What restaurants are near Cornerstone Church? His kids dont defame people for all the world to see. We are all gone out of the way. Furthermore, I do not agree that Pitts is a sharp, intelligent man. I cant make you think differently, nor can you make me. Free speech is great isnt it? Pitts pleaded "no contest,"and Judge Gary Byers found him guilty and sentenced him to 9 days in the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio in Stryker. Theres really no other option unless you want to be partakers of their sins. LOL, hes out using his Understudy degree!! (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.). Dont get your hackles up matthew and no name thats just my opinion. Pitts is not the end all be all in the Charismatic realm. Firstly, many many individuals in the city of Toledo were and have been very unhappy about Michael Pitts once the church started to grow big. If this kind of a critical error could be made it is obvious that this man is an idiot who is incapable of trustworthy testimony because he may have forgotten what day it was! Do you have any idea what the tithes and offerings are for a 4,000 member church? Why shouldnt a pastor live comfortable and drive a nice car? Maybe you need to brush up on your law. About this app. New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline. Pastor Michael Pitts NEVER goes by Mike. Others have expressed suspicion, nonchalance or patent disbeliefregardingwomens stories on social media, or in person at church meetings. Copyright 2023, Cornerstone Church. Rather the DA, deputy sherriff or a Sherriff himself. Does this make him righteous? And you go girl. God is the ultimate judge. For me, it doesnt matter if he did what he has been accused of Okay. He is the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church and oversees the Cornerstone Global Network, a network of over 150 churches throughout the US, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, South Africa and the UK. I will not validate thier slander with comment, suffice to say, the gentleman from NJ has a point and it should render this debate over the alleged dealings of one man moot. Cmon, how stupid would he have to be? HOWEVER, HE OBVIOUSLY HAS SOME PERSONAL ISSUES. app is safe and it keeps me connected to what I need most, thank you Lord, https://pushpay.com/legal-center/privacy/. I have discovered there was not an arrest as has been claimed on this site. The CAC atBestSelf in Buffalo, New York brings together a multidisciplinary group of professionals to address child sexual abusein a child-centered environment. If he and his congregation have donated gifts to the inner city children, why not donate a house, car, jewelry and money to MY family who work so hard for the things they are struggling to get instead of lining their pockets with Fools gold? Oh, btw, I met mrs. pitts. This policy was included in a 2003document from a camp event titled The Circle CTen Commandments, and was mentioned by multiple camp staff members interviewed for this story. the blade does not have the final say so in our lives, nor does pitts, P.T. Dave: All those Biblical types you mention acknowledged theyd done something wrong. He was out of the country on half of the alleged dates. Its called the 10 Commandments. Snell could not be reachedafterrepeated attempts, including a letter to his home, phone calls and an email to his wife. Above: Carolyn McDonald, Michelle Poulsen, Rachel Horvath, Jessica Spiesz, Ashley Scibilia, Joy McCullough. God doesnt need your money or desire it, he wants your obediance. That is love! So, what, exactly, does Michael Pitts teach and expect from you as a member of his church? All Rights Reserved. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. Non the less, Free speech is allowed unless it causes the defamation (sorry for the previous quirk, spell check is a genious) of character in more than verbalized, and reserved form, or prevention of potential income. youve got to be kidding me you really are a beacon of light Julie, Um, who said that? I pray that my family and friends who still attend wake up and see the false teachings this man is heaping on the City of Toledo. The answer, apparently, is 7 months. Ferchenwas sufficiently concerned, he said, that heconfrontedAarum at the time about ending upalone in a space with someone of the opposite sex, which was prohibited underanother one ofthe Ranchs policies. His car was spotted near where several of the incidents occurred. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. Leadership at both The Chapel and Circle C Ranch, and also Aarum himself, have beenconfronted withconcerns abouthisconductat least 20 times since 1997, according to excerpts from Aarums employee personnel file at The Chapel, andinterviews with youth group members at The Chapel,Circle C staff and pastors in the Western New York area. Finally, Cornerstone Church is a place completely centered on Christ. You are a very good lecturer. Go, give him your money and listen to his false doctrine. Not to mention the fact that if Pitts really was provably in another country on April 18, 1995, one might think he could bring that up to Delta police at the time not mention it to the media two years later, after hes already served his court-appointed sex counseling. I believe this forum has become abandoned. Alas! The warrants issued by a court normally are search warrants, arrest warrants, and execution warrants. God loves you regardless of where you go to church. I cant make sense of it, said RichFerchen, 52, who worked with Aarum at both The Chapel and the Ranch for decades. He wasnt drunk. A USA TODAY NETWORK investigation found thatAarum, 55,touchedat least 16teenage girls inappropriately, some on multiple occasions, according to their firsthand accounts. And about the term warrant. He was definitely grooming me I didnt realize how absolutely brainwashing it was.. Rest assured, I know Michael Pitts better than you would ever wish to know him. He pleaded no contest to the charge of driving while intoxicated and was sentenced to three days in a DWI program for first-time offenders. I used to attend Cornerstone from the very beginning on Douglas through the the exposing incident. I heard that an offering was taken for him for his birthday, and he said it was not enough, and had the plates passed again. [21] In 1998, Cornerstone Church purchased one of the last gospel radio stations in Toledo. The Cstone app from Cornerstone Church connects you with everything that is happening. Of those, 21women alleging abuse and 27 individuals offering additional corroborating informationagreed to have their accounts reflected in the final report. I have a hard time believing Pastor Pitts would have done those things and continue to minister. I thought this forum died, if you have a problem with Pastor Michael Pitts, take it the Lord in prayer. He ran his hands over her shorts and up her thigh,toward her crotch, andslidhis fingers against her outer labia. IT has been alleged by nearly a dozen victims that Matt Rasor has been GROOMING, SEXUALLY ASSAULTING, and DATE RAPING young boys and members of The Cornerstone Church Global Network. We pastor a small church, (no, Im not jealous, I wouldnt want a large church, too much stress) and I have an incurable disease. PS before I go. (Its in Maumee, a Toledo suburb.) He was in town he was arrested on the day of incident. I guess members of Cornerstone have enough faith to get saved but not enough faith to get rich. Cornerstone launches as the Downtown Campus 2019 Phil and Meredith Ryburn installed as Lead Pastors Privacy Policy Download Our App Careers Contact Us 1520 Reynolds Rd Maumee OH 43537 hello@cornerstone.church 419.725.5000 Copyright 2023, Cornerstone Church. Julie: I just liked seeing you going back and forth with Dan. Pastor John Onwuchekwa's decision comes a year after Cornerstone Church received a $175K grant from the denomination to renovate its building. Its so easy to stand outside a situation and form opinions based on the malarky that the media puts out there, as well as the gossip of others. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. If he didnt do these things, then you have nothing to worry about, right? Separate in the fact that it happened years prior to the much public criminal case. Thats the mentality of America that he has found a foundation to preach upon. There have been patterns of sexual misconduct and perversion from ministers and associate pastors over the years when I was a member and before then. July 16, 2020 09:07 AM. The more his congregation makes, the more he makesthats reality. Let the mean rest. Its funny that redneck Carty Finkbeiner could get less media coverage for all his real crimes. By now you would think that everyone at Cornerstone should be rolling in wealth. Lets put him up on a pedestal. I didnt know that was a relatively new church to this area at the time. It went unchecked. Michelle Poulsen and Joy McCullough allege Wayne Aarums physical and verbal behavior toward them was inappropriate and abusive while they were youth group members at The Chapel in the late 1990s. I can assure you that this forum is 100% protected by the constitution of the United States. In response to Lilys postings about Michael Pitts: I personally cant believe you sat in that mans church and discerned the things you did. Despite these efforts to raisethe alarmabout Aarumsbehavior,he remains in his position as president at Circle C Ranch as of spring2021, a role in which he has spentconsiderable time with adolescent staff members. You know Matt, if you spent as much time arguing the CAUSE OF CHRIST, instead of the CAUSE OF PASTOR PITTS, maybe more people would be in Heaven someday. The year sincewould be punctuated by texts to McDonalds phone other womentellingher theyd been abused, too. If someone wants to read an article on Pitts, they could do a search on the blades website. Thats your defensiveness rising up in you. Your Welcome!! I just move to area when all that stuff was going on, I really didnt understand why. Shesangry, but not vindictive. He is frequently in other cities and out of the country and so none of those charges stuck because you sure cant argue with airline info and 3000 people who were listening to you preach in their country that day! Everyone would stop beign blessed and would probably go to hell, right. Half their stories are plagiarize and the other half has no facts. Hi there, Reporters also tried to contactRonald Snell,a longtime friend of Wes Aarum Sr. andCircle C board member for a short period, whowas also present at the meeting. Why is it that any joe schmoe, who could have done the same things that Pitts did, and have the book thrown at him? Michael was identified in Delta on the date of the offense and did attend his court approved sex counseling. Regardless of what he has said, it is obvious that this event did occur. Oh, and Hayden, thanks for giving your name. We believe they are telling the truth, The Chapel's lead pastor, Jerry Gillis, said in an interview with USA TODAY NETWORK reporters. (obviously this is paraphrased) Dont be blinded by the charisma of this man. Lets just say he didnt drink and drive or masterbate publicly, regardless he is clearly preaching false doctrine. Furthermore, Pitts character is such that it makes it quite believable for me that he did it. They went on disability because insurance companies have a propensity to make you cancel with premium increases, and viola the government picked up their medical bills. - On the contrary, I thought she spoke alot!! Im not arguing with your choice to go there. Had the authorities had any convincing evidence on him, they would not have dropped all the charges and offered him a trespassing plea, would they? Here you will find a variety of messages from Phil and Meredith Ryburn and the team at Cornerstone C. He left his position at the Ranch in 2011. Snellfelt confused, she recalls; no one had ever touched her like that. You have a free will to go to his church. He said in a May 7 email thathe followed Ranch policies, except in emergency cases in which men and women may have to have physical contact. They are both the same because they are both sin. They were seated off to the sidein the dining hall, while a few other people milled around. Can you openly talk about your concerns with other members (like the Pitts fiasco I have seen messages about)about issues in the church you dont agree with? Matt Hagee, who is the lead pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, released a statement on November 18, 2021 regarding the controversial ReAwaken America Tour event that took place at his church last week. Women whoallege inappropriate interactions withWayne Aarum as teenagers,manyof whom did not know each otherthen,gave nearly identical accounts ofhiscommon phrases andactionstowardthem. In fact, Pastor Pitts is ministering more now than ever. Aarum was neitherdefensive norapologetic, she said. People imperonating others is in fact fraud, but more than this the word of God says, and I quote, touch not mine annointed and do my prophets no harm. Its your site, do what you want to do. Thirdly: During the beginning of the trial, more than 4 people (women)reported to the police that the individual they saw had an uncanny likeness to michael pitts and they gave a description of a car that was later followed up on and the individual that owned the car DID have a definite likeness to the pastor, as well as a record as long as your arm of indecent exposure and assault!! Send your wonderful presence and your fire on each one who reads this!!! Im not quite sure what to believe now. Actually, God did show the truth, they just choose to ignore it. Who cares what kind of outward gifts he gives. Aarum maintains that there were no complaints about hisinteractionswith youth group students during his tenure atThe Chapel or in the decade afterward, he said in an April 28 email. What we should concentrate on is the plank in our own eye and not the speck in our neighbors. The witness never actually was indicted for purgery, but maybe, the charges were suddenly dropped because he was going to be??? I just want to say thanks for posting these articles. God knows the truth, and ultimately, thats what matters. Had he been conclusively identified at the seen, he would have gone to jail! You are right, I notice something about Toledo Area. And I frankly dont care who you are. As T.F. The MinistrySafereportgiven tolocalChild Protective Services in2021 outlined that the company hadfoundevidence of an ongoing pattern of manipulation and intimacy between Aarum and teenage girls. What good is all this gossiping and backstabbing doing the Kingdom of God? You sure seem to have everything figured out I just hope you dont ever need any grace or mercy since it is certain that you aernt offering any to Pastor Michael or anyone elso for that matter. You need the Lords covering and to find a church that preaches His love and His true doctrines. Havent you seen the pattern? None righteous, no not one. email me. Cornerstone Church is a biblically-based church that declares Jesus everywhere and leads believers in a life of resilient faith. We all fall short of Gods laws. Your hilarious. Im not trying to critize, just inform you. I specialize in 501s and non-profits and in many of these situations the insurance climbs to 4 or 5 grand a month. It is not Bill Gates billions of dollars in donations that makes him righteous. Numerous people have come forward over the past twenty years alleging sexual abuse, harassment, exploitation, and assault from high ranking ministers at Cornerstone Church. Everyone says they always turn you down though, and you have to fight. so, if you didnt get that, it wasnt at all because she was not outgoing that I thought her snotty at all. Shut it down with in 72 hours or I will sue you for slander. He was consecrated as a bishop by the International Communion of Charismatic Churches in 2009. I happened to be attending the service right after Pastor P. had received the DUI. The specific authority in this case would be applied to the owner of this forum. And I know that the Lord sees him as His beloved son and He is very well pleased with him. If you tithe then you must become circumcised and if you become circumcised then you must sacrifice animals and if you sacrifice animals then you must keep the holy days etc. I honestly didnt even know what was happening to me, said Snell, now 21. After all thats what they teach isnt it, if you give enough youll get rich? [26], International Communion of Charismatic Churches, "Cornerstone's pastor elevated to higher rank", "Rev. TOLEDO, OH - This will not be easy on the eyes. You should read his Bio. I am a member and was when these incidents occured. You can unsubscribe at any time. JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF CORNERSTONE CHURCH TOLEDO. So if you absolutlet must talk about Mr. Pitts, or any one else for that matter, talk about them on your knees, where it will at the very leat, yeild more results than the assinine remarks and articles you post on your site. Appreciate the feedback. I would still really like to see the Delta Report. If 72 hours pass, and this forum still exists, my attorneys will be issuing your warrant. Pitts might be able to pull an I was out of the country claim on those, since he was never conclusively identified at several of those locations.) The prosecution in his trial had rested its case, and the defense had begun calling witnesses when the plea deal was struck. Check out his books on Amazon.com or in Barnes and Noble. Another issue involved the two young witnesses, who would have had to appear in court. Say what you will. Unbeknownst to them, they were talking to his UNCLE!!! I have been to Pastor Pitts church and seen him do AWESOME things for the Lord. They also have issue with the fact that the church building and furnishings are so nice, but imagine how much it would cost in today. Please consider becoming a digital subscriber. Thats the childish statement. I think anyone looking up the good pastor should have access to some information about his past, shall we say, issues. If the city of Toledo had viable evidence againt Pastor Michael why would they have offered him a plea down. Finally, no one said he was exempt from sin. In theweeks following, over a dozen womengave statements toofficers regarding their experiences with Aarum. Its not spiritual warfare, its the truth. Matt, you SHOULD care about gossiping. Yes, all these incidents do subtract from the validity of his message. I really cannot imagine anyone as high profile, in the city of Toledo at least, cognoscentely exposing themselves to some kids. 35 years experience public speaking in over 20 nations. Reviewed October 12, 2018 . Just because your poor doesnt mean you should have anything against the message of tithing and blessing. The divine person, the Holy Spirit, was promised and sent to the early Church for empowerment in Christian living and demonstrations of God's power. In multiple letters and meetingsover the past year,The Chapel pastors haveimploredthe board ofCircle C Ranchtohear and consider the womens allegations. Improve this listing All photos (14) Top ways to experience nearby attractions Self Guided "Detroit's Spirit and History" Solo Walking Tour 4 I have always tried to do my best to help.. Again, what a joke. Advocating for sexual abuse survivors If you were sexually abused by a #MattRasor, Chief Financial Officers of Cornerstone Church - Maumee/ Toledo, we want to help. This is a discussion/comment area, and Im commenting on the subject at hand. Georgie Silvarole is the backpack reporter for the USA TODAY Network in New York, covering everything from breaking news to feature pieces. Your post is very attacking to the point of threatening. Amazing. It is what a person believes that makes him righteous. To invest in and support our ministry, visit http://cornerstonechurch.info/giving to make a. If youre looking for the truth, I promise you that you will never regret if you choose to leave there. Oh by the way, I attended Cornerstone from 1986 to 2000. What about the scriprute that says God has choosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith. And contentment with Godliness is great gain but those that teach that Godliness is the source of gain you are to withdraw from. Read it in Timothy you simple minded Christian and do what the scripture says to do to those that preach the prosperity message withdraw from them. 2019. Michael Pitts has a church that is growing AND winning souls for Chirst, he is feeding the hungry, hes building a world class ministry from Toledo Ohio. Protesters demand accountability for Cornerstone Church leaders accused of sexual misconduct 00:00 00:00 An unknown error has occurred The allegations were made by former and current members of. Think about it please! Appreciate the feedback. There are many (legal) ways to structure things where you can take the burden of insurance off the church. The bible says to judge someone by his fruit. He never gave them any inkling of an idea either, since he wanted to keep the door open for them so he would know what they were up to. again, I also read Lilys posts. Michael Pitts has accomplished more in his ministry already than you (edward) will ever accomplish. and Maumee). Even if the girls get closure, theres a good chance that hes going to continue on spiritually manipulatingpeople if none of the truth gets out there.. Vengeanceis the Lords, Ademasaid. so I dont sweat the small stuff. The annointing is bigger than one person, there are many members of Cornerstone that are bless with nice things. Members are told to shut up and follow him, and believe me that's what they do. Isensed that I was a part of something very good. The ones that are in the pitts with denial? hahahaha! Everything Ive read so far, everystoryon Facebook I dont doubt it, he said. Until members really wake up and ask God to show them the truth, this man will continue to excel. The ICOC Pastor Pitts was never linked to any of the park episodes. Im not speaking of an arrest warrant, which is not actually issued by a judge. There are others who have gambled everything doing far lesstell me why Pitts would be above it??? We can no longer afford silence while souls are being sifted like wheat with the help of false teachers. What Cornerstone Church is doing, is beautiful and successful. First off, Pastor Michael has never preached or obviously practiced abstinence. There is no demonstration of true Godly love at Cornerstone, just a lot of judgmental attitudes and self-righteousness. with that said, youre right. if he is guilty as charged, so be it, if not, so be it. hes a big jerk who should mind his business (Oh I guess hes a stereotypical journalist) and leave people alone. I think we should left God be the judge, because you should be very careful with talking bad about people God calls. Officials did not press charges after Pastor Pitts agreed to seek counseling with a psychologist who sees sex offenders, they said. If I got fired, who was going to stand in the gap?. And the image STILL continuesflashy cars, jewelry, fancy dudsetcwhos image is that?? I hope you all will take a lesson and leave it alone. In an interviewwith Buffalos WKBW-TV in March, Wayne Aarum told reporters he'd like to knowthe identities of thewomenwhoare accusing him ofimpropriety. If you are the Pastor, your going to have to give me some more compelling evidence. amen! And yes, it will all be settled out in the end. Pastor Michael Pitts spent nine daysin the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio after state troopers pulled him over last December. I noticed they all look young and hip. Based upon his preachings, the whole congregation should be multi-millionaires. But unfortunately thats not the case. Ive been to Cornerstone, have you? [11], Pitts is the founder of "Heal The World", a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that activities include covering the cost of soup kitchen Thanksgiving meals,[12] collecting Bibles for US soldiers,[13] and partnering with Mercy Ministries. I think not. than to poke my nose in the buisness of one man. It says that at judgement they will stand before Jesus saying didnt we prophesy in your name, etc. long time member Also do you realize how much he preaches out in a year? Is that your fruit dropping to the ground? Stay Connected. The results of that test caused the trooper to take Pitts into custody, and take him to the Highway Patrol Post on Airport Highway. That is simply an aspect of the case that has been passed along and like a game of telephone; the truth has been warped so uniformly that most believe the lie.
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