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A knock is heard at the door of his cottage, who holds the turn of this singular office, founded by no mortal hand; a whispering, as of a decaying breeze, summons the ferryman to his duty. For a moment we see the working of the miserable shoemakers mind. Such is the Legend of the Cross, one of the wildest of mediaeval fancies. M. Goyonnot, Recorder of the Kings Council, broke a window in his house, and sent for the diviner, to whom he related a story of his having been robbed of valuables during the night. A similar coin has been found in numbers near Arthenay, in Loiret, as well as others of analogous type. That it was regarded with abhorrence by the clergy, is evident from the epithets employed in describing it: navim infausto omine compactumgentilitatis studiumprofanas simulacri excubiasmaligni spiritus qui in ilia ferebanturinfausti ominis monstrum; and the like. That passage shall be quoted in the sequel. It was reserved for the pencil of Gustave Dor to treat it with the originality it merited, and in a series of woodcuts to produce at once a poem, a romance, and a chef-duvre of art. Then he made a door to the cave, and locked the door, and gave the key to the keeping of the prior[37]. [21][22] This form of the song is still widely sung by Sacred Harp singers under the title "Clamanda". Hermes Psychopompos is therefore the wind bearing away the souls of the dead. Between these birds is a cross, with pellets at the end of each limb, and a pellet in each angle. Shall we meet with many loved ones,Who were tom from our embrace?Shall we listen to their voices,And behold them face to face., So is a hymn from the Countess of Huntingdons collection:. Gautier de Metz, in his poem on the Image du Monde, written in the thirteenth century, places the terrestrial Paradise in an unapproachable region of Asia, surrounded by flames, and having an armed angel to guard the only gate. Emerging from a wood of gloomy pines, he came upon a beautiful lake, in which swam the seven maidens. The Man of Sin and the Beast are unmistakably identical, and refer to an Antichristian world-power; whilst the Harlot and the Priest are symbols of an apostasy in the Church. The Tzendales were probably never conquered. There is a Norse Thttr of a certain Helgi Thorirs son, which is, in its present form, a production of the fourteenth century. It was 59 inches long, and in proportion as an eel. I differ from him, however, as to its origin. The emperor, rising, bent over them and embraced them weeping. Various stories have been invented to account for this symbol. Then the man without the heart said to his wife, Go to the place where the dead lie, there you will find a purse, in that purse is her soul; shake the purse over the dead womans bones, and she will come to life. The woman did as she was ordered, and the mother of the Samojed revived. It is currently reported that the chief of these brilliant armies, after having gloriously traversed the Southern kingdoms, penetrated North, and was there unable to maintain his sway. About ten years ago, a newspaper paragraph recorded the birth of a boy at Newcastle-on-Tyne, provided with a tail about an inch and a quarter long. To mem'ry now I can't recall An unusual terror seized on the aged Druid; he heard a voice call, Arise, and see the Green Isle of those who have passed away! Then he entered the vessel. But the middle ages was the date of the full development of the superstition, and the divining rod was believed to have efficacy in discovering hidden treasures, veins of precious metal, springs of water, thefts, and murders. Then the priest thrice draws each piece, and explains the oracle according to the marks. Ammianus Marcellinus says that the Alains employed an osier rod. Then it was announced that he should not be healed of his wound till one came, pure and young, to Montsalvatsch who would see the mysteries of the sacred vessel, and ask their signification. As in Phoenician iconography this cross generally accompanies a deity, in the same manner as the handled cross is associated with the Persepolitan, Babylonish, and Egyptian gods, we may conclude that it had with the Phoenicians the same signification of life eternal. It has been inferred from this curious plaster representation, that the seven may have suffered under Decius, A.D. 250, and have been buried in the afore-mentioned cave; whilst the discovery and translation of their relics under Theodosius, in 479, may have given rise to the fable. The same motions and symptoms manifested themselves when he reached the place where the second victim had lain. [159] Urstisius, Scriptores Germanise. Then came the salmon and the trout, the pike and the porpoise, fish great and small, towards the shore, listening to the sweet strains of the charmer (Kalewala, Rune xxii.). But seas between us broad have roared So fill to me the parting glass Rufin. The island was densely overgrown with wood, and the people went into the forest. These could not be opened without leave of the magistrate, who hastened to witness the experiment. It reached to China, where the emperor was all but converted; its missionaries traversed the frozen tundras of Siberia, preaching their maimed Gospel to the wild hordes which haunted those dreary wastes; it faced Buddhism, and wrestled with it for the religious supremacy in Thibet; it established churches in Persia and in Bokhara; it penetrated India; it formed colonies in Ceylon, in Siam, and in Sumatra; so that the Catholicos or Pope of Bagdad exercised sway more extensive than that ever obtained by the successor of St. Peter. He had an ostrich, whose chick he put in a glass bottle. His constancy and miracles are the means of converting 40,900 men, and the Empress Alexandra. Inspiring the Wake Set. But, instead of pursuing the fable through its further ramifications, let us apply the schamir of comparative mythology to the myth itself, and see whether before it the bolts do not give way, and the great doors of the cavern of mysteries expand, and discover to us the origin of the superstitious belief in this sea-princes worm, the stone of wisdom, sesame, forget-me-not, or the hand of glory. Myth. To the left started sheer precipices of ink-black rock to icy pinnacles, from which fell a continuous powder of white water into a lake, here black as the rocks above it, yonder bluer than the overarching heavens. Original Price $29.95 Quoth Solomon, Fear not; I shall restore you to liberty if you will tell me how to burrow noiselessly after minerals and metals., I know not how to do so, answered the Jin; but the raven can tell you: place over her eggs a sheet of crystal, and you shall see how the mother will break it.. But one day the Lady of Gollerus, as she was called, discovered her old cap in a corner. Alexander Neckham calls it S. Brandans Purgatory. Now it happened that the old walls ran across the ancient cemetery of the Roman settlement of Colonia Agrippina. The arms of the figure did not show: a line joining the lower edge of the transverse limbs of the cross cut the figure at the breast, leaving the head and shoulders above. It fed with them, but never could be taught to speak. Consequently in the land of light, George was with the widow; in that of gloom, with Alexandra: just as Osiris spent his year between Isis and Nepthys, and Adonis between Aphrodite and Persephone. That night George dreamed that the Saviour laid a golden crown on his head, and bade him prepare for Paradise. Wonderful! A glorious god and great hero, killed by the evil god. . An idea which I have myself consciously adopted in a hymn on the severing of Jordan (Peoples Hymnal, 3), upon the principle which led the early Christians to adopt the figure of Orpheus as a symbol of Christ. In the Kalmuk collection of tales called Siddhi-Kur[194], which is a translation from the Sanskrit, is a story of a woman who had three daughters. On dealing with these myths, we are necessarily drawn into the discussion as to whether such a person as S. George existed, and if he did exist, whether he were a Catholic or a heretic. Well, said the host to his wife, we shall have no occasion to send for the man again, as you are such an adept.. And indeed the process was perhaps facilitated by the fact that one of the names of this solar god was Giggras; he was so called after the pipes used in wailing for him. Those who bear the name skim as swans over the lotus-pond of heaven, or, laying aside their featherdresses, bathe, as beautiful females, in the limpid flood. [12]In 1633 he was again in Hamburg. Far away in front gleamed a snowy dome of silver, doubly refined and burnished, resting upon a basement of gentian blue. Sunday on earth, or Monday in heaven, it is all one to me! laughed the wood-cutter. This is an Egyptian allegory, representing the fruits of agriculture produced by the earth fertilized by the Sun. And give us a hand o thine! We must not forget Tom Ingoldsbys rendering of a similar legend:. Another king from the ruins of Nineveh wears a Maltese cross on his bosom. 77-79. The Hereford map of the thirteenth century represents the terrestrial Paradise as a circular island near India, cut off from the continent not only by the sea, but also by a battlemented wall, with a gateway to the west. That originally the ceremonies of initiation included human sacrifices is more than probable from the vessel being represented as containing human blood, and a lance forming part of the paraphernalia, from which dropped blood. [170] Quoted in my Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas.. Nat. But if one has taken the precaution to spread a piece of scarlet cloth below the nest, the swallow, mistaking it for fire, will drop the stone upon it. It may not be omitted also because it is a specimen of the manner in which saintly legends were developed in the Middle Ages, the process of the development being unusually evident; a specimen, lastly, of the manner in which they were generated out of worse than nothing; a process which is also, in this case, singularly apparent. The magistrate and officers visited him and demanded the articles he had obtained. [189] Washington Irving, Chronicles of Wolferts Roost, and other Papers. Then the angels set the candles upon the table, and the fourth set the holy speare even upright upon the vessel, as represented on an ancient churchyard crucifix, in rude sculpture, at Sancreed, in Cornwall. It occupies the same position in a Turin MS., and also in a map accompanying a commentary on the Apocalypse in the British Museum. Katai Khan lived on the coast of the White Sea, at the foot of gloomy mountains. The scene of this conflict was near Joppa, where in the days of S. Jerome the bones of the huge reptile were exhibited, and Josephus pretends to have seen there the chains which attached the princess to the rock[69]. According to the rules of the order of the Sangreal, every knight was bound to return to the temple of the order, immediately that any one asked his lineage and office. In their sacred book, the Popol-Vuh, the twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque turn their half-brothers into apes. His head was small in proportion to his body, and had short, curled black hair, which did not reach below his ears; his eyes lay deep in his head, and he had a meagre face, with a black beard; about the body downwards, this merman was quite pointed like a fish[168]. These and similar nations were shut in behind lofty mountains by Alexander the Great, towards the North. Das Lied von dem Danhewser. Nrnberg, without date; the same, Nrnberg, 1515.Das Lyedt v.d. Thanheuser. Leyptzk, 1520.Das Lied v.d. Danheser, reprinted by Bechstein, 1835.Das Lied vom edlen Tanheuser, Mons Veneris. Frankfort, 1614; Leipzig, 1668.Twe lede volgen Dat erste vain Danhsser. Without date.Van heer Danielken. Tantwerpen, 1544.A Danish version in Nyerup, Danske Viser, No. Douster Swivel, in the Antiquary, adds, You do make a candle, and put into de hand of glory at de proper hour and minute, with de proper ceremonisth; and he who seeksh for treasuresh shall find none at all! Southey places it in the hands of the enchanter Mohareb, when he would lull to sleep Yohak, the giant guardian of the caves of Babylon. IN the year 1850 chance led me to the discovery of a Gallo-Roman palace at Pont dOli (Pons Aulae), near Pau, in the south of France. ", Lyrics:Should old acquaintance be forgot, She then told him to ask of his kinsman Bertram, as a gift, so much ground around the fountain where they had met, as could be covered by a stags hide: upon this ground she undertook to erect a magnificent palace. But once she broke his command, and asked him whence he had come to her. i. also Euripides, Iphig. Beyond this bridge was a wall of glass, in which opened a beautiful gate, which conducted into Paradise. He has struck Ahi, he has scattered the waters on the earth, he has unlocked the torrents of the heavenly mountains (i. e., the clouds). The Irish Blessing was written by an unknown author. On hearing that he was an Icelander, he made particular inquiries about the residents in the immediate neighbourhood of Bradwick, and gave Gudlief a ring and a sword, to be taken to friends at home. The hero descends to his realm, fights, overcomes him, and despoils him of his treasures. But it is sad that the Church should have lent herself to establish this fable by the aid of fictitious miracles and feigned revelations. The story, as told by him, differs materially from that received in Germany. The rod remained immovable. Nonnus Dionysius (v. 363 et seq.) A peasant, taken at haphazard from the street, was brought to the sorcerer as one suspected. The rod turned slightly, and Aymar declared that the man did not steal the fish, but ate of them. He has struck Ahi, who lurked in the bosom of the celestial mountain, he has struck him with that sounding weapon wrought for him by Twachtri; and the waters, like cattle rushing to their stable, have poured down on the earth[70]. And again:, O Indra, thou hast killed the violent Ahi, who withheld the waters!, O Indra, thou hast struck Ahi, sleeping guardian of the waters, and thou hast precipitated them into the sea; thou hast pierced the compact scale of the cloud; thou hast given vent to the streams, which burst forth on all sides[71].. All at once the storm subsided, the ocean sank into a calm, the clouds which had veiled the face of heaven were suddenly withdrawn, and the tempest-tossed mariners beheld a fair and mountainous island, emerging, as if by enchantment, from the murky gloom. . xxv. If they hearken, then Frau Hoile, the ancient goddess Hulda, takes them to wander with her in the forests. And he tooke to wife and spouse Mata-brunne the doughter of an other king puissaunt and riche mervailously. By his wife Matabrune, the king became father of Oriant, the which after the dyscease of his father abode with his mother as heir of the realme, whiche he succeded and governed peasiabli without to be maried.. Marie of France translated it into French metre, but hers was not the only version in that tongue; in English there are two versions. Any one touching her received a violent shock; one medical gentleman, having seated her on his knee, was knocked clean out of his chair by the electric fluid, which thus exhibited its sense of propriety. But the people insisted on the sacrifice of the maiden, and all the poor father could obtain, was a delay of eight days, in which to bewail the fate of the damsel. According to the former, the tail is smooth; according to the latter, it is covered with hair. They have whetted their teeth against the stones,And now they pick the Bishops bones;They gnawd the flesh from every limb,For they were sent to do judgment on him.. Each time he returns from a torment, he is restored to former vigour. At Joppa she appears as a mermaid. And later: There shalt thou build an altar unto the Lord thy God, an altar of stones: thou shalt not lift up any iron tool upon them (Deut. WebChapter IV - Four Eyes Were Reading the Passage I was running the head of my pencil-case along the line as I read it, and something caused me to raise my eyes. died on the 17th July, 855; and Benedict III. An equally remarkable illustrated work on Antichrist is the famous Liber de Antichristo, a blockbook of an early date. In this bardic tale we have certainly a very ancient Keltic myth. The last of these is strongly impressed with Christian influence, and gives indications of the transformation of the evil being into a dragon. This Beatrice became the wife of Oriant, much to the chagrin of his mother, who had hitherto held rule in the palace, and who at once hated her daughter-in-law, and determined on her destruction. The aged Count de la Foret and the brothers of Raymond shared in his good fortune, and the old man spent his last years in the castle with his son, whilst the brothers were furnished with money and servants suitable to their rank. [61] Cyrill. And he beheld and listened the servyse fulle tentyfly: and he asked the Cristene knyght, what men of degree thei scholden ben, that the prelate had before him. Then, full of terror, the prelate fled by his postern, and, taking a boat, was rowed out to his tower in the river. 483, 484. For the Banshee superstition has no corresponding feature in Scandinavian, Teutonic, or Classic mythology, and belongs entirely to the Kelts. Hugh Capet sat on the throne of France, the dynasty of the great Charles having come to an end. Lucretius considered the sun as a wheel (v. 433), and Ovid as a shield, Ipse Dei clypeus, terra cum tollitur ima,Mane rubet: terraque rubet, cum conditur ima.Candidus in summo . 17, c. 5), by the mountain being so veryhigh that the waters which rose over Ararat were only able to wash the base of the mountain of Paradise. Mar of Holum married Thorkatla, and their son was Ari; he was storm-cast on the White-mans land, which some call Great Ireland; this lies in the Western Sea near Vinland the Good (America): it is called six days sail due west from Ireland. [188] Crofton Croker, Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland. Thus, beside one of the Christian inscriptions at Phile is seen both a Maltese cross and a crux ansata. Very soon the water burst up with such force that the men escaped with difficulty; and this proved afterwards the most unfailing spring for miles round. Ill gently rise and Ill softly call. .(Metam. Well, the fourth brother of Napoleon is thus invested by popular tradition, commonly called history, with a vain principality accorded to himin the decline of the power of Napoleon. On the discovery of the villa, several theories were propounded to explain the prominence given to the cross in the mosaics. Among the remains of this period is found the first trace of money, the are rude, little bronze fragments without shape. One day King Oriant chased a hart in the forest, and lost his way; exhausted with his ride, he drew rein near a fountain which bubbled out from under a mossy rock. They were curious about the state of their fatherland, and grieved to hear that the Moslem still held possession of the kingdom of Granada. In the twelfth century it seems to have localized itself about the Lower Rhine. The North-American Indians relate that they were conducted from Northern Asia by a man-fish. It occurs amongst the Mixtecas and in Queredaro. In like manner the Slaves believe in a paradise for souls wherein is a large apple-orchard, in the midst of which rises a glass rock crowned with a golden palace; and in olden times they buried bears claws with the dead, to assist him in climbing the crystal mountain[187]. Thereupon Christ replied, Because thou grudgest Me such a moment of rest, I shall enter into My rest, but thou shalt wander restless. At once, frantic and agitated,he fled through the whole earth, and on the same account to this day he journeys through the world. When this story was forgotten, a romantic fable was invented to account for the peculiar appellation.