a kind of doom when he loses part of his sanity. some sort of cloth tiara deal embedded in it. Which is your class? Rose Lalonde is portrayed as an "intellectual", both through her obsession with Lovecraftian literature and through her organizing and planning the group's movement during the story. This was how I initially grouped each class with a type and wing. Homestuck aims to normalize and humanize internet cultures that are usually disfavored and rejected. Aranea, in Act 6 Intermission 5, describes the two options Yaldabaoth offers Caliborn in The Choice. He is a violet-blood, making him part of the two castes that make up the sea-dwellers, a sub-race of trolls "distinct from the commoners by mutation and habitat", as it is put during his introduction. The Page of Breath, Tavros Nitram, was shown exhaling with breath that resembled the Breath symbol when preparing to revive Vriska with a kiss. Act 6 Intermission 3 implies that both non-God Tier and God Tier Seers can use tarot decks to enhance their sight powers. His blood was used to block out information in Rose's tome, and his death can be seen as a pun on his title, as he was killed by being rendered "Void of Air". It is unclear where they fall on the active/passive axis. Jade Harley (the Witch of Space) is able to change the size, velocity, and position of things in space, and an alternate-timeline Feferi (the Witch of Life) was shown healing WV in a dream bubble. Lifespan and population Trolls higher on the hemospectrum have longer lifespans, with rust bloods usually living only a dozen or two sweeps (26 to 50 years) and most lower blood castes living roughly as long as a human, with green castes having lifespans extending above a hundred years. Maid could refer to "protecting/cleaning up/tidying [aspect]". I wonder what it means! Gamzee destroyed his own innate rage with the sopor slime before entering their game, only to go off of it and becoming highly destructive as a result. He has been seen in god tier clothing while in possession of Aradia's music box time machines. But I am sort of leaning torwards leaving them out for the same reason I left the different consort species out; they aren't really individual characters. This implies that Tavros, as the Page of Breath, is able to equip others with breath, explaining the Breath symbol that appeared when he prepared to revive Vriska with his kiss. some more strongly passive or active than others. Kanaya is a jade-blood. Sollux's creation of Sgrub, as well as the creation of the virus, could also be seen as evidence that Mages are in fact ones who create [aspect], although whether this makes the class active or passive is debatable. We've got pretty little info on what the titles really mean, so it's all fairly subjective. [HS 26] She is fuchsia-blooded, the highest ranking blood caste, being that of royalty, but is shown to be much more passive than other high bloods, wanting to coddle low bloods rather than "cull" them, which is in some ways worse. The other option, which could correspond to Calliope's role as a Muse, is for the player to give up all ambition and accept their own death in exchange for the promise that their sacrifice will benefit all who ever lived by ending "a force of unfathoma8le evil and destruction" - in other words, the player who chose the first option. Knights are thought to be warriors that exploit or equip themselves with their aspect as a weapon: one who wields one's aspect, while the Page may be the passive counterpart: one who equips others with one's aspect. Known Princes are Dirk Strider, the Prince of Heart; Eridan Ampora, the Prince of Hope; and Kurloz Makara, the Prince of Rage. Roxy, the Rogue of Void, is said to have "voidey blackout bullshit" follow her wherever she goes, and consequently obfuscated the view of the entire B2 session, though these manifestations of her aspect seem to be largely unintentional. Alternately, a Mage could be one who uses [aspect] to the benefit of others, but to the detriment of themselves. After clicking to go to the following page, the reader's sense of control dissipates as they are not actually allowed to enter a name. Witches might choose "which" portion of their aspect they want, such as Jade choosing which Space to occupy, including traveling to another session, and Feferi choosing which Life to lead. 3) Dirk destroys Jane's romantic chances with Jake, forcing her to come to terms with her timid and go-with-the-flow personality so that she can become a stronger and more decisive person in the future. Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff are intentionally poorly made, featuring unsteady lines, liberal use of the spray paint tool, heavy jpeg artification, and the unpopular typeface Comic Sans.[8]. He is the one who programs Sgrub (the troll version of Sburb) from the code Aradia found. However, "Page" could also be taken as "a blank sheet of paper," which would point to the potential they have and possibly make the Page as actually something to do with exploiting potential rather than that just being a side effect of their powers. Sollux has the ability to talk to the recently deceased, who inform him that Alternia will be annihilated. Answer the sixteen questions as accurately as you can. Telepathy. And more importantly, do you make a deal with the (equine) devil? Dave Strider is a boy "so cool he only appreciates things ironically." Known Thieves are Vriska Serket, the Thief of Light; and Meenah Peixes, the Thief of Life. Most importantly to the story, Gamzee helps Caliborn control his rage and destructive impulses so that he can more effectively bring destruction to others. Q13: While doing some late-game grinding, you stop to rest inside a cave. It shares this quality with the Maid, Heir, and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. [5], Trolls chat with unique typing quirks, inserting clues concerning the speaker's identity in their chat patterns. In the figurative sense, she focused on helping people to heal from psychological wounds. Cronus destroyed his own "hope" or fantasy of being a wizard. [HS 10][HS 11] Her classpect is Maid of Time. Even more literally, an heir could be considered one who is entitled to [aspect] on behalf of another's death. [HS 4] At a young age, he made a digital copy of his brain that became his self-aware chat auto-responder. It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. Equius can be seen as such an example, as he had all the capabilities (great engineer, impossibly strong) and strong convictions (his belief in the hemospectrum based caste system) to be a most active element in the game and in the story, but by being an Heir of Void, he ended up just being a smaller presence. Q3: If you could have any of the below powers (in real life), which would you go for? Her weapon is a set of legendary eight-sided dice, which, depending on what they roll, can cause devastating attacks. [12], Learn how and when to remove these template messages, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Homestuck: The most popular comic you've never heard of", "Behind Andrew Hussie's Homestuck Adventure Game", "Into The Hive Mind: Fandom==> Descend Into Madness", "The ironic awfulness off 'Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff', "Bisexual Trolls and Non-Binary Sprites: The Power of LGBTQ Visibility in "Homestuck", "HomeStuck: Info & Explanations Hemospectrum", "From Homestuck to Hollywood, actor Dante Basco breaks the mold", "10 of the Most Hardcore, Eyepatch Wearing Characters in Geekdom", "My question for @andrewhussie is who is Ms. He is shy and unassertive, and struggles with standing up for himself, especially to Vriska. Mage: Easily immersed in hobbies and generally very sad. Knights might be protectors of their aspect as well, examples being Dave's conscious efforts to maintain the timeline and concerns over John's new timeline-altering powers, as well as Karkat's protection of his team/comrades (Blood) throughout their session and post-scratch. Her astrological sign is Pisces. This is later seen to be definitely true as all known seers have been known to gain information from the experiences of their alternate selves. [HS 9] Her astrological sign is Aries. Q0: Would you be bothered if you got a class of the wrong gender? His associated zodiac sign is Aquarius (), and his horns are wavy which represent his associated symbol. Four Examples of Space players are availible, Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam, Porrim Maryam and Calliope. Three male-exclusive classes were stated (Bard, Prince and Lord), as was one female-exclusive class (Muse). Dave represented their lack of time. All Knights seen thus far have made a point of concealing their innermost selves- in part because of a physical "imperfection"- where possible. [11] Troll culture features a complex system of romance, featuring four "quadrants",[HS 6] that was specifically designed to encourage shipping among Homestuck fans. [3] Elliott Dunstan of Monkeys Fighting Robots said, "the sheer number of characters and possible interactions can get overwhelming", and that each fan ends up with a favorite cast member. He looks angry. Interestingly, the tiara appears to be attached to the hood. Start Quiz. This was how I initially grouped each class with a type and wing. This potential is also hinted at when Tavros and Aradia talk about how Tavros's Flarp class Boy-Skylark's useful c0mbat abilities [d0n't] c0me int0 play until y0u reach a very high level and here when Aranea said: You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. It is not clear whether this is Caliborn's original default Lord of Time outfit or a modified version like Meenah's outfit in Ministrife, but modifications very likely took place. If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect], as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart. A heart of gold. He also claims that he is destined to go blind before dying,[HS 15] a claim which later proves to be partially true. This would explain the fact that Sollux's abilities benefit the team overall, but cause him a great deal of personal distress. Characters frequently die within the plot of Homestuck, which Andrew Hussie described as a necessity of a story with such a large cast. Q15: You beat your Denizen and stopped the Reckoning! Unlike the traditional zodiac, this system takes into account certain features of your personality and perspective, rather than simply the day you were born. [10] Jade Harley lives on a remote island together with her dog, Becquerel, who is the First Guardian of Earth (later merging with him). Hello! Dirk (albeit the splintered version of Dirk that exists only within Jake's subconscious) reveals that Pages have a lot of untapped potential and once they find this potential within them they are adept at using it. It's unclear whether this means Calliope was canonically wrong about gender bias, or if Hussie was simply lifting the restrictions for fan content. Aradia, when talking to Sollux, mentioned that the reason she was accompanying Vriska on her mission to find Lord English's treasure was because all loops must be tidied up even his. Meenah, the Thief of Life, "stole" her friends' lives by killing them so they could continue to exist after the scratch in A1. Aradia could also use her time powers to freeze Jack in time, thus protecting herself with time. Known Witches are Jade Harley, the Witch of Space; Feferi Peixes, the Witch of Life; and Damara Megido, the Witch of Time. As such, the definition of Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others. [HS 7] At Vriska's suggestion, Equius creates a robot body for Aradia which she inhabits for a large part of the comic. "[6] Jokingly described by blogger Subdee as a "shoujo [sic] heroine", John's character is notably fond of bad films and has a seemingly irrational revulsion to the Betty Crocker brand. Paint and why has she not shown up in her own Adventures", "A Guide for the 'Homestuck' First-Timer", "What Is Homestuck? The passive/active system exists on a scale, with some classes being more passive or active than others. It seems that you get better results if you come up with an answer to the question before looking at the choices. As you comprehend the gravity of the situation, it laughs a very evil, horsey laugh. As you can see the wing terms are eerily similar to certain classes of homestuck. If Caliborn's rant is anything to go by, progressing as a Lord involves excruciating effort and a large amount of suffering. Her astrological sign is Leo. The Thief and Rogue class pairing are active (-) and passive (+) respectively. Hello! Due to the contextual relation in the name, Pages are speculated to be the counterpart to a Knight (In medieval times, a Page was a sort of apprentice to a Knight; this interpretation of the title's origin more closely aligns with the feudalistic naming scheme of the classes), although it is debated whether they are the Active or Passive counterpart. Her classpect is Sylph of Space and, being the space player, she creates the genesis frog of her session. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. Alternatively, a Mage may display the absence of their aspect. He was seen summoning large, tornado-like structures on LOHAC and on Skaia as well. Aradia mentions this idea to Dave at one point. Curiously, the only session to succeed in breeding a healthy Genesis Frog involved the Time and Space players working together. [15] His classpect is Page of Breath. [8] Dave has been described as "smart-cynical," and is John's best friend. 4) Dirk even breaks himself down into 'splinters' in attempts to improve and better understand himself, but winds up forced to confront the most negative aspects of his personality and how to overcome them. [16] Her classpect is Seer of Mind. One of the Mages apparently experienced this as well. They often do not have to work as . I'll be doing them in one big batch. According to Autostraddle, many characters reach a greater importance after their death, as they can contribute to the story as ghosts or helper sprites. The god tier outfit for Princes seems to consist of pantaloons and a tiara, much like an ordinary prince, despite the class's non-literal nature. Your favorite Homestuck kid/troll bursts through an inter-session portal, badly wounded, making a last stand against furious horrorterrors pouring through after them. Known Pages are Jake English, the Page of Hope; Tavros Nitram, the Page of Breath; and Horuss Zahhak, the Page of Void. [HS 5] He is a fan of action movies and speaks in an antiquated fashion. As a Sylph of Light, Aranea healed primarily by helping people to see things, both figuratively and literally. Aradia (the Maid of Time) was able to freeze Jack, while Jane (the Maid of Life) was able to heal herself after being stabbed, and is able to bring people back from the dead - an ability, according to Jade, that is limited to one use per person. The Heir class could also mean one that manipulates [aspect] or one that changes [aspect]. The most common definition of a Witch is one who manipulates [aspect], although that seems a little vague. She tends to speak and write in a formal, overwrought manner, as if to demonstrate her knowledge. Classpect Mage Mage symbolizes a full of energetic, dominating, and thoughtful class.