But as we warned 20 years ago, even 20% represents 400,000 US soldiers willing to shoot unarmed US citizens if ordered to. Historically, once the demonization of the targeted group has been successfully cast as ethnically inferior, invaders, criminals, or domestic terrorists (to use the modern buzzword), the military is deployed under the guise of keeping the peace or protecting the people from themselves. All of us should follow the young people whove led the efforts to protect our planet for generations, and demand more of our leaders at every level. Let his daysbe few;and let another take his office. Psalm 109:8 (KJB). Of those with more than 15 years of service, 87% replied disagree or strongly disagree.. Former President Barack Obama is returning to the White House Tuesday for the first time since he left office to promote his signature health care legislation that President Joe Biden wants to build on. Former Covid official Deborah Birx joins company behind hazardous air-cleaners banned in California, Forever chemicals pollute water from Alaska to Florida, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Almost from the moment they started using AFFF, the military amassed worrisome evidence about the environmental persistence of synthetic carbon-fluorine compounds, their affinity for living things, and their impact on human health., ne of the most enduring, indestructible toxic chemicals known to man Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), which is a, cancers, developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, and infertility, We knew that this would be a costly endeavor, since it meant wed be burning something that was engineered to put out fires, It is not well understood how effective high-temperature combustion is in completely destroying PFAS, the high-temperature chemistry of PFOS [] has not been characterized, many likely byproducts will also be environmentally unsatisfactory, insufficient to monitor poisonous emissions, all available data on the incineration of AFFF, the military did not specify burn parameters nor emission controls, be required to provide Certificates of Disposal/Destruction, incineration could help stem the exodus of factory jobs. USCIS will hold a virtual engagement on March 3, 2023, to provide an overview of the proposed changes and the trial test. From Title 10 US Code the President may use the militia or Armed Forces to: 331 - Suppress an insurrection against a State government at the request of the Legislature or, if not in session, the Governor. The same goes for our15,900 followers on Twitter. Those who remember the early 1990s remember vivid stories of mysterious black helicopters with no markings carrying Russian or Chinese assault troops secretly patrolling Americas back roads and sleepy hamlets. Once manufactured, this carbon-fluorine bond is virtually indestructible. 1 . Your author was also smack dab in the middle of this one and was one of the many, many Americans frantically making black and white photocopies and warning as many unsuspecting people as means would allow. As innocent and harmless as that account, and many like it, makes the survey question sound, it doesnt even begin to scratch the surface of the history of that ominous military question. DeSantis, US Sending $400M Worth of Ammo, Rockets, Armored Bridges. Last year during a CNN town hall, Biden acknowledged that while he had been in the Oval Office many times as vice president, I had never been up in the residence while Obama was president. The United States of America does not ever leave our men and women in uniform behind, Obama said at a Rose Garden ceremony announcing Bergdahls release on May 31, 2014. Make no mistake about it. NOTE: The following applies to border crossings only and not visa services. Analytics cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously. 2 Peter 3 shows us that day when God will blow Earth to smithereens after setting it on fire, hows that for global warming? On February 29, 2020, the United States and the . After nearly two years of lockdown, the government restored 30-day visa-free entry to citizens of 157 countries, including the United States, regardless of their vaccination status. The same assessments said Fazl was alleged to have had operational associations with significant al Qaeda and other extremist personnel.. Through the previous years when Americas global peacekeeping role was being secretly debated in Washington, scenarios repeatedly lead to one specific question if the US government cant or wont use foreign UN peacekeepers to suppress the American people on US soil, can the American military be relied upon to actually fire on their own citizens? Nearly 20,000 World War I veterans came to Washington to demand bonus payments. The EPA has issued a total of 65 enforcement actions against these six incinerators in the past five years alone. While much remains out of public view, there is good reason to think the military continues to burn AFFF. United States. This according to an interview with Garrow on WDTV, which was posted on YouTube on January 23, 2012.A clipping from The Examiner about this story was found posted on his profile page.This is not the first time that such a rumor has gone into circulation. Military Force Against Americans Targeting or detaining Americans Next: Commander in Chief Power The Context After the Sept. 11 attacks, an American citizen who had been arrested in Chicago and. This winter, I partnered with citizens groups and national advocates to compile and publish all available data on the incineration of AFFF. FROM THE NY POST: The four members of the so-called Taliban Five who have joined the new government are Acting Director of Intelligence Abdul Haq Wasiq, Acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs Norullah Noori, Deputy Defense Minister Mohammad Fazl, and Acting Minister of Information and Culture Khairullah Khairkhah. To listen to the whole radio interview between Infowars Alex Jones and retired Navy Seal Ben Smith, visit Infowars.com. But the governor cannot order active duty military members to do the same thing; that power is outside the scope of a governor's jurisdiction. Antony J. Blinken February 24, 2023 New York City, New York. Jan. 12, Athens, Greece: the U.S. embassy is fired on by an anti-tank missile causing damage but no injuries. The oath that is administered to enlisted: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The fifth member of the Taliban Five, Mohammad Nabi Omari,was appointed governorof eastern Khost province last month. As the US Armed Forces became the largest consumer of AFFF in the world, troubling questions about what happens after the fire were brushed aside. They've already turned the majority of Americans against human rights for safety instead and made them dependent on government instead of being independent individuals or family units. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Beyond damning internal emails, the military is still in possession of a tremendous amount of AFFF. The website Knology.net relives the episode from Americas recent history in extensive detail. Some people may be considered US citizens and not become aware of it until later in life. Garrow has been personally involved in helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death. He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing. While some states file suit against the manufactures of AFFF, the fingerprints of the US Armed Forces are all over the scene of the crime. Could it come more full-circle than that? From Portsmouth, New Hampshire to Colorado Springs, Colorado, the last decade has witnessed communities near military bases waking up to a nightmare of PFAS contamination in their water, their soil and their blood. Obamahas remained out of the spotlight since leaving the White House in 2017, only reemerging in key moments during the Trump andBidenadministrations. In 1993, the question was asked to US Marines two years before the official story says it was asked. So "troops" in this context must be identified properly. In the shadow of the smokestack lies the Saratoga Sites Public Housing, a squat brick complex where emissions routinely cloud the playground. As does potential liability. Would US Troops Fire on Americans? Despite AFFFs extraordinary resistance to fire, incineration quietly became the militarys preferred method to handle AFFF. The Department of Defense has ordered the burning of 20m pounds of AFFF despite risks to human health. FROM BREITBART NEWS: Obama is expected to deliver a keynote address as part of Dear Earth, which will include 100 minutes highlighting how we should be solving climate problems, and will be sprinkled with musical performances, according to YouTube Originals. In addition to English language questions, the test includes civics questions about American government, history, geography, symbols, and holidays. If you've served in the U.S. military for at least one year during peacetime and are filing after six months of separating honorablyfrom the military, you can apply to become a United States citizen five yearsafterobtaining your green card (honorable service within this five-year period can count toward that required time, as well). Jones took the scenario one step further and asked the twenty-year-old question, does the current Obama administration litmus test include gauging whether or not individual soldiers would be willing to fire on Americans while disarming them? Of course, reminding people of just how bad things were under the Obama-Biden regime is not going to help their cause, either. Almost from the moment they started using AFFF, the military amassed worrisome evidence about the environmental persistence of synthetic carbon-fluorine compounds, their affinity for living things, and their impact on human health. Kampala - Rebel fire reportedly hit two US military aircraft responding to the outbreak in violence in South Sudan on Saturday, wounding three US service members and heavily damaging at least one of the aircraft, officials said. You may submit any comments on the trial test to natzredesign22@uscis.dhs.gov. Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies. Afghan outletTOLOnews published a list Tuesday of members of the new caretaker government, which features several familiar faces who helped run the war-torn country between 1996 and 2001 when the Taliban were forced from power by US-led NATO forces following the 9/11 attacks. In 2021, Barack Obama who never mentions his Christian faith not one in a hundred times is now the keynote speaker for a Gaia celebration of the one who gave birth to us, the one and only(drumroll please!! Residents attend an open training organized . In many cases, the masses applaud or beg for the deployment. If you are serving or have served in the U.S. armed forces and are interested in becoming a U.S. citizen, you may be eligible to apply for naturalization under special provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) Khairkhah, who helped found the Taliban in 1994, allegedly took part in meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support hostilities against U.S. and Coalition Forces following the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, according to the 2008 assessments. Jones then assumes the litmus test includes the notorious survey question, would you fire on American citizens and Smith simply confirms, Yes.. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. Even as it was sending tanker trucks of AFFF to incinerators in 2017, the military itself noted the high-temperature chemistry of PFOS [] has not been characterized (PFOS is the major PFAS ingredient in AFFF), and many likely byproducts will also be environmentally unsatisfactory.. The two also recorded a Zoom conversation last summer to promote sign-ups for the Affordable Care Act. The survey alarmed some of the Marines and copies soon started being circulated among gun rights supporters. Exposure has also been linked to aggravated Covid-19 infections and weakened vaccine efficacy. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Alex Jones: Now, thats bombshell and I want to quantify that. of the Myler Ski resort near Aparan is operational, and many people are already trying it out! Among those aghast at the price paid for Bergdahls return was Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who told CBS Face the Nation that the Taliban Five were thehardest of the hard-core and the highest high-risk people. In 2015, Bergdahl wascharged by the military with desertionwith intent to shirk important or hazardous duty and one count of misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of his fellow soldiers. Parts of TPP Trade Deal leaked by WikiLeaks, rally to free oscar lopez rivera after 32 years, Celestia Vega Net Worth 2019, Biography and Career, What You Should Know about Arizona Registration Renewal. The first ski lift (of the planned 16!) The account from Knology.net reports that those numbers are low and the situation is even worse than thought. Pope Francis Entrusts The Soul Of Pontifex Maximus Emeritus Benedict XVI To The Most Holy Virgin Mary Queen Of Heaven, Gullible Laodicean Christians Watching Series The Chosen Are Being Led To Mother Rome And Praying To Mary By Catholic Actor Jonathan Roumie, You Know Were Close When Fake News CNN Publishes Article Designed To Belittle And Destroy Your Faith In The Pretribulation Rapture Of The Church, Main Stream Media And DOJ Firing All Their Rockets To Bring Down Donald Trump While Refusing To Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop Criminal Content, As Trump Demands That He Be Re-Installed As President Due To Election Fraud, Fears Of A Dematerializing Red Wave Are Growing By The Day, Jeff Zucker, Head Of The Least-Trusted Name In News, Steps Down In Yet Another Massive Scandal To Rock Fake News CNN Over Past Few Months, MAD MAX: Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters Calls For Her Crazed Followers To Defy The Supreme Court And Riot In The Streets Until They Get Their Way, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Police Form A Barrier Around Supreme Court As Justices Overturn Roe V. Wade Ending 50 Years Of Federal Abortion, Radical Pro-Abortion Group Janes Revenge Planning To Launch Acts Of Domestic Terrorism With The Full Approval Of Democrat Controlled Congress, Jared Kushner Says That The Two-State Solution Has Failed, Says His Deal Is A New And Different Way To Reach Peace, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Posts Shock Video Implying United States May Also Support The Building Of A Third Jewish Temple In Israel, President Trumps Recognition Of Jerusalem Sparks New Talks On The Building Of The Third Jewish Temple, What The Bible Has To Say About The Coming Third Jewish Temple In Israel Will Shock You To Your Core, After Selling Off His BioNTech Stock For A Cool $500 Million Profit, Bill Gates Suddenly Starts Talking About All The Problems With The Current Vaccines, Hmm, Bioterrorist Bill Gates Tells Australia The Next Pandemic Will Be Man Made, Praises Nations Like China Who Forced Draconian COVID Lockdowns, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Bill Gates And His End Times Dystopian Goalkeepers 2030 Agenda To Control The Food Supply Should Terrify You, A Sad Bill Gates Laments That More Of His Dystopian Agenda Was Not Carried Out During The Pandemic, Commits $20 Billion To Completing The Mission, Super Sponsor Of The Democratic Party George Soros Gives $125 Million To Help Sway The 2022 Midterm Elections In Favor Of Democrats, MINISTRY OF TRUTH: The Aspen Institute Commission On Information Disorder Funded By George Soros And Bill Gates Aims To Control All Media Dialogue, End Times Villains George Soros And Bill Gates Form Global Access Health Partnership To Buy Mologic, A COVID Rapid Test Kit Company In The UK, Radical Leftists From George Soros Funded Sunrise Movement Storm White House Blocking All 10 Entrances As Media Remains Silent About Siege. The US announced 333m more in military aid for Kyiv, including a bridge-launching tank used for offensive manoeuvres . US citizenship, and who is considered a citizen, is a complex topic. CLICK IMAGE TO ORDER YOUR BOX OF NTEB GOSPEL TRACTS. While the two presidents share a close bond over their mutual history in the Senate and later in the White House, a quiet tension has also existed. If a leader out-of-nowhere ordered subordinates to fire on docile civilians, modern American military would not fire. The Army's members are its soldiers. Refusing to become fuel, this herculean bond overpowers and tames even the most incendiary infernos. Weighing out its own liability against the health of these communities, the Pentagon struck the match. DOJ Says Trump Can Be Sued for J6 Riot Democrats Infuriated Biden to Nix DC Soft-on-Crime Bill. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The answer to that is yes, and it would not be that hard. Obamais expected to return to the White House again in the coming months at the unveiling of presidential portraits of himself and former first lady Michelle Obama. Now, whistleblowers say the Obama administration is quietly asking the military that question again. This site uses different types of cookies. All the anti gun people are pushing for gun registration and gun confiscation via "universal background checks" and "red flag laws.". As additional announcements and information become available, we will post them on this Citizenship Resource Center page. But in foreign wars, the American military may have killed hundreds of thousands of foreigners in cold blood, virtually all civilians, and the greater majority of these by bombing. Prior to Pearl Harbor, the United States had been involved in a non-combat role, through the The beginning wasn't the Democratic Convention of . And, because AFFF is a forever chemical that doesnt break down, that pollution could likely plague communities for generations. On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of deadly force in confronting dissidents on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, Warning shot will not be fired.. Given thatsecond amendment advocates are now being depicted as dangerous terroristsby the federal government and local law enforcement, Garrows claim is sure to stoke controversy given that Americans are seeing their gun rights eviscerated while the federal government itselfstockpiles billions of bullets. Bennett noted the potential added benefit that popular and talented former presidents can really help the incumbent craft and carry a message. One White House official downplayed any political aspects of bringingObamainto the White House, saying the former president has championed the law informally bearing his name for years and it made sense for him to be there to promote new efforts to strengthen the legislation. Interview. The reserve components are the Army Reserve and Army National Guard. Buffoonish mobs desecrating the U.S. Capitol building, tanks parading down the streets of Washington, running battles between protesters and militias, armed rebels attempting to kidnap sitting.