I keep saying this but its a great time to be a Star Trek fan again! To be honest I think she is more attractive than the mostly skinny cast of most series. And saying they should be sending this message is just another way to try to bully someone into doing what you want, not what that person wants for their self. Key difference in thinking, and it makes all the difference in the big picture! It explains why each scene is half-redundant and half-contradictory with the others within the same episode. But the characters are pitch perfect. Although criticism of a performance is valid (Burnhams whispering, over emoting etc.) Since you said mum Im going to assume youre in the UK, and I can personally confirm that you can get some great help, including face to face therapy, through the NHS, for free. Shes beyond perfect with her line delivery. I dont understand this at all. But then again Im not a troll. Its good to have ALL type of people/stories in our Star Trek Universe. Every woman is very beautiful. Mack is one of the core group of Trek authors going back to shortly before Nemesis. I know Gene Rodenberry never wanted Starfleet to be portrayed as a military outfit, but this has gone so far in the opposite direction that its being run like a pre-school participation awards ceremony. Andrew: Great, perceptive, thoughtful post! But I think one of the things that leaves everyone feeling unmoored in this situation is they dont even know how to use their skills to deal with this because its something theyve never seen before, and they cant predict it, they dont know by which rules its operating, and how to even engage. Im not counting on it. You know what, fvck you, Vulcan Soul. This show has been for a niche of Trek fandom not the mainstream. Thats kind of what I was playing with. I know everyone is different but for me, once I hit my mid-30s my metabolism slowed down, so I had to cut back on the amount of food I ate compared to when I was 25. To even suggest that is stupidity writ large. However, Tilly's rise to Lieutenant in Thursday's episode of Star Trek: Discovery did not invoke feelings of joy. Tilly should have been introduced as female Barclay or a less extreme version of junior lieutenant Picard in Tapestry (the alternate timeline where his career stalled after avoiding getting stabbed in the heart). Mary Wiseman Net Worth The net worth of Mary Wiseman has been estimated at $1 million. Please back up your statement. It feels too 21st century specific as does Tillys. The reason why Troi was on the bridge all the timewas that she was a betazoid. TrekMovie.com is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corp. or the Star Trek franchise. Saru would then recognize the potential in her, give her opportunities to build her self esteem and confidence, and wed get a good arc that doesnt seem forced like it does now. And Kirsten Beyer probably consults on that show too along with her duties on Picard and Discovery, so its possible at least. Star Trek: Discovery threw a shocker into its latest episode as Lieutenant Sylvia Tilly decided to leave the Discovery crew. I let go of my preconceptions about what star trek is. Its far from just the United States or even just affluent countries. Took time to reset the franchise. I didnt like Reed from Enterprise, does that make me a troll? I hope were able to explore it because theres potential for great levity, but then also really important conversations to be had because when you care about someone you dont want to see them go through pain, and I can see completely how Tilly will be very protective of Michael Burnham. After all, it DOES seem as though Tilly is gone from the crew for the time being. It was the fall of 2017 and my non-Trekkie wife, Lisa, had begrudgingly agreed to watch Star Trek: Discovery with me, having heard me talk nonstop about how excited I was for Trek's return to TV.We were on the third episode, "Context is for Kings," when she appeared. Thats a crumpet I want to butter. [laughter], David Ajala as Book and Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael in episode 401 Kobayashi Maru. If Tilly needed to pick up a phaser or be physically active then that means the Discovery is in some serious shit, with it either having been boarded and their entire security personnel neutralised, or with Tilly separated from the ship, most like due to its destruction. Tilly appears twice in the Star Trek: Discovery season 5 trailer. You misunderstood. Assuming you are American, Im from outside America where it makes a huge difference in how the characters comes across.America is not the world as Morrissey once said. The mirror Tilly and the ISS Discovery appear in the "Mirror of Discovery" storyline in Star Trek Online, as part of the game's 9th anniversary in January 2019; she is voiced by Mary Wiseman, who also . Seasons one through three are available to stream now on CBS All Access. A Stitch in Time kicks off the Garak/Cardassian books and is excellent. That was always the theory I had for Barclay. That is assuming the this Starfleet Academy show is set in the 32nd century. Actually, the production team is not helping either. (80's for ya) Barclay was another unrealistic character that never shouldve made it in to Starfleet. Sonequa is a great actress. We have no information that Beyer consults in this show. Is her awkwardness all that different from Ezri on DS9? He was in the Travis Mayweather category. But Im just happy we are talking about Voyager again, especially since this show is basically a spin off of it! I like her personality though, mostly. I for one have always had to watch my weight and I still wage the battle to this day. Its 2020 and were taking any more of your sh!t. I would prefer to finish the rest of Prodigy first season instead. Respectfully, to anyone somehow offended by that. Mary Wiseman has established herself as a talented actor on Star Trek: Discovery. . Where I live people compete on the merits. I agree, the writing, character development, and story telling needs to improve. So, hes likely a good fit for the Hageman brothers who say that they want to bring the Wrath of Khan feeling to the Prodigy audience. I believe we can thank Mack for helping the Showrunners and writers identify species that would work in Prodigy and for some deep cuts. Ive finally had the chance to reply to your comment about Lue Elizondo etc on the other thread. Its a tricky one, as someone who is outside America and didnt have English as the first language growing up its more noticeable. You cant be a Star Trek fan and also be a racist or a body shamer. In fact, thats all the Discovery crew is qualified as in the 32nd century. Weve seen Captain Killy, so what does Mirror Universe Book look like? David Ajala: Yeah. Then that very well could be something for not just women but everyone to aspire towards. I dont think youre ready for that kind of interaction, online, or anywhere else. His Voyager appearances were also horrid. It is incredibly bad and is a publicly dangerous message to be sending. Im proud to be here and I am proud to wear my skin-tight costume and proud of my body. Thats just a matter of preference. Because she symbolizes the Trekkies, geeks, nerds. Its participation trophy trek. What? I think you are talking jibberish. Yes I forgot David Mack is a consultant on this show too and is well aware of all the post-Nemesis stories in the novels. Mention one thing or person loved by EVERYBODY. Where did all the good writers go?? This sounds kind of racist. 42 comments so far. Just when it looks like the character has finally grown as a person and doing her own thing, comes right back. I even got a t-shirt that says DISCO on it, which prompts inquiries about my musical tastes of past decades when I was a twenty-something, lol. Thats the whole point why they wanted HER to teach at the newly formed Academy They wanted someone with the original 23rd century optimism and enthusiasm I share that notion a lot And yeah, Im glad Starfleet doesnt work like actual military, And no, S3 was not stupidity. I truly do love this show, but Burnham and Tilly are so damn annoying. Everybody loves ., meant literally, is never true. STAR TREK and its various marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. 2023 CBS Studios Inc./Paramount Pictures Corp. 2006-2023 SciFanatic Network | Legal/Privacy Info, Copyright 2023 | MH Newsdesk by MH Themes, Podcast: All Access Dives Into The Latest Episode Of Picard And Probes Star Treks TV (And Movie) Future, BREAKING: Star Trek: Discovery To Conclude With Season 5, Review: Star Trek: Picard Runs Deep In Seventeen Seconds, Watch Picard And Riker Reverse Their Classic Roles In Star Trek: Picard Episode 303 Clip, J.J. Abrams Talks Compelling Story For Star Trek 4; Chris Pine Expresses Frustration Over Wait, I hope Mary Wiseman is okay or has a good reason for her weight gain since S1. By: Laurie Ulster should take a pear of pruning shears and cut off that little pecker of yours (its what Killy would do). This time, even if I wanted that, my body said: no were going to take some time here, we need to heal. And so, I find myself in this bigger, fuller body and it made me appreciate where I was before. It took this for me to finally accept who I am. I echo your sentiments exactly, David. As soon as she was, they should have rewritten Tilly from being a cadet to being a lieutenant or something. Patrick Kwok-Choon is the only one of the bridge officers that doesnt have another regular acting or producer/director role. 108 comments so far. | March 22, 2022 | We need to examine our highest ideals and allegiances to reveal our preconceived notions, shallow knee-jerk reactions, and find the truth about our choices. Age is affecting my memory haha. Shes one of the shows most divisive characters. Since season one, Tilly (Mary Wiseman). Im mostly just curious if Tillys removal from Disco came from Wiseman looking to do other projects or if they wrote it in and broke the news that she was getting cut as a regular. It seems like people like her say: this is me. And second of all, just to dig into it, you dont always get to see a woman like me in that sort of position. I understand the actress is very well-respected and a nice person, but I couldnt stand the Tilly character myself. TrekMovie.com is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corp. or the Star Trek franchise. Mary Wiseman: I wish there maybe in the future theres room for some protective best friend/boyfriend energy. But admittedly, its pretty close. Hey writers room go back to TNG and see how a child became an honourary bridge officer on the Enterprise D. (something equally puzzling to say the least) Picard did it because the Traveller who could traverse space time and see the future and past told Picard it was extremely important to encourage the boy. When I was around 12 I used to eat peanut butter and drink Ensure, a meal replacement drink, before I went to sleep. Heaven forefend women feel good about themselves! Jerks. Its all pretty subjective. I keep hearing the word heartthats the poorest excuse yet. All you ever do on this board is show up and attack womxn for being womxn, LBGTQ+ for being LBGTQ+, people of color for being people of color. And no one in their right mind would play poker with her. Two Kelpians and a Disco Kenny (Zero Kelpians were harmed during this shoot. Mary shouldnt listen to the haters and Sonequa, I never noticed she looked any different than she did before, body wise. How is she supposed to sound considering nobody knows what people in the 23rd century will talk like? But I really do like Book a lot! But my initial annoyed response to DISCO in particular, well, Ive let go of that in the past two years, as life is too short to get all worked-up angry over personal quibbles with a tv show. Although they didnt really use secondary characters wellthey still dont. Im not the idiot fringe but her weight is none of our business (and, also, she had a baby before S3, I believe). David Ajala: I would be very dangerous. That sucks, but that is just the way it goes. Discovery may have just said goodbye to one of its crew, but don't worry: She'll be back. Mary Wiseman is a good actress but even with that, if Star Trek Discovery was shot in 80s or 90s producers would probably force her to go on a diet or even fire her. By being visible on your TV screen? Sincerely, obesity is defined in terms of the proportion of body fat associated higher risk of illness. Stupid decision to bring her back. I suspect that Prodigy may use some of the elements that Beyer expanded or created for Full Circle without actually developing any of the overall story arc. Just take a little trip down the hellhole that is a tabloids message boards and youll see the kind of body shaming of male and female actors and celebrities that exists out there. Of all the issues I have with Star Trek Discovery, Mary Wiseman/Tilly is definitely not among them. What do you mean? The Relaunch Litverse books for DS9 are uneven in my reading experience as compared to the TNG and the Voyager books once Beyer took over. Paradise was most likely referring to the shows production and creative teams. Mary Wiseman is confirmed to return as Sylvia Tilly in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, although whether she rejoins the crew or continues at Starfleet Academy and only interjects occasionally remains unknown. Lets stick with the science and not target individuals. Why did they do that? Great interview, Dawn. Just grow up and ignore the random internet comments you are elevating the drama of this internet troll thing by talking about it. Originally I imagined him as Denzel Washington or Blair Underwood, but after belatedly watching The Wire and Luther I think Idris Elba would be a really good match. Right? Waste of talent. Just mentioning few of their values. Just blows my mind. And I belong., After reading the Forbes article, Wiseman got some backup from someone who knows what its like to be a woman in the captains chair: Kate Mulgrew, who thinks Mary is killing it on Discovery and should pay the haters no mind., I saw the @Forbes article on Mary Wiseman @may_wise clearly killing it onscreen & off in #StarTrekDiscovery. Bad, character pandering types of writing, with over-emotional children in the roles of astronaut-scientist-soldiers. Samarkand? Can Picard go round the sun once more and rescue Saru from Discovery? Heck I think it was more unrealistic when some chick was upset he wasn't ready for sex. Me thinks that your issue is not that fans of nu trek are pandered to to feel better about themselves. If they wont act a woman should take a pear of pruning shears and cut off that little pecker of yours (its what Killy would do). One reason why I think people gravitated towards Trip the most on Enterprise was that the combination of writing and performances created one of the most believable humans in Star Trek this side of Dr. McCoy and Chief OBrien. If you read what Mary and Sonequa are saying, they arent promoting any particular body style or fitness choice, just that they are as they are and only they have the right to choose how that should be. That promise was. Yet, she is. Btw, I really liked the scene of Tilly and Burnham running back in S1 and eating protein, carbs and fat post workout. Also the writers, Erika Lipoldt and Bo Yeon Kim. It is also available on Netflix in 190 countries around the world. At the other end, underweight is also unhealthy and associated with other risks, but gets less negative attention in entertainment. I admit, has been a roller coaster between each season. And Id add she has a hero complex too always wants to save the day/galaxy/whathaveyou. Thats undeniable. They have solved some of these issues the easy way by talking themselves out of it (Klingon hair, holograms, Ariam being no android at all), now that we are in the future none of it really matters anymore. For what its worth Picard has an excellent cast, male and female, it just feels they are one or two notches above their discovery peers, maybe again due to writing/direction. I think the CW has been using something like this for years. Trolls that bodyshame others are a lower life form. So when Tilly became a teacher I was like, freaky coincidence but perfect!). Basically a good officer whos been in Starfleet for some years but her career stalled due to emotional and self-esteem issues. Loved that show, so did my wife. Everybody loves Tilly. Except the writers of course. I lovvvve Lilly/Tilly and her curves. See more at the Paley Center for Media Arts' Star Trek: Discovery Fight for the Future exhibit in Los Angeles, now through July 7th. To be clear, my opinion on a show has no bearing on how it helped you at a terrible time in your life. Good points. We want people to get their facts from reliable health sources, not celebrities, so saying actors should be sending some sort of fitness message is just backwards. She opted that she had a different calling within the world of teaching and, in the end, she decided that she wanted to chase that feeling. She gets up in the morning and lives with a purpose, helping her crewmates, and ready to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. I do not endorse body-shaming in any way, as I was bullied as a kid years ago. The ships shrink should not be a Command level position and in fact would make sense to be on the CMOs staff. Therefore, I love her. Everyone has their gifts. She is best known for starring as Sylvia Tilly in the Paramount+ science fiction drama series Star Trek: Discovery (2017-present). Some of us dont grasp the very basic foundation of what Star Trek is all about!? Just when it looks like the character has finally grown as a person and doing her own thing, comes right back. Everybody loves is an idiom, it should never be taken as a strict statement. How does Tillys scientific mind come into play in solving the crisis of the anomaly in season four? DS9 Avatar books 1 and 2 were quite good and helpfully kicked off the DS9 Relaunch sequence. Im sorry but what youve described about Tilly is like something out of a Nickelodeon teen high school drama. Many smoke to keep the weight off. Before we move on to SuKal this Thursday, there are still some bits to catch up on from the Terra Firma arc of Star Trek: Discovery. Shes magnetic. Jealous and insecure,they can only feel better by putting others down. Contents 1 Early life 2 Starfleet career 2.1 USS Discovery 2.1.1 The war 2.1.2 Post-war 2.1.3 32nd century 3 Personal relationships 3.1 Friendships Diplomacy? She hasnt mentored anyone except in one episode. Well, its certainly a good thing that Tilly is a fictional character, and neither she nor the woman who plays her (Wiseman) is in todays real-world Navy.. At New York Comic Con, TrekMovie participated in some group interviews with members of the cast and crew,. Her character of Cadet Tilly in Star Trek Discovery is warm and positive. Mary Wiseman: That experience affects her so much this season. I basically just know the books that gets discussed or reviewed here. She is a real girl. But it looks like TG47 answered your question! Finally, Starfleet isn't a military organisation or an army. As you put it: I love how Disco has put the human back into the human experience. And I agree wholeheartedly. Its intolerance in its most basic form, and anyone who engages in, advocates for, or turns a blind eye and deaf ear to it are examples of the worst humanity has to offer, and most certainly have no business calling themselves a Star Trek fan. Mary Wiseman is a beautiful lady as is Sonequa Martin-Green. Michelle Yeoh, considerably smaller in physical stature, probably weighs around 90# [because she is allll muscle]. Xanadu? Nah Book is Boba Fett and I want to see the spin-off series THE BOOK OF BOOK :-). Plus, TNG literally had a therapist as part of the bridge crew. Mary Wiseman is sending the message that your body is your own, your responsibility, and nobody elses business, not any sort of health and fitness message. American actress Mary Wiseman payed several smaller roles in the past but recently gained a big recognition as Cadet Sylvia Tilly in new iteration of Star Trek franchise called Star trek: Discovery. Overweight and obesity are not a matter of looks or body shape, and those who feel free to body-shame are off-side and frequently unkind. Its all relative, but I dont see a lot of actors being body-shamed. Tilly is the product of lazy writing and a lazy showrunner. Not everyone is going to agree with you in life but to accuse others of sullying the memories of people they didnt know existed until you replied to their posts may provoke far more negative responses. So I think we pick up with her after some time has passed since the events of that season, but shes still sort of not really sure what to make of it, and everything that used to be really comfortable isnt sitting as comfortably as it used to if that makes sense. Shaming is one thing. Fortunately, more than 30 years ago I was encouraged to focus on the health aspects of eating well and training hard and not the aesthetics. Tillys journey has helped me over the last few years. Miss Wiseman F those fake Trekkies/Treksters keep acting your ass off. Mary Wiseman and David Ajala with their co-stars Wilson Cruz, Sonequa Martin-Green, Blu del Barrio, and Anthony Rapp at NYCC 2021, (Trailer also available for international viewers onInstagramandstartrek.com). And so she will be part of this universe and this world for many years to come. Let it die. Having Tilly be one was justdumb. And I just let the writers take me on a journey. Correct me if I am wrong, but did she not have to take a command course at some point? I read somewhere that Gates McFadden and Marina Sirtis had somewhere in their contract a stipulation that they had to fit into their costumes. And if youre able to use that against someone, that could be very, very dangerous. This was her character and then had perhaps one or two incidents where she became a little more focused and then off screen came back a different person. Like damn the guy's 90 ffs give him a break. Typical. each series has traditionally had someone that acts as a way to explore the inner humanityie spock, data, odo, doc/seven. We have both Mary Wiseman and Sonequa Martin-Green talking about body issues, Kate Mulgrew jumping in too, and some more behind-the-scenes photos. No character like her would ever have graduated Starfleet. Han Van Sciver and Mary Wiseman in At the Wedding (Photo: Marc J. Franklin), Watch Wiseman and cast and crew talk about the season four finale. I look at Disco as adding a new flavor to the existing universe. No one of my Trekkie friends, growing up with TNG watch this anymore. But it would seem to me that it might ought to be standard practice to have a Betazed on the bridge on all starships if those stills were so needed. She hopped over those 900 years. The other big issue Ive always had is the graphic nature of violence, this We are TV-MA streaming, so we can do anything attitude I simply hate that. Those b@stards, however, totally killed Landry )Cuddles with @actordougjones and @davbentom These men are nothing short of hereoic in prosthetics all day e'reday. They should have tried to make Tilly more credible first. BTW, I know this is waaaaaay off topic, but since you are the literary Trek lover on this site and keep up with a lot of the books, do you think Prodigy is going to use some of Kirsten Beyers Full Circle Voyager story lines? But how the women look?! Wiseman possess voluptuous hourglass shaped figure. That will be the one I read first! As an officer shes supposed to be leader. I could watch Tilly all day! I hope that Wiseman uses that info into the future because it does work for fat burning and muscle building. Mary Wiseman claims that she wants to inspire all the curvy women around the world with her Star Trek weight gain story. #StarTrekDiscovery #MirrorLandry pic.twitter.com/Ed0nbToiQH, Rekha the leaves (@TheRekhaSharma) December 19, 2020. All Access Star Trek Podcast, Discovery, DS9, Lower Decks, Section 31, Star Trek 4, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Prodigy, Strange New Worlds. And it all happened OFF SCREEN! Hes been very creative in using callbacks and interweaving eras in his own work. Nibiru? Every Thursday night I yell Black Alert to let everyone know Im watching Star Trek. Did Tilly on Discovery gain weight? Mary Wiseman: That was a really good teaser. Has Tilly body-shaming outside of the Twitter imbeciles been a thing? Tilly is a wonderful incarnation of our inner geekdom, a person you would find at conventions or in fanfiction I love this character so much because she isnt perfect. Having a discussion about healthy weights, healthy eating and physical activity and how thats important is a good Star Trek message. Its very possible Mary Wiseman wanted off the show, or needed a bit of a break. Im sure nearly everyone of the crew of TNG had issues and problems. There is a great scene back in S1 when Tilly and Burnham are doing cardio training and post workout are eating their protien, carbs and fat nutrition, something that the body requires after a hard cardio workout. Neither were annoying. For now, Wiseman is busy starring in the new comedy play At the Wedding at the Lincoln Center Theater in New York. Watch as SFX makeup transforms Doug Jones into Saru for Star Trek: Discovery. It is not yet known what role, if any, Wisemans Tilly would have in the upcoming season, with possibilities ranging from guest or recurring character to becoming a series regular again. Definitely a character created for the TikTok generation to like.. high five, hugs and ditziness with lots of over emotional feelings on display. Yeah, self absorbed is an excellent way to describe her character, Id never thought of it that way. Even 1,000 years into the future, Burham cannotoh well, that is a different story for a different post. Happy to have your wit, enthusiasm, & talent as part of the franchise. Why does the therapist appear to outrank the CMO? They basically wrote her off the show! Sort of the same way Spock stayed first officer in the movies to Kirk although he was a captain for five of those films. By: TrekMovie.com Staff Jack perhaps you were at the Dave Chappelle protest screaming Judas, you are starting to sound like the type who gets sensitive over everything. And to have somebody step in and defend you is really meaningful. The door is open, I suppose, if that show should fail for some reason, but I doubt theyll just throw her back into the same role on the ship like nothing ever happened. Its not celebrating obesity to say that her body is her business and nobody elses. So sayeth Scotty, the contrarian. Personally I dont find that inspiring in any way whatsoever. Her body shape is fabulousshe is gorgeous. Thats not a leader. Whereas Tilly is an oh shes just like me and validates all my insecurities so its ok to be as I am. . Full Circle is pretty dark in some ways. Given all the trouble the crew got into, Im sure they needed one on the ship. Fitness may be in the eye of the beholder, as hes commented himself that contempories his age have to hit the head just a bit more often. MS Wiseman owns the sadistic Bitch Capt Killy like she does Tilly. Sad but true, yet we always opt to genuflect in the direction of the elephant. I mean, there could have been but it was never seen or talked about. I just wonder if maybe they are adapting the basic idea to what we are seeing in Prodigy since the Protostar couldve been part of the Full Circle program and was sent back to the DQ for a specific mission? Anyway it was just a thought. Absolutely. Biography A statistical average does not justify shaming or ridiculing anyone. David Ajala: Legit, its still very palpable here. Body shaming is wrong and immature. I hate the body shaming of actresses Theres recently was yet another fanboy arse-hat bloger who on their twitter account made an unkind comment about Mary/Tilly regarding her weight. She went away and supposedly became an amazing well rounded person. This is rare case were I actually agree with Lorma. Any accent would be acceptable for a time that hasnt happened yet. The only thing she is qualified for at Starfleet Academy is as a 23rd century specialist. David Ajala: Yeah, absolutely. Right! Troi made explicit the evil intent lies we tell each other and ourselves to gain selfish material and political advantage. Episodes will be. And to be honest, she never really helped him out all that much. Im sure many may NOT be a Janeway but could at least look at her and say thats what I aspire to be. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. But its at least nice they came to their senses with that ridiculous story turn (unlike Kirk). And I know Chakotay was also Captain on Voyager in those books as well. GD, what shoes is David wearing in those pics? Even though he is one of the worst characters in Trek, he was the main focus in arguably the best episode of Voyager: Timeless. I like the way you think! So many characters, and all were very well developed with interesting stories. Disco has a lot of problems storywise But not her looks! When all evidence points to her character not being loved or even liked (the actress is fine; shes been poorly handled by the writers (Michelle Paradise). She is one of the best things about Discovery. And the only family she has is on that ship. Other ships having counselors in the TNG era was mentioned.