Use our submission service to send your songs to Spotify playlists, magazines and even record labels! Lady Gaga is in fact a fake persona, a manufactured Illuminati puppet, created to unduly influence the impressionable youth of today and to indoctrinate them into the insidious ways of the Elite. Her whole persona, whether it is an act or not, is a tribute to mind control, freemasonry and the occult where being vacuous, compliant, incoherent and simply absent-minded is manipulated into being a fashionable, desirable state. If we then add in a mix of illegal drugs and fake (or even real) sacrificial blood, create a circle with a pentagram using the stage lights and positions of the musicians within it, place large speakers in strategic positions for 13 separate points of origin of musical sound, altogether this constitutes a bona fide Black Mass replete with sacred geometry. With your demo track ready, it's time to hit the recording studio. Thus, the world is not seeing many bands getting popularity as they don't have much income. Ray Daniels & Wendy Day, break down the true sacrifice in the music industry. The more mentors you have in the music industry, the more help you can receive as you try to make it. Could it even have been part of some sick ritual or ceremony? The present generation is a big fan of popcorn culture. Unfortunately, rock and pop music has become mostly a grossly degenerative art form. It is descended directly from the rhythm and blues music of the 1940s, which itself developed from earlier blues, jazz and swing music and was also influenced by gospel, country and western and traditional folk music. Many of these artists have either confided before their deaths in individuals who would later relay this information to those behind the scenes in the music industry or indeed may even go public with their knowledge as did Michael Jackson shortly before his untimely demise at the hands of his doctor. My name is Gavin Alvarez, and I am a graduate of Full Sail University's music production degree program. The Music Industry Was Built on Racism. Music has always been associated with the occult and can be effectively used as a tool for programming minds. It sacrifices peoples lives and their essences at the drop of a dime I had a manager once say to me, You know youre worth more money dead than alive. Chaka Khan. Born this Way, surprise of surprises was released on the11thFebruary 2011, exactly one year to the day before Whitneys death. He wanted to give the sage . Idk where the sacrifice rhetoric is coming from . 'Twitter for iPhone', Sacrifice. Thus, becoming a musician is not as lucrative as it used to be. But, it is actually much more complicated than that. It was considered cool to hangout with musicians in general. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. Are Chaka Khans references to demonic and sacrifices, to be taken literally? Thus, the low revenue in this sector is also impacting the quality of work. Live events and touring were the main source of income for artists of various sizes until the . But, making an impression in the music industry is not an easy task. There is yet another link to consider and that is concerning Lady Gaga (another mind-controlled MK Ultra slave) and previous Grammy awards ceremonies. Topics explained in Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic include: Origins of hip hop ; How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an industrial prison complex and negative messages in rap music ; The use of magical spells used in lyrics and music videos ; Demonic possession and MKULTRA mind control ; Magician Aleister Crowley and his . Throughout the course of time, the concept of Satan has become less of an effigy of religious torment and more of a trendy reference point in pop culture. But, if you check the data for the past years, many people are willing to put in the time and effort. He called security and accompanied them upstairs to see for himself what on earth was going-on. Feel free to copy anything from this article. Some of the things described below were pre-planned, while others were possibly just odd coincidences. The rise of the internet from the late 1990s has played a crucial role in how music is consumed globally, setting up a butterfly effect that inadvertently affects how musicians and artists are . Find an original beat by an award-winning beat maker now. While grieving commenced around the world, a conspiracy theory also immediately reared its head. It is extremely important to identify which types of music are harmful to the human psyche and which are negative. But, it's been downhill since then. Very easy to browse! Photo credit: This works in the same vein as film and television programmes that seem to have now evolved into excessively depressing and/or violent experiences for the viewer, even for very young children who are being increasingly exposed to overt sex and violence and when those few who still actually care about such things complain or point it out they are often labelled as a prude or old-fashioned. 10. 8. The last step is to master your mixed song. It is important to be passionate towards the goal. List of famous people killed by the Illuminati, with information about of each death and sacrifice. Following are some of the major reasons that make career in the music industry difficult: You may be interested in reading this article on 50+ Best Websites + Apps to Listen to Music Offline or Online too. In May 2020, Goldman Sachs estimated the entire music industry's revenue (live, recorded, and publishing) to increase from $62 billion in 2017 to $131 billion in 2030, representing a 6% CAGR. Approximately one billion records were sold worldwide in 1974, and by the end of the century, the number of records sold was more than three times as high. How similar to today then? The Illuminati is a secret society that is rumored to control all world events. *Safari\/)', The music business itself has actually been around since medieval times, but can only be referred to as a true industry since the early nineteenth century with the simultaneous developments of the orchestra, the employment of conductors and certain publishing and printing innovations that allowed music to be easily transcribed, passed-on from person to person and to be sold as sheet music. Symp. Less people are willing to sacrifice their life for an art like music. Many metal bands shift through members like a baby goes through diapers. Try to advance the skills sets and technique. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. Without the fan base, no industry can flourish. I'm excited to announce my 2nd book entitled SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC. This may well sound cynical and possibly unbelievable, but I can assure you that it is true. It is devolution of society and the art of music for the purpose of lowering the vibration of the consciousness in order to manipulate the youth of today into fulfilling the purposes of the Elite. Nevertheless, well-known musicians are often reported as admitting to the practice of Satanism and their friends or colleagues will often mention that they have multiple personalities and that what you see on the stage is not really that person. In the present time, music is not all about artistic ability and the voice of the singer. Why popular female pop stars like Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Kesha . WEF Says Its Time To Legalize Sex and Marriage With Animals Thousands Of Vaxxed Canadian Children Dying Suddenly As MSM Looks Away, Excess Deaths Among Young Adults Soar to Record High. At the end of the day, people get lured to good quality lyrics. TubeBuddy. The subconscious absorbs the rest, subliminally and indiscriminately. The involvement of occultists in the creation of the superstars of their day, such as Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn, cannot be ignored. Sometimes we don't want to get better. Take this body to the project for a sacrifice. In 1985, theNew Solidaritynewspaper, which has since been closed-down by the US federal government, conducted an interview with Hezekiah Ben Aaron, who at the time was the third-ranking member of the Church of Satan. He reportedly abused a 13-year-old girl multiple times . One of the biggest factors that can help you to make a mark is to enter the industry with a clear set of mind. These gatekeepers have a lot of power and influence over what gets put out into the world, and they often use that power to push their own agenda. Is this not more than a little distasteful especially given the fact that many of the attendees were Whitneys close colleagues and friends and acquaintances in the music business? Music for everyone is getting rid of the chaos and hassles of life. I just wish he did. Since music is losing the pool of . To perfect the craft, it is essential to have an option in a lucrative career. The music industry is dominated by digital sales, with 88% of total revenue in the United States coming from streaming, downloads, subscriptions, and other virtual products in 2018, according to the RIAA. Chemtrails: A List of the Dangers and Deceptions of Atmospheric Spraying, How the Insurance Industry Can Help If the ATMs Stop Working, A Business Continuity Plan for producers, distributors and retailers of essential goods, Financial Reset: The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Section One: Protocols for Advising Leadership, Section Two: Advising Leadership about the Background of the Event, Section Three: Contacting Leadership to Advise, Section Four: Training to Advise Leadership, The Event Origins and Context for Leaders, DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS SHOW HOW ISRAEL MADE SURE EXPELLED ARABS WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO RETURN TO THEIR VILLAGES, LEDs HAVE DAMAGING HEALTH EFFECTS, FRENCH ASSESSMENT SAYS, WEF Says Its Time To Legalize Sex and Marriage With Animals To Promote Inclusion. No doubt there are stories of artists and talents who rose to fame on their own merit. Source:, Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. Thus, it takes investment of time, energy, and effort to get into the world of music. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',622,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-banner-1-0');In Spite of all these benefits, making a career in the music industry seems challenging. 'Android. As analyzed in modern scholarship (Vernant et al. The music industry =1224. Now, the industry people rarely influence fashion and style. It took over her love and motherhood. Bullying was experienced by 76% of survey participants at some point in their career in the industry. - - -*****. These practices often lead to complete loss of control and it was well known to the people at the last Woodstock anniversary concert that a form of bad energy had manifested itself throughout the huge audience following many hours and days of extremely heavy, depressive and violent songs. There are a variety of success stories related to the Music industry. However, we kindly ask you to provide a clickable link back to Phenomenon like brain drain and lack of new talents have accelerated the fall of the music industry. Her case indeed followed the same pattern as several other celebrity deaths that were blamed on drug excesses, despite much conflicting, albeit circumstantial evidence to the contrary. However, I also believe that many of the household-name musicians early in their careers are lured into a subtle trap baited with money and fame but then once their handlers in the recording companies completely sink their claws and teeth into them, they realise that they are caught, with no possible escape route and thus are condemned to continue with their charade for the rest of their careers, which often ends prematurely for one reason or another. Gemtracks gives you priority access to exclusive A-Class recording studios around the world. As I say, many artists are aware of this and some became aware of the fact that they have been manipulated by the music industry or began to recollect memories of their brainwashing, either through the military or through handlers who often happen to be their manager. Hip hop music =2007. Heavy metal music has now become almost completely demonic per se and many performers revel in this fact, openly flaunting it. Music has lost the cool factor. Yeah. Now people with even a regular voice are becoming singers. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . Throughout the world many people, especially the 10-30 age range are listening to vacuous, emotionally-numbing and trance-inducing negatively-vibrational music and demonic lyrics, which at one time were uniquely present within heavy metal rock, but now seem to emanate from and be present in all genres.\u0026list=PLV9MjJoZATb_GvpR-4xb6AxwIdEOyrt5F Enroll In Our Top Rated Music Marketing Course: Become A Group 82 University Affiliate and Make $1,000 Per Sale (50% Commission) - TubeBuddy: How did I grow my YouTube Channel to 100,000 Subscribers and $70,000 in Revenue in 11 months? But, for most newcomers a little push and a financial stability is needed. Satanism and the occult are also known to specifically extract energy from humans who are manipulated into trances. 10. In addition to this, there are many people who have the equally deserving ability and most people are doing the same thing. Your article sounds a bit conspiracy theoristic. Tekashi 6ix9ine. The present generation wants commercial benefits in everything they do. In Kanye's case, he was a regular man in the music industry before he was a billionaire. The list of people in the Music Industry that are fully given over to the Satanic Influence of Lucifer is staggering. (dont be scared now..) I have you sweatin so hard you need 3 or 4 towels. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. SafeGuardYourSoul is an independent publisher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, feeding and equipping His flock and winning the lost. He was present in Whitneys suite of rooms at the time of her demise and apparently appeared downstairs in the hotel lobby shortly thereafter wearing aviator-type sunglasses and ostentatiously weeping and wailing. In the music business, Nashville was a front for covert cocaine ops during Bill Clinton's tenure . Gemtracks has a directory of professional singers that can record a demo track for you. Seller has the most incredible beat I have ever heard. They are making lots of money and have most of the power. This bad habit has got to stop soon because it is messing up my gym . I wasn't expecting something so great at such reasonable price! #musicinsider #raydaniels #atlanta #motivation #fyp #shorts #podcast #muiscindu. In the early eighteenth century, there is recorded to have been around 8500 composers of music in Europe alone and yet around 8400 of them, despite the fact that their music may have been brilliant or innovative, have never had their music extensively published or played, other than in small, localised concert halls and much of it is today now long-forgotten, lost or deliberately buried. Obviously, there are some genuine cases of accidental drug overdoses, but I am equally sure that some of these are murders and some suicides. Get your FREE eBook on how to skyrocket your music career. subscribe to endofnumbers here on youtube!also like endofnumbers on facebook is so prevalent among this group of people? Manipulation and corruption exists anywhere money can be made, and that is world wide because the world has always been money and power focused (two sides of the same coin). Still think Hollywood-Music Industry-Washington DC Govt-Military brass-political elites are just crazy liberals with wrong beliefs? This is an around-the-clock operation that involves several God-fearing servants and much technological expertise and costs. Performance rights revenue was the fastest growing sector in the music industry, rising 9.4% to $943 million, up from $862 million in 2011. What made a career in the music industry to be almost impossible for people. TLDM reported on January 5, 2018: By David Martin. Shes the reason that I sing. Even before hearing a song, a record company wants to know about where you have performed, how many people have watched you play and how many units did you manage to sell. We cant change other people or how they live. Use logical With a demo track, you have a track to sing along with when you record your vocals in the studio. Why should this happen, at least seven hours after Whitneys death? 9. You must have heard people that you need to be lucky to get success in the music world. In charge of music for the 5 pm mass, retreats, and nights of worship. The following are some examples. Dont rock that boat because we might not fit in anywhere. Premature death seems to be an occupational hazard amongst so-called celebrities in all fields. They choose which ones we think consciously about and which are just subconsciously absorbed as programming. Great article! Thus, it gets difficult for even talented singers to get an opportunity to enter the world of music. So many great artists gone because they wouldn't sell their souls or they were working to uncover the horrid truth for all to see. I had the honor of . Just to get the blood off in 3 or 4 hours. Music Personal Statement Example 1. Thanks again. The last time the music industry was at all time hit was in the 90s. I began piano and recorder lessons shortly afterwards and was consequently able to perform with a renaissance ensemble, where I played a variety of renaissance . It has been raining all morning since 3 am, which lolled me to sleep, and I woke up to the calming effect of the raindrops. Large careers need large teams to maintain them. Maybe, maybe not. Your email address will not be published. Recorded music industry revenue in the United States from 2009 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars) Basic Statistic. 2023 is the year to enter the music industry. But if you wish to direct your life towards a professional music career, you must be ready for tremendous sacrifices. A lot of robotic-transhumanistic symbolism and motifs in Hollywood and the music industry today, from Madonna and Beyonce to Queen, Lil Wayne, and Daft Punk, are rehashed elements from Fritz Lang . When Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones wrote the song Sympathy for the Devil, in the 1960s, this was one of the first examples of Satanism in rock music. Starting with the most obvious one, Marilyn Manson is a pioneer of alternative metal and shock rock. People who want to enter the industry just have to take a leap and not look back. The melody is the tune or pitch of your lyrics when you sing. 1 George Michael Was An Illuminati Sacrifice. Great songs and great lyrics writing becomes challenging because of the tough competition. Dallas, Texas. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . Working in a creative and artistic field requires tough skin and the music industry is no exception. Lawner founded Snctm in February 2013 after spending years throwing high-end, but not erotic, events in Bali. There are a multitude of photos of him on the Internet posing with almost everyone who is anyone. Gone are the days when the industry was about right talent. I dont. Many studies reveal that technology is everything that music is not today. . The best of introductions to their view of the fate of sacrifice in modem culture is certainly "Odysseus or Myth and Enlightenment," where it is argued that "The history of civilization is the history of the introversion of sacrifice. The music video portrays the birth of her alter ego Sasha Fierce. Beyonce's alter ego hints that she is controlled by the Illuminati (par. The market is flooded with people who can sing. The music video for "Sacrifice", directed by Cliqua, was released alongside the song and parent album on January 7, 2022, [11] [12] and serves as the sequel to the music video of "Take My Breath". Thats why Im not part of show business. The disparity is obvious and it needs to change. Popular music especially and its highly-paid exponents are merely pawns of the Elite and are there in order to further manipulate our minds especially those of impressionable youth and now even young children. Its just really unfortunate that drugs, bad people or bad influence took over. We have to be afraid. People like to watch shows and series on OTT platforms. KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES HOW MUSIC LABELS SACRIFICE RAPPERS IN THE INDUSTRY Suspense, horror, piano and . Ive always said you have to have fun and do music and you can never be part of show business because you dont know what its going to get you into. What has not been made public (at least in the mainstream) is that at around 11pm, paramedics were called again and security services and police also rushed to the scene and a medical-type wheelchair with restraints was also wheeled-in as Whitneys daughter Bobbi Kristina had become hysterical and paramedics were on the point of removing her to the hospital. During the 1950s and 60s, occult practices were slowly but surely absorbed into popular music and today the industry literally thrives by using an outward spectacle of occult and satanic rituals and symbolism. A security guard confirmed that Exel had been hanging around Whitney for a few days and was actually pictured standing behind her as she emerged from a nightclub earlier that week, looking confused and disorientated. The music industry is not starving for talent. Her body was not moved out until shortly before the party ended around midnight. Throughout the twentieth century and now into the twenty-first, music has been manipulated from its initial state of innocence, goodness and wholesomeness to become in many cases, downright vile and nasty. U.S. music industry - revenue . 8. Many well-known rock artists are well-versed in the occult and are aware that spiritual entities and multidimensional demons can manifest themself through music of a lower vibrational nature. He was killed in a plane crash on December 10, 1967. Interestingly, a huge number of artists have commented publicly and even composed songs about literally selling their souls to the devil to further their musical careers. Most big websites do this too. 2023 is the year to get into the music industry. No-one really seems to know who he is for sure, but he is often seen and pictured around celebrities.