General Information. What Is a Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test? A small portion of radioactivity will be found in your saliva and sweat. You can expect to live a fairly normal life after radioactive iodine treatment but your life will probably not be exactly as it was before your procedure. I welcome Barbara Lougheed, author of the book Tired Thyroid: From Hyper to Hypo to Healing - Breaking the TSH Rule. Oh, my CTS now has to be taken care of too, and ortho doc has me on Vit B6 for the nerve damage, also the CTS has gone into my elbow, shoulder, neck and back now too. So, do your research, make sure RAI treatment is right for you. You can get by this side effect by simply banking some of your sperm prior to your procedure and then using that sperm at a later date with procedures such as intrauterine insemination. I am considering following up with the endocrinologist in the morning. Even at this age, I still want to feel and look pretty. I tend to have a high heart rate when I exercise it goes up to 130 righ away then may go as high as 174 at harder workouts. After rai treatment I had blood test results was :freet4 was 13.3pmol/L (11-23)free t3 was 4.30pmol/L it was normal (3.1-6.8) I was happy and I had another blood test 26 July 2017 and results was TSH was 0.01 (0.35-4.94) freet3 was 16.32 pmol/L (never ever high like this before) (3.1-6.8) my freet4 was 46.3 pmol/L (11-23) I was shocked how this happened after RAI treatment Sir ? Although hair dying can be an artifact on the postablation . She is the author of "The Thyroid Diet Revolution. Take care in washing, treating and grooming your hair. It is also called radio iodine. It doesn't matter where those cancerous cells might be. But Im not a pretty woman, rather plane, and frumpy. They said I have HYPERthyroidism but she said I have a HIGH metabolism which doesnt make sense?! The thyroid gland relies on iodine to make the hormones necessary for the growth of healthy hair, teeth, and bones. I'm Westin Childs D.O. RAI is a form of radioactive nuclear medication that permanently destroys thyroid tissue. I have expressed my symptoms to the dr and she did a panel revealing my TSH to be 3.687. Men should sit down when urinating. I have the symptoms of hypo not hyper, is she wrong? I had a partial thyroidectomy a week ago, (Right lobectomy) With this my Dr. noticed hard bumps in the tissue, and sent to pathology and cancer was found. Question. Flush the toilet twice after using it and wipe it thoroughly to properly get rid of radioactive fluids. My TSH is very low but my free T3 indicates my body isnt using T3. 4. I dont have another drs appointment till after the holidays. Some people also feel flushed. Symptoms of a moderate or severe reaction that require urgent medical care include: Severe vomiting. I had RAI treatment for severe Graves disease in 1993. Thank you I cannot take anything other than porcine thyroid with rice flour as filler (compounded). Hi Over the next 5 years I gained another 10 lbs. However, it affects only the body part that is being treated with radiation. Some people, however, may have further trouble after their treatment and suffer from weight gain, hypothyroid symptoms, and other issues. My endo physician would not increase the dosage so I went to my G.P. Now, yesterday and today I had my Thyrogen injections, and tomorrow I go get my I 131 RAI pill and on home isolation for the following 7 days, and then my whole body scan. Serum folate levels was :17.1(2.0-18.7)b12 vitamin levels was :565 (197-771)ferritin levels was :175.9(30-400)red cell count was :4.87(4.25-5.77)white cell count was :5.6(4.5-13.0) I dont understand how this happened sir ? With all I forgot I had posted prior. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. But what if you only destroy 30 to 40% of your gland function? Are you thinking about getting radioactive iodine treatment? All my life my hair was thin and fine. These effects include a warm, flushing sensation, a salty or metallic taste in the mouth, a brief headache, or nausea. As a result, it isnt uncommon for some patients to suffer from persistent symptoms of hypothyroidism (meaning that they dont have enough thyroid hormone). Ultrasound can also be performed if . that I need doesnt come in one pill so Im taking 100 mcg one day and 75 on the other. This is possibly TMI but any guidance and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Radioactive iodine (RAI) is a treatment method for hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer. Recently also diagnosed with B12 deficiency and had exhibited most of the symptoms! Is this normal? They are basically useless here, Ive been to two, and I am actually SCARED for the first time in my life. Along with a pain and numbness in my right hand. In your case, these would be best: No ill effects have been noted in the children born to parents who received radioactive iodine in the past. Radioactive iodine does not produce hair loss. They ran many tests including an cerebral angiogram to check for a brain tumor which I doubted. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Thyroid Health: Is it Safe to Use? I'm Dr. Westin Childs. They are planning radioactive iodine in the future. When we are deficient in this nutrient, the health of our hair is affected, leading to hair weakness or even total hair loss. It Depends on These Factors, Add Back Therapy for Graves & Hyperthyroidism: When to use Levothyroxine, Hashimotos and Hyperthyroidism: Why it Happens & What it Means, How to Prevent Thyroid Surgery and Radioactive Iodine Ablation Therapy | Dr. Osansky and Dr. Childs. Receiving intravenous iodinated contrast (iodine "dye") may also cause hyperthyroidism. Now the top of my hair is thick and fine and the back of my hair is thick and curly it has a little bit of wire feeling to it. Use vitamin C powder. Iodine is essential for proper function of the thyroid gland, which uses it to make the thyroid hormones. 2. I am worried the medication or added T3 (Armour)is making that happen and it could be hurting my heart. Perhaps the most concerning of all of the issues after RAI is weight gain. The list includes optimal ranges, normal ranges, and the complete list of tests you need to diagnose and manage thyroid disease correctly! Protecting Your Family After Radioactive Iodine Treatment. Please help me what to do with this. Improving gut function can be done through diet and supplements. Is it 10 days? American Thyroid Association. My throat is killing me and outside of my neck is swollen. It probably wont be an issue if you left but you wouldnt want to find yourself in a situation where you are unable to get your thyroid medication and your symptoms are poorly controlled. I have been on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for 3 years now and feel somewhat better. Although caffeine-containing shampoos are popular they are not useful. Since then, each year various GPs have looked at my thyroid function test results, focused solely on the low TSH reading and have now reduced my levothyroxine down to 100 despite my arguments to the contrary. To further avoid exposing others to radiation:. While I was taking Levothyroxine I expect to be back to probably about 60 to maybe 70% and that is pushing it. This is my story. I had never been to endocrinology prior and had no idea about thyroid function. #2. Here are 4 ways you can get more help right now: #1. This distinction is actually quite important. Want to know why I'm so passionate about these topics? To help prevent thyroid problems that may cause hair problems, it's important to get sufficient dietary . My endocrinologist said he never heard someone like that after RAI, but i asked my cousin who is a family doctor back home that you will expect that will happened to you. The issue now is that I have no refills on the levothyroxine and have not had any blood work in about 2 years. Shower once a day to rinse away the leftover radioiodine, but make sure to scrub the shower well after using it. He just does my blood work and adjusts my medicine as needed. Thank you. This is of particular concern because this can lead to internal uptake with the radioactive iodine then accumulating in their thyroids. To decrease the spread of radioactivity: If possible, use a separate bathroom. Center for Hormonal Health and Well-Being, Information for patients administered radioactive iodine (I-131), Fact sheet: guidelines for patients receiving radioiodine I-131 treatment. I know it Hass to be because it started affecting me as soon as I Started losing weight and before I had been diagnosed. MY DOCTORS ADVICE ME TO STAY UNTIL MARCH OR APRIL FOR FURTHER CHECK UP.. Its probably a good idea to stay close to your doctor until your dose of thyroid medication is optimized. I would recommend that you read this article for more info: Whatever touches your skin will pick up a small amount of radiation. Many thanks in advance for any help. Information for patients administered radioactive iodine (I-131). This ThyCa has kicked my Gluteus Maximus but good! My endocrinologist said RAI didnt work I need surgery or second RAI treatment my other hormone results was :FSH 5.3(1.5-12.4)LH:8.8(1.7-8.6) Strange I know. can i color my hair after radioactive iodine. She said I am normal and not to worry. They may even preemptively schedule you to start thyroid hormone treatment within a few weeks of the RAI procedure, just to be safe. One of the more surprising aspects of getting RAI done is the fact that you are quite literally radioactive after your procedure. I had RAI about 39 years ago and every year Im tested for my TSH level which always seems to be in the normal range. If it doesnt go away then you have your answer, and if it does go away then you also have your answer. The best course of action is to contact the doctor that was responsible for your procedure and let them know about your symptoms. This is my own journey with battling cancer and by any means not meant to scare or offend anyone, but to get my story out. Papillary and follicular thyroid cancers develop from follicular cells, which absorb iodine. Theres no way to tell if your eye symptoms are related to your thyroid without first trying to optimize your TSH (which should be your next step). Well since this journey has began Ive lost almost all of my hair and gained a ton of weight. Prior to discovering the bump, I had reversed my Diabetes and had consistent HA1C readings of 5 or lower. And that training tells me I wont be ready to go back to work that afternoon. Do not share any towels, razors, toothbrushes, cups, spoons, forks, or dishes. Will it . I have to take my Levothyroxine at midnight, as in the morning it causes me to have a jitteriness and brain fog, that is bothersome, and to have it in the time frame away from other meds and meals, midnight is the only option. Im 60 years old, so its not like Ive got a full life ahead of me, not a big deal. The I-131 leaves your body through your urine primarily. If it was, then you will most likely need to start thyroid medication relatively soon (within the next days to weeks). The connection between your weight gain and hyperthyroidism is explained here: Because of this . 1-2 Capsules of Leptin Resistance RX daily Methimazole Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of (What to Expect), Hashimotos vs Graves Disease: Differences & Similarities, read more about my own personal health journey, free thyroid downloads, resources, and PDFs here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 New Thyroid Support Supplements: Thyro Fuel, Thyro Biotic & Hashimotos Ab Rx, The 50 mcg Levothyroxine & Synthroid Medication Hack. Hi! I have Graves disease and recently have a hyperthyroid flare up after being in remission, I went back on my meds but was recently taken off to see if I can do radiation. Radioactive iodine ( 131 -I) is a radioactive isotope that is administered orally, in a liquid or capsule form. This means avoiding public transportation, hotels, carpools, and in some cases, your . It seems though that people who are already overweight BEFORE their procedure probably have the worst outcome and tend to gain the most weight compared to others. Havent met yet my endoc after the RAI. It can be an iodine-based material, barium-s ulfate, gadolinium, or saline and air mixture that can be swallowed or injected intravenously. The following recommendations will give you an idea of precautions to take to avoid exposing other people (as well as pets) to iodine 131, which may be present in bodily fluids or occur as a result of close contact. Credit: iStock. They wanted to give me more RAI IV for test, but I refused and I know I would have died had they done that. (Pat). Before they killed my thyroid and before it was even diagnosed the heat affected me something terrible and would just take my breath away. I am going in for radioactive iodine treatment next week and wanted to ask what the best diet plan is that can stop me gaining more weight and help me to reduce my bmi. These are just a few of the questions that I want to answer in this article.
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