Développement de l’autonomie et du leadership des femmes pour la democratisation
This August, we held a workshop entitled "Culturally-Justified Violence Against Women: Resistance and Sustaining Our Activism" in Jakarta, attended by activists from across Asia. All the activists were coming from conflict zones, and suffer high risks to their personal security and wellbeing through their work. An important part of the sustainable activism element of the training was enhancing the activists' awareness of the importance of giving time and attention to their own wellbeing, to keep themselves safe and well, and to avoid burnout. In one exercise, the participants identified two strategies they use for external security measures, and two strategies they use to sustain ‘inner’ security/well-being. The cards are then placed on the floor for all the participants to view, and identify new strategies and habits to take on. The final exercise involved each participant writing down one thing that limits or damanges their wellbeing and security, and one thing they would commit to to improve wellbeing and security. Then one by one each person threw the negative habit in the bin, and kept the positive one.