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If you recall, M.E. The Family Murders (Part Two: The Family) Unresolved Neil's penis had been cut, and he was missing a testicle at the time of discovery. His family knew this but accepted that there was little they could do to curtail this behavior; letting Alan grow and develop at his own pace as his adolescence came to an end. When Boris had last seen Richard, walking away from the bus stop down the street from his home, he had still been wearing the collar, and it is has been theorized that the collar itself might have been a trigger for the deviant (or deviants) that ultimately decided to abduct Richard. Father of boat crash victim Mallory Beach snubs Alex Murdaugh's family The group was involved in kidnapping, sexually abusing, torturing and murdering 5 boys. This ultimately resulted in a victory for Dr. Peter Millhouse's attorneys, earning the man an acquittal and his freedom. Now, with Mark Langley, police were able to confirm the presence of the drug Mandrax in his system. Because homosexuality was still outlawed in Australia at this point, Vice officers would often detain individuals that they believed were loitering nearby known gay hotspots. This website was built on publicly available information contributed by many people who have an interest in this case. There, George was plied with beers and other alcoholic beverages while the older women flirted with him. Unfortunately, as the farmer's land burned, so did the remains of the missing teenager. At the time of the murder, Dr. Millhouse - a gay man in his mid-forties - lived alone in northern Adelaide, and drove a ten-year-old Holden sedan. . It has been reported that the exposed skin on his face and neck had begun to wither away, leading to the theory that he had been killed shortly after going missing. He then moved away from Adelaide and the murders continued. This caller told detectives that a man named Bevan Spencer von Einem was responsible for Alan's death, and his name was added to the list of potential suspects to explore. After all, three of the victims (Alan Barnes, Neil Muir, and Mark Langley) had all died of similar injuries, and at least three (Alan Barnes, Mark Langley, and now Richard Kelvin) had all gone missing on Sundays. He is 50 metres from his beautiful family home. With tattoos, long hair, and a gruff demeanor, Neil looked like your average rock musician, and his transient lifestyle seems to support that. Also, like the other victims, Mark's cause-of-death seemed to be nearly identical: blood loss from an anal injury, caused by the forced insertion of an unknown item. [11], Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 04:35, List of serial killers by number of victims, Von Einem: Lawyers in new bid to re-open Kelvin case, "Doctor found not guilty of 'Family' murder of Neil Muir dies in NSW", "Australian police reopen notorious 1970s Family murders case", "Body in bag: jury acquits doctor in Adelaide", "Lost diary gives South Australia police new lead into Alan Barnes murder by The Family", "Many Theories, Few Clues in String of Adelaide Murders", "Record 24-year non-parole period for boy's killer",, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 04:35. Alan Arthur Barnes, aged 16, murdered in 1979. As the 1970s entered their homestretch, Alan was beginning to enter the phase of his life where he experimented with drug and alcohol usage. Unfortunately, information gathered by police that fateful Tuesday began to cast doubt on the idea that Richard had willingly chosen to run away from home. They phoned police that evening, hoping that their son's whereabouts could be chalked up to a simple miscommunication. View description Share. This was as good of a tip as police were going to get, and since the most recent victim of this strange killing spree had been found in the Foothills, police decided to follow through on the tip. [16][22] The sedative-hypnotic drug Mandrax, popular in the 1970s disco scene, was found in Langley's blood. In June of 1983, Richard Kelvin was approaching sixteen years of age. They tried to hitch a ride on Grand Junction Road, a busy thoroughfare in Adelaide, before realizing that they were going to have no luck hitchhiking together. When this young man woke up the next day, he was surprised to find himself both at home and in significant pain. The name of the group stems from an interview a police detective gave on 60 Minutes, claiming the police were taking action to break up the happy family. We know that on the morning of Sunday, June 17th, Alan and his friend woke up, and tried their luck hitchhiking back to Alan's family's house (a practice that wasn't that uncommon in the late 1970s). Family Murders Are Adelaide's Most Horrific Unsolved Crime - PEDESTRIAN.TV In August of 1979, Neil was living alone in an apartment on Carrington Street, right in the middle of Adelaide itself. But he didn't commit these crimes on his own. Meanwhile, the mutilation of Neil Muir's body seemed to be identical to that perpetrated upon Peter Stogneff's remains, whose limbs had been similarly severed with a saw-like device. This meant doing away with large plots of dried-out farmland in a prescribed burn to prepare for the upcoming spring bloom. He had become so messed up on drugs and alcohol that a bouncer had to physically drag him outside of a bar, where he stumbled onto the pavement and struggled to get up. That evening, as Mark drove around with his friend Ian and Ian's girlfriend, Paula, an argument broke out. By the time they managed to look outside, whoever had been outside had already sped off. He had multiple channels to procuring young men. Among those voices, he described, was a higher-pitched voice, which sounded almost feminine. Alan Barnes was a teenager growing up in this environment, who seemed to live on the bubble between childhood and adulthood in the winter of 1979. This witness recalled Alan getting into a vehicle, which appeared to be a white Holden sedan. The Family Murders: 'Dissected' - There are also notorious unsolved disappearances in Adelaide, including the Beaumont children. It was speculated that a foreign object had caused the internal perforations, leading to the belief that the killer had been a sexual sadist whose only intent was to cause physical pain. POLICE are investigating new information linking convicted killer Bevan Spencer von Einem to the abduction and murder of teenager Alan Barnes. Gino Gambardella regularly scouted Rundle Mall and video game arcades for runaways, homeless teenagers, and youths who he was able to exploit. Neil Fredrick Muir, aged 25,[12][13] murdered two months after Barnes in August 1979. It was the body of Neil Muir or, rather, what remained of him. He immediately contacted the police, and when they arrived at the scene, they were able to quickly identify the remains as Peter. Bevan von Einem was an apex predator. According to his family, this was right in-line with Richard's odd sense of humor. In the days after Neil Muir's body was discovered in separate black trash bags, police had received two separate phone calls alerting them to the victim's relationship with a local doctor. However, when Neil Muir's body was discovered, his internal organs had been removed and were gone entirely, leading to police being unable to test his blood levels. But underneath the surface, a monster lingered They began probing those that knew Alan and might have taken issue with something he did or said in the weeks before his death; in particular, those that drove a white sedan. However, they quickly began to narrow in on the one avenue of the investigation that seemed most enticing to them at the time: Neil's dependency on drugs and alcohol. Most were later described as being worthless, but a few piqued the interest of Investigator O'Brien. Was Dr Millhouse involved in Neil Muirs murder. Because this murder seemed like the type of crime beset by emotional issues - or likely someone with an ax to grind against Alan, personally - police initially began investigating this as a personal crime. Over a span of several years starting in 1979 and into the 80s five young men, aged from 14 to 25, went missing in different areas of Adelaide. The Family werent an official club or group, rather a loose collection of people with Bevan von Einem at the centre. While the men in the river struggled to make it back to the shore, the group that had thrown them into the water made their escape before camera crews or onlookers could begin to gather. [6] Von Einem was also one of the last people seen with a fourth victim, Muir, following his abduction. At this point, the idea of a random killer hadn't even crossed investigators' minds. Mark had driven there with his family, as they were attending the party alongside him, but he would leave with a couple of friends afterward to hang out and cruise around the city with the young adults trying to squeeze out every bit of the Adelaide summer that they could. Bevan Spencer von Einem is serving a life sentence for one of those murders. He was also found to be wearing clothing that did not belong to him, and his original clothing was missing entirely. Meanwhile, as police struggled to answer these basic questions, the trial against Dr. Peter Millhouse remained a thing of the past. In 1979, residents of Adelaide were gripped by fear when several young men began to go missing under mysterious circumstances. Mr B - The Family Murders Mr B Mr B was named by South Australian police in 2008 as one of the three main suspects who were involved in the murders alongside Bevan von Einem. The last victim was the son of our local television newsreader. Players - The Family Murders Police spoke to Alan's friend, who had left him behind on Grand Junction Road. After doing away with his old, dried-up crops, the farmer was looking over his land when he came upon the now-charred remains of young Peter Stogneff. Mr B made contact with police two days after Alan Barnes was found. On Saturday, February 27th, 1982, Mark attended a friend's 18th birthday party in Windsor Gardens, a neighborhood in northeastern Adelaide. During the 1970s von Einem started developing strategies to lure victims into his car. This group was believed to be involved in the kidnapping and sexual abuse of a number of teenage boys and young men, as well as the torture and murder of five young men aged between 14 and 25, in Adelaide, South Australia, in the 1970s and 1980s. Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is perhaps most well known for its beautiful, scenic landscape, which is wedged in-between the Adelaide Foothills to the east, the coastline that runs along the west and down into the southern cape, and expanse of vast Australia that lies to the north. Of the young men whose stories I'll cover in this episode, he was by far the youngest, and his face showed it: he still had the youthful appearance of a child, and by all accounts, seemed to be your typical teenage boy. This section explores his social network. But only one recalled seeing where Alan might have gone. A day or two prior, at least. He then moved away from Adelaide and the murders continued. Ian and Paula, Mark's friends, drove away but would return just minutes later, cooler heads having prevailed. He was in G Block of Yatala Prison for decades but was transferred to Port Augusta Prison in the north of the state in 2007. He had school the next day, dinner was waiting, and he wanted to call his girlfriend. A thrash metal band singer and members of his family were killed in an apparent murder-suicide late last month, according to police. On this night, in particular, that included these three men. Investigator Hunter made note of this, finding it odd that one man would have connections to two separate murder investigations - especially two gruesome murders that shared such grisly traits. A short time later, police were contacted and later arrived at the scene to document the grisly find. Writing, research, hosting, and production by Micheal Whelan, Producers: Maggyjames, Ben Krokum, Roberta Janson, Quil Carter, Peggy Belarde, Laura Hannan, Damion Moore, Amy Hampton, Scott Meesey, Steven Wilson, Scott Patzold, Marie Vanglund, Lori Rodriguez, Jessica Yount, Aimee McGregor, Danny Williams, Sue Kirk, Victoria Reid, Sara Moscaritolo, Thomas Ahearn, Marion Welsh, Seth Morgan, Sydney Scotton, Alyssa Lawton, Kelly Jo Hapgood, Patrick Laakso, Meadow Landry, Rebecca Miller, and Tatum Bautista, Original music created by Micheal Whelan through Amper Music, Other music created and composed by Ailsa Traves, Young Bloods: The Story of the Family Murders by Bob OBrien, Crime Stoppers (South Australia) - Alan Arthur Barnes, Crime Stoppers (South Australia) - Neil Fredrick Muir, Crime Stoppers (South Australia) - Peter Stogneff, Crime Stoppers (South Australia) - Mark Andrew Langley, Crime Stoppers (South Australia) - Richard Kelvin, The Sydney Morning Herald - Adelaides Duncan case: letting some light shine in, The Sydney Morning Herald - Boys murderer refused High Court appeal, The Sydney Morning Herald - Macabre Adelaide (1), The Sydney Morning Herald - Macabre Adelaide (2), The Sydney Morning Herald - Murderer quizzed on death of youth, The Age - Men fled as Duncan died, court told, The Sydney Morning Herald - The Beaumonts, Kirste and Joanne: the mystery may be over, The Sydney Morning Herald - Witness feared threats to his life, The Age - Court told rape victim thought he would die, The Sydney Morning Herald - Family killings murder charge dropped, The Age - Lock up your sons in the worlds murder capital, The Weekend Australian - How Mother Goose ducked pedophile net, The Advertiser - Police seek von Einem associate, Perth Now - DNA tests for Family murder suspects, The Advertiser - $5M reward bid to solve Family murders, The Sydney Morning Herald - Reward doubled to solve Family murders, The Telegraph - Australian police reopen notorious 1970s Family murders case, The Sydney Morning Herald - Aussie pedophile deported from Indonesia, The Advertiser - Focus on three key suspects, The Advertiser - Revealed: The double life of a magistrate who sought young men, ABC News - Mother Goose sex trial starts in Adelaide, The Advertiser - Mother Goose claims he was set up by gay ex-prostitutes, The Advertiser - Doctor with alleged links to The Family identified as Stephen George Woodards, The Advertiser - Sex-case doctor Stephen George Woodards free to practise, ABC News - Mother Goose acquitted of sex charges, The Advertiser - Paedophile Peter Liddy fears prison attack, ABC News - Former TV entertainer sentenced for sex offences, The Advertiser - Lost diary gives South Australia police new lead into Alan Barnes murder by The Family, The Daily Mail - Will $13million reward solve the murders of 18 children? Apart from von Einem, three other core members are thought to be directly involved in the murders; while DNA testing re-commenced in 2008, no further charges have been laid. It had been reported that Richard was wearing the collar as a joke on the afternoon he went missing, while he was kicking around the soccer ball in the park with his dad and his friend, Boris. Hundreds of sordid and terrifying crimes and only one man found guilty in relation to only one victim. In the latter half of the 1970s, South Australia had started to regulate drugs like Mandrax, known throughout most of the world as "Quaaludes." Police first treated Richard as a runaway; an unfortunate symptom of the times. Because of this lack of clarity, police were unable to press forward with any charges for the offenders, and George's story would become buried by more pressing police concerns in the coming weeks and months. Five murders and over 150 rapes. Players - The Family Murders Players Five murdered young men, over 150 violent abduction drug-rapes, two people arrested, one person found guilty. Despite there being an overwhelming lack of physical evidence, police decided to pursue charges against Dr. Millhouse anyways, using the rope and trash bags recovered from his home as their primary building block. He was seventeen years old, with a youthful, handsome appearance, and a carefree, fun-loving attitude. So the police began reaching out to people that worked or had otherwise been in the area. However, Neil's life was far less glamorous; rumors persist to this day that, leading up to August of 1979, Neil was engaging in sex work to support his bad habits and lifestyle. Major Crimes was primarily responsible for serial killings, mass killings, and any other high-profile crimes that the local government wanted to be handled by a specialized task force. [14] The hair around the area had been shaved as it would have been in an operation in a hospital. 's had discovered the chemical compound chloral hydrate in the system of Alan Barnes, who also had an above-average level of alcohol in his system: roughly four times the legal limit, which was unusually high for a teenager. He had seemingly disappeared, and a brief search of the area failed to come up with him. The two had been dating for about a month now, and Richard had excitedly told his mother that he planned on proposing when his girlfriend and he were nineteen years old. This was cancelled the night before. Millhouse was charged and went to trial but was acquitted. The Family Murders Of Adelaide - True Crime Conversations But now, they needed to find a suspect. Only one suspect has been charged and convicted for a crime. von Einem is serving life imprisonment. In particular, they were members of the Vice Squad, who typically crackdown on "moral" crimes such as gambling, narcotics, pornography, and illegal substances. Shockingly, police found an insane combination of sedatives in his system, which included the drugs Noctec, Mandrax, valium, Rohypnol, and amytal. He never made it home. Hence, the odd scar that seemed to serve no other purpose. [3], Von Einem was convicted in 1984 of the murder of Kelvin and sentenced to life imprisonment. [7] Suspect 1, an Eastern Suburbs businessman, is believed to have been with von Einem when Kelvin was abducted. 1979: The Family (1 year) 1999: Snowtown murders discovered (20 years) As of 2021, this is the longest Adelaide has gone without a crime that has made national or international headlines as either a weird case (Somerton Man), child kidnapping or brutal serial killings since WWII. Likely, he was one of the people seen hanging out with Neil at the bars and clubs just days that weekend. Both witnesses - who were friends with Neil and drug users themselves - were prepared to testify should this man be tried for the murder. In the days immediately after Neil Muir's death, Dr. Millhouse had gone on a bit of a self-described "bender." But he then set off again, likely headed towards the distant Rundle Mall, where he was due to meet up with his friend, Daniel, that day. With these results, police were able to successfully link Richard's disappearance and death to at least two prior cases: Alan Barnes and Mark Langley, who had been similarly drugged and sexually assaulted before their deaths. Progressive ideas began to spread out from Adelaide, but even then, progress itself was rather slow to catch on throughout large chunks of South Australia. The older man in the driver's seat reached into the backseat and pulled out a beer from a cooler, offering it to George. Over the next year or so, the case would stagnate. Because Mark had been killed and his body been dumped in the Australian summer months, his remains had already suffered some serious decomposition by the time police were called to the scene. The Clermont County Sheriff's Office . Enjoy reading. However, they were able to learn that - before his body was burned in the brush fire - his remains had been cut into multiple parts with a saw. This theory is that whatever item had been used to sexually assault Mark with - which ultimately led to his death - had gotten caught up in his intestines, and required surgery to retrieve. They had no idea that they were about to make one of the most gruesome discoveries in Australian history. They knew then that the description of the remains - should it become public knowledge - would alert a lot of media to the story and scare a lot of people. Banquet: A Marvelous Book about "The Family Murders" in Adelaide The Family Murders Unresolved He was seen in the presence of individuals who would become relevant later on, but - at the time - were simply believed to have been his friends. The man that had driven George there offered him a couple of pills called "No-Doz," which - he promised - would help him stay awake to enjoy the party. His body had been severely mutilated and dumped in the South Para Reservoir, northeast of Adelaide. For obvious reasons, he didn't tell his parents, setting out that morning with his backpack and heading off like any other day. This has come to be disputed over the years, with some speculating that Alan might have willingly consumed the drug the weekend before his death; or, perhaps, he might have been slipped it by someone at the bars he was rumored to visit with his friends that Saturday. These individuals have come to be known as the "The Family" and are believed to have kidnapped and sexually abused over 150 boys and are believed to have tortured and murdered at least five teenage boys during a crime spree in Adelaide, South Australia. A witness says she saw Stogneff at Tea Tree Plaza with someone matching Noel Brook's appearance. Mark Langley attended party in Windsor Gardens but left with a male and female. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS. Police had still not linked the two cases - Barnes and Neil Muir - but while being questioned about the first murder, von Einem inquired about the second without any provocation.