column 7 of the hazardous materials table

These provisions apply only to transportation in IBCs and Large Packagings. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. B15 Packagings must be protected with non-metallic linings impervious to the lading or have a suitable corrosion allowance. TP45 Each portable tank must be made of stainless steel, except that steel other than stainless steel may be used in accordance with the provisions of 173.24b(b) of this subchapter. These entries include hybrid electric vehicles powered by both an internal combustion engine and batteries. However this examination is required when the conditions of 180.605(f) are met. Unless otherwise provided in this subchapter, these special provisions do not apply to UN, IM Specification portable tanks or IBCs. (See 173.50 of this subchapter.). If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. 115 Boosters with detonator, detonator assemblies and boosters with detonators in which the total explosive charge per unit does not exceed 25 g, and which will not mass detonate and undergo only limited propagation in the shipping package may be assigned to 1.4B classification code. As a 4 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone D (see 173.116(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. No label is needed where the table shows the word NONE. This entry does not apply to life saving appliances described in 173.219 (UN2990 and UN3072). Cargo and portable tanks must have a design pressure of at least 1,207 kPa (175 psig). Title 49 was last amended 2/03/2023. b. Alcoholic beverages containing more than 24 percent but not more than 70 percent alcohol by volume must be transported as materials in Packing Group III. (b) Description of codes for special provisions. 21 This material must be stabilized by appropriate means (e.g., addition of chemical inhibitor, purging to remove oxygen) to prevent dangerous polymerization (see 173.21(f) of this subchapter). The pressure relief device must be preceded by a frangible disk in accordance with the requirements in 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter to prevent crystallization of the product in the pressure relief device. Additionally, the offeror must notify the carrier if the tank pressure rise exceeds 3 psig over any 24-hour period. 340 This entry applies only to the vessel transportation of nickel-metal hydride batteries as cargo. Bulk packagings must have exterior heating coils fusion welded to the tank shell which have been properly stress relieved. Quantities of not more than 500 g per package with not less than 10 percent water by mass may also be classed in Division 4.1, provided a negative test result is obtained when tested in accordance with test series 6(c) of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). (4) A code containing the letters IB or IP refers to a special provision that applies only to transportation in IBCs. 367 For the purposes of documentation and package marking: a. 422 When labelling is required, the label to be used must be the label shown in 172.447. IBCs are only authorized if approved by the Associate Administrator. 384 For green graphite electrodes and shapes that are large single component solid objects not subject to shifting, transport in open rail flat cars, open bed motor vehicles, and intermodal containers is also authorized. (3) A code containing the letter B refers to a special provision that applies only to bulk packaging requirements. 106 The recognized name of the particular explosive may be specified in addition to the type. B44 All parts of valves and safety relief devices in contact with lading must be of a material which will not cause formation of acetylides. 61 A chemical oxygen generator is spent if its means of ignition and all or a part of its chemical contents have been expended. B133 Hydrochloric acid concentration not exceeding 38%, in Packing Group II, is authorized to be packaged in UN31H1 or UN31HH1 intermediate bulk containers when loaded in accordance with the requirements of 173.35(h) of this subchapter. This training must be documented in training records required by 172.704(d). D. Class 5 materials This training must be documented in training records required by 172.704(d). B54 Open-top, sift-proof rail cars are also authorized. B26 Tanks must be insulated. If unlined tanks are washed out with water, they must be repassivated prior to return to service. a. (3) When no bottom openings are authorized, the alternative portable tank must not have bottom openings. **Self-reactive materials that are thermally unstable and that Based on the volatility class determined by using ASTM D 439 and the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) of the particular gasoline, the maximum lading pressure and maximum ambient temperature permitted during the loading of gasoline may not exceed that listed in Table I. here. The Office of the Federal Register publishes documents on behalf of Federal agencies but does not have any authority over their programs. 237 Batteries, dry, containing potassium hydroxide solid, electric storage must be prepared and packaged in accordance with the requirements of 173.159(a) and (c). 23 This material may be transported under the provisions of Division 4.1 only if it is so packed that the percentage of diluent will not fall below that stated in the shipping description at any time during transport. In addition, the portable tank must be designed so that internal surfaces may be effectively cleaned and passivated. 125 Lactose or glucose or similar materials may be used as a phlegmatizer provided that the substance contains not less than 90%, by mass, of phlegmatizer. Navigate by entering citations or phrases TP8 A portable tank having a minimum test pressure of 1.5 bar (150 kPa) may be used when the flash point of the hazardous material transported is greater than 0 C (32 F). You can Wooden boxes must be completely lined with a suitable material impervious to water and nitroglycerin. 371 a. developer resources. Prohibited means bottom openings are prohibited, and Prohibited for liquids means bottom openings are authorized for solid material only. N65 Outage must be sufficient to prevent cylinders or spheres from becoming liquid full at 55 C (130 F). e. Transport in accordance with this special provision must be noted on the shipping paper. The letter codes are placed in front of the number codes (for example, "A29"). Packagings of other material with a small amount of metal, for example metal closures or other metal fittings such as those mentioned in part 178 of this subchapter, are not considered metal packagings. The vacant space (outage) may be charged with a nonflammable nonliquefied compressed gas if the pressure in the cylinder or sphere at 55 C (130 F) does not exceed 125 percent of the marked service pressure. The letter Z shown in the marking code for composite IBCs must be replaced with a capital code letter designation found in 178.702(a)(2) of this subchapter to specify the material used for the other packaging. TP32 Portable tanks may be used subject to the following conditions: a. 1 CFR 1.1 shipping name in Column (1) of the 172.101 Table, it means that the mate-rial is known to pose a risk to humans. TP2 a. In addition, a lighter design intended to contain a non-pressurized Class 3 material is excepted from the examination and testing criteria specified in 173.308(b)(3). Column 7 of the HMT specifies codes for special provisions applicable to packaging, packaging requirements, certification, and marking or labeling for a hazardous material. (2) A code containing the letter A refers to a special provision which applies only to transportation by aircraft. Each inner packaging is contained in a sealed leak-proof intermediate packaging with sufficient absorbent material capable of containing the contents of the inner packaging; c. Intermediate packagings are securely packed in an outer packaging of a type permitted by 173.158(g) of this subchapter which meet the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter at the Packing Group I performance level; d. The maximum quantity of nitric acid in the package does not exceed 300 mL; and. The tank must have been designed and constructed to be capable of withstanding full vacuum. A portable tank may be offered for transport after the date of expiry of the last lining inspection for a period not to exceed three months for purposes of performing the next required test or inspection, after emptying but before cleaning. N78 Packages consisting of inner glass, earthenware, or polyethylene or other nonfragile plastic bottles or jars not over 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) capacity each, or metal cans not over five pounds capacity each, packed in outer wooden boxes, barrels or kegs, or fiberboard boxes are authorized and need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. 148 For domestic transportation, this entry directs to 173.66 for: a. For a battery whose voltage (electrical potential) exceeds 9 volts -, (1) When contained in a device, the device must be packaged in a manner that prevents unintentional activation or must have an independent means of preventing unintentional activation (e.g., packaging restricts access to activation switch, switch caps or locks, recessed switches, trigger locks, temperature sensitive circuit breakers, etc. 136 This entry applies only to articles, machinery, and apparatus containing hazardous materials as an integral element of the article, machinery, or apparatus. R1 A person who offers for transportation tank cars containing sulfur, molten or residue of sulfur, molten may reference the Sulfur Institute's, Molten Sulphur Rail Tank Car Guidance document (see 171.7 of this subchapter) to identify tank cars that may pose a risk in transportation due to the accumulation of formed, solid sulfur on the outside of the tank. be marked with the hydrostatic pressure test marking specified in 173.24a(b)(4). A stimulating mechanism must be used to initiate one article in the middle of the packaging. Transportation of these packages also requires the door of each van trailer to be marked with Warning trailer may contain chemical vapor. These provisions apply only to transportation by aircraft: A1 Single packagings are not permitted on passenger aircraft. B10 MC 300, MC 301, MC 302, MC 303, MC 305, and MC 306 and DOT 406 cargo tanks, and DOT 57 portable tanks are not authorized. 102 The ends of the detonating cord must be tied fast so that the explosive cannot escape. (5) Each receptacle shall be able to withstand a pressure of 20 bar (2000 kPa) without leakage when the pressure relief device is deactivated. Each IBC may not exceed a maximum net quantity of 1,000 kg: a. N89 When steel UN pressure receptacles are used, only those bearing the H mark are authorized. B28 Packagings must be made of stainless steel. B57 Class 115A tank car tanks used to transport chloroprene must be equipped with a non-reclosing pressure relief device of a diameter not less than 305 mm (12 inches) with a maximum rupture disc pressure of 310 kPa (45 psig). Column 7 specifies codes for special provisions applicable to hazardous materials. b. The manufacturer must apply procedures to ensure that articles produced in series are made of good quality, conform to the design type and are able to meet the requirements in (a). 8 A hazardous substance that is not a hazardous waste may be shipped under the shipping description Other regulated substances, liquid or solid, n.o.s., as appropriate. 176 This entry must be used for formaldehyde solutions containing methanol as a stabilizer. b. Net weight of contents may not exceed 15 kg (33 pounds). 81 Polychlorinated biphenyl items, as defined in 40 CFR 761.3, for which specification packagings are impractical, may be packaged in non-specification packagings meeting the general packaging requirements of subparts A and B of part 173 of this subchapter. IBCs must be packed in closed freight containers or a closed transport vehicle. (h) Column 7: Special provisions. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. After unloading, the residual material also must be covered with an inert gas or the container must be filled with water to the tank's capacity. Nickel-metal hydride batteries subject to this special provision are subject only to the following requirements: (1) The batteries must be prepared and packaged for transport in a manner to prevent a dangerous evolution of heat, short circuits, and damage to terminals; and are subject to the incident reporting in accordance with 171.16 of this subchapter if a fire, violent rupture, explosion or dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an amount of heat sufficient to be dangerous to packaging or personal safety to include charring of packaging, melting of packaging, scorching of packaging, or other evidence) occurs as a direct result of a nickel metal hydride battery; and (2) when loaded in a cargo transport unit in a total quantity of 100 kg gross mass or more, the shipping paper requirements of Subpart C of this part, the manifest requirements of 176.30 of this subchapter, and the vessel stowage requirements assigned to this entry in Column (10) of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table. B131 When transported by highway, rail, or cargo vessel, waste Paint and Paint related material (UN1263; PG II and PG III), when in plastic or metal inner packagings of not more than 26.5 L (7 gallons), are excepted from the marking requirements in 172.301(a) and (c) and the labeling requirements in 172.400(a), when further packed in the following specification and non-specification bulk outer packagings and under the following conditions: a. The cargo transport unit shall display the UN number in a manner in accordance with 172.332 of this subchapter and be placarded on two opposing sides. Unlined tanks must be passivated before being placed in service. b. A9 For combination packagings, if plastic bags are used, they must be packed in tightly closed metal receptacles before packing in outer packagings. When used for purposes such as sterilization, inner packagings of peroxyacetic acid, stabilized, classified as UN 3107 Organic peroxide type E, liquid or UN 3109 Organic peroxide type F, liquid may be fitted with a vent consisting of hydrophobic membrane, provided: (1) Each inner packaging contains not more than 70 mL; (2) The inner packaging is designed so that the vent is not immersed in liquid in any orientation; (3) Each inner packaging is enclosed in an intermediate rigid plastic packaging with a small opening to permit release of gas and contains a buffer that neutralizes the contents of the inner packaging in the event of leakage; (4) Intermediate packagings are packed in a fiberboard box (4G) outer packaging; (5) Each outer packaging contains not more than 1.4 L of liquid; and. Large Packagings are authorized for the Packing Group III entries of specific proper shipping names when either special provision IB3 or IB8 is assigned to that entry in the 172.101 Table. TP18 The temperature of this material must be maintained between 18 C (64.4 F) and 40 C (104 F) while in transportation. B45 Each tank must have a reclosing combination pressure relief device equipped with stainless steel or platinum rupture discs approved by the AAR Tank Car Committee. Samples taken at random must withstand the prescribed tests without breakage or leakage. The quantities of hazardous materials do not exceed those specified in 173.4a of this subchapter; and. These provisions apply only to transportation by water: W1 This substance in a non friable prill or granule form is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Test and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) and is found to not meet the definition or criteria for inclusion in Division 5.1. The standards for CTMVs capable of transporting multiple hazardous materials for blasting in bulk and non-bulk packagings (i.e., a multipurpose bulk truck (MBT)). These substances must satisfy the criteria for classification as an ammonium nitrate emulsion of Test Series 8 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I, Section 18 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and may not be classified and transported unless approved by the Associate Administrator. B25 Packagings must be made from monel or nickel or monel-lined or nickel-lined steel. (i) These provisions apply to the transportation of hazardous materials in IM and UN Specification portable tanks. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 49 :: Subtitle B :: Chapter I :: Subchapter C :: Part 172 :: Subpart B :: Section 172.102. See Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s. in the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) of this part for transportation requirements for nickel-metal hydride batteries transported by other modes and for nickel-metal hydride button cells or nickel-metal hydride cells or batteries packed with or contained in battery-powered devices transported by vessel. a. c. Packagings are excepted from the design stress limits at elevated temperatures, as described in Section VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). Where the subsidiary hazard material is Forbidden in column (9A) or (9B) of the 172.101 Table, the radioactive material may only be offered for transportation and transported by aircraft under conditions approved by the Associate Administrator. These special provisions are in addition to the standard packaging requirements. If chemical stabilization becomes ineffective at lower temperatures within the anticipated duration of transport, temperature control is required and is forbidden by aircraft. Effective January 1, 2014, for transportation domestically by highway or rail, this entry may only be used if the results of Test Series 6(d) of Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) have demonstrated that any hazardous effects from accidental functioning are confined to within the package. For example, nickel-metal hydride batteries transported by vessel in certain quantities are covered by another entry (see Batteries, nickel-metal hydride, UN3496). b. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. A2 Single packagings are not permitted on aircraft. All openings must be closed with gasketed blank flanges or vapor tight threaded closures. Column 4 specifies the applicability of 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter for the pressure relief devices. 338 Life Saving appliances, self-inflating transported by motor vehicle only between an U.S. Coast Guard approved inflatable life raft servicing facility and a vessel are only subject to the following requirements: a. 385 Notwithstanding the provisions of 177.834(l) of this subchapter, cargo heaters may be used when weather conditions are such that the freezing of a wetted explosive material is likely. TP4 The maximum degree of filling for portable tanks must not exceed 90%. There must be no hazardous effects outside the package such as disruption of the package, metal fragments or a receptacle which passes through the packaging. 130 Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s., commonly referred to as dry batteries, are hermetically sealed and generally utilize metals (other than lead) and/or carbon as electrodes. Refrigerated liquefied gases that are authorized to be transported in portable tanks are specified in tank instruction T75. Only Specifications MC 304, MC 307 or DOT 407 cargo tank motor vehicles are authorized for transportation by vessel. (2) To the extent a special provision imposes limitations or additional requirements on the packaging provisions set forth in column 8 of the 172.101 table, packagings must conform to the requirements of the special provision. Special provisions contain packaging provisions, prohibitions, exceptions from requirements for particular quantities or forms of materials and requirements or prohibitions applicable to specific modes of transportation, as follows: (1) A code consisting only of numbers (for example, 11) is multi-modal in application and may apply to bulk and non-bulk packagings. The chemical under pressure must be classed based on the hazard characteristics of the components in the propellant; the liquid; or the solid. Flammable components are flammable liquids and liquid mixtures, flammable solids and solid mixtures or flammable gases and gas mixtures meeting the following criteria: (1) A flammable liquid is a liquid having a flashpoint of not more than 93 C (200 F); (2) A flammable solid is a solid that meets the criteria in 173.124 of this subchapter; or. B47 Each tank may have a reclosing pressure relief device having a start-to-discharge pressure setting of 310 kPa (45 psig). TP19 The calculated wall thickness must be increased by 3 mm at the time of construction. For other than Class 7 or the DANGEROUS . B35 Tank cars containing hydrogen cyanide may be alternatively marked Hydrocyanic acid, liquefied if otherwise conforming to marking requirements in subpart D of this part.