He had an ex that he was still getting over and it led to our on and off cycle for about a year. But if the partner is a Taurus female, then a lot of emphasis may have to be given to marriage, in the relationship. The love combination of Taurus and Sagittarius is a bit more out of box. Keep an air of mystery. Pisces Marriages: February 19March 20. A Taurus woman is cool, steady, and stable. The Taurus man wants stability while the Sagittarius woman wants to feel understood and cared for. He is passionate while she is able to keep an objective view of most things. Very rarely u can find good soul in this Taurus zodiac. but i love him & i wont let him go lol. Its passion and connection. I know he loves me but he doesnt take the time I need and he doesnt hear my needs ..Im literally giving him the book for dummies and he misses it every time. Do you know what that word means? They are sweet natured. They will enjoy making love to each other and explore the spiritual facet of it too. or may if this happened that we didnt get marry or not be happy with him in future then leaving this opportunity will be a great mistaje for mebut now reading your comment i got somewhat clear that relationship works out of zodiac compatibility om the basis of trust and understanding which is more important than zodiac compatibility thanks sarah indirectly or directly you cleared my confusion ?? My daughter and sister both are Sagittarius and babeee our relationship is like being in the middle of the ocean with heavy currents. Despite these astrological odds, these two have been married since 2008 and together since 2004 so, suffice to say, commitment has not been a problem for them. Set him free and he will come back I promise you! For a little patience and possess a little patience and tradition, virgo; it may be too different needs of energy, theirs is passion huge vision. I am a Taurus woman dating a Sagittarius man since two months plus now we are having issues but mine reading this is very helpful and I dont loose hope.. so am trying all my possible best and I think things is getting better gradually, gradually now cause I really loves that dude. Teigen, who is (unsurprisingly) a Sagittarius, is an odd match for Legend's. A sag will just read what you wrote and know he made the right decision in leaving. They just need to understand each others sexual needs which may differ, but once they act accordingly, they will lead a very happy sexual life as well, which will add positivity to the Sagittarius man and Taurus woman compatibility that they will share. Useless argument. We hit it off from the start and have had a great relationship up until now. The reason it can work is that she will enjoy some time to herself, which will give him time for adventure and other things that he likes and she does not. Taurus is an Earth sign and is extremely practical and pragmatic. We have never had any fights and only minor discussions about household stuff. I came across his profile and said Hi there! than he sent a message back and I gave out my number to him and we both met. If we point their mistakes they will become annoyed their brutal character is exposed. As the core element that represents this group is fire, the people belonging to this group are spontaneous, carefree, fun-loving, warm and enterprising. The Taurus personality female adores a lot of qualities which the Sagittarius man exhibits. Read about the love compatibility of a Taurus and Sagittarius relationship as well. They may also lead a great physical relationship in bed. If you're like most Sagittarius women, you tend to be pretty direct and honest. The older one know what they want. He can be very romantic in love! Guys, if you want to be stressed out and secretly manipulated, then find a Water sign. When with them, you should be prepared for. When she left my sister in law said watching you guys interact is so funny its like you are each others spirit animal we have both led wild unpredictable underworldly lives. Wow. He will date casually, but he is not keen on making commitments. Its been rocky but I finally understand what I must do and dont. A female Sagittarius and Taurus-male are rare. Leo Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? He hates stagnation and feeling stuck in a rut. He is completely irresponsible and like another child to look after. Taurus are stubborn secretive Their Motto is Mine is also mine. Bob, Im a Sagittarius man 35i recently met a 26 year old Taurus woman. Now, the only thing Taurus ask is security, passion, commitment, honesty and communication. I am so glad I did! The Taurus man can provide a solid base for the Sagittarius woman to return to after her latest quest. Tom is a Leo, and Gisele is a Cancer. On a limited basis, a Sagittarius man and Cancer woman have a lot to learn from each other. I will never even attempt to be friends with a Sagittarius after this traumatic experience. Selfish woman. I am a Taurus woman and my fianc is a sag.Kudos all the way for that explanation. This is a friendship that works out well for both signs because they're highly independent, fun-loving, curious, and spontaneous.. She is generous and kind and has a strong ability of taking care of her dear ones. Suck energy of family she will eat and sleep well. 11. She likes following a routine and derives satisfaction from her daily habits. She believes in marriage, and it is common for a Taurus woman to marry early in life to someone she has known for a long time. Scorpio Man & Taurus Woman Bed Compatibility. The differences between them are so great that it is unlikely that they will get together in the first place. How should I play this? This actually resonates so much with me and my sag man. So of course, ASAP Rocky, a Libra who loves aesthetics, is truly the perfect match. The union of Sagittarius and Taurus has many positive points, especially in the beginning. A Sagittarius man makes a great first impression because he is so fun and flirtatious. Her passion and will to satisfy has been noted by me. Talk. This could come in the form as simple as the slightest loving touch or as complicated as deep, thought provoking and provocative conversation; chances are its both. He sees things I cant see when I look in the mirror. He is of a spiritual turn of mind, excited to learn and have experiences with new individuals, in new settings. He brought out confidence in me- made me feel confident for being me! Astrological compatibility isn't everything. They will either find a way to be together in a way that accommodates both of their needs and desires, or they will not. You cant focus on him because you cant control him. On numerous occasions she has hinted that shes really in to me, but for me id rather not settle down now (as in commit or devote to one her fully), because it seems borring and repetitive (for me) to be doing that when to her its probably how she is. He can also stabilize her recklessness, and show her that putting down roots isn't such a bad thing after all. I feel like Ive known this girl my whole life. The female Taurus. A Sagittarius likes to do what they want, when they want, whereas a Virgo is cautious and methodical. She may not like the fact that he goes out with his female friends leaving her alone at her place. Its your compatibility. If he says anything and your willing to do so then do it. They keep things interesting and fun. Fifth sense creatures. Taurus woman are the best woman on the face of the earth. He makes me feel important, loved, beautiful, smart, safe. I don't think anyone would disagree that Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas seem like a match made in heaven. With him i feel like im really present and alive.. All of this information was accurate down to the T! Why do you think that is? You can only control you and thats what you need to focus on because focusing on him will drive you crazier. This tells us that a Sagittarius man finds value in experiences rather than objects. Utter selfish woman. Air sign Aquarius tends to be distant and impersonal, while Pisceans (like all water signs) are basically overflowing with love and emotions. Taurus woman too The Taurus woman who is in our family unbearable. ? These small adjustments will make him more zealous and sincere, and she inturn will pour a lot of love and romance in the astrology relationship compatibility. Help me guys. My hubby has never missteped in almost 10 years of marriage ..we met my baby was 7..now shes 23,graduated ..we have grandkids too#blessed. The Sagittarius man is usually someone who refrains from getting involved in the marriage aspect of love and romance, as he believes in being in the present. When a Sagittarius male especially one that is older is decisive beware. The most easy to understand feature of Astrology, The factor influencing your mind and emotions, Explore all about the 9 Agents of God the 9 Planets, The House which forms the basis of the Horoscope, The 12 crucial components that make up the Horoscope, Explore the deeper aspects of the human psyche, Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change, SAGITTARIUS MAN AND TAURUS WOMAN COMPATIBILITY. He will acknowledge her all the more, when he sees the support and adherence with which she believes in his dreams with positivity. What will likely happen is that she will ignore him and go about doing what she has always done in the way that she has always done it. I just dont want to feel like Ive wasted my time and I dont want to start over but am I just holding on to false hope and being naive? Being honest, a visionary, an intelligent communicator and smart are some, that she acknowledges. Well im a Taurus woman and i am nothing like your description. Go to any extend when anger. Ambitious Sagittarius can encourage Taurus to take risks. Is your Sagittarius man not communicating with you? Sagittarius is a spiritual and philosophical pioneer, while Aquarius is a creative genius and inventor. How one react to the situation will show their true colours. The Complete Guide To Dressing For Your Leo Man, 9 Tricks To Make Your Pisces Man Obsessed (Spot On!). Servants. Sagittarius Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? i also wanna be with him, Im in the breakup works in my relationship. He used my car, had animals in it and hoes, used it for 4 months, didnt wash it out vacuum it once. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. He is my motivation everyday. She will think that shes the only grounded one in the relationship and that she cares more for him than he does for her. While they could have a beautiful, satisfying friendship, a Sagittarius man and a Taurus woman are unlikely to build a successful romantic relationship. However, Sagittarius women are impulsive. She likes being surrounded by her favorite, familiar people and possessions, while a Sagittarius man craves variety and excitement. Lacks empathy, sympathy and has cussed out my mother, aunt, friends every woman i bring around, but refuses to even have a conversation with my brothers. To her, it seems like the Sagittarius man is aimless and always chasing after some intangible goal that cant be achieved. As a zodiac sign guided by the planet of beauty, a Taurus woman is naturally stunning and magnetic. He embraces live and let live philosophy and hates being tied down to commitments. Although she wants and needs security, a Taurus woman is not clingy or emotional about it. In reading what you wrote about how he always goes back to you he enjoys your company that says a lot about how he feels about you. A Taurus woman wants a sexual partner she can trust. Not because he is my brother I saY so Many Sagittarius are so.. I do love him and have offered to be there for him if he needs anything. Sagittarius partner enjoys having fun in love, and is capable of infusing the relationship with heaps of excitement. I am excited to actually meet him (planning to during Winter break which is perfect as his birthday is Dec.17). So kind caring & charmin. The good-natured lion isnt always likely to see eye-to-eye with a stern, serious sea-goat, but when these Leo and Capricorn work together, amazing things can happen successful presidential campaigns included. He considers himself a student and citizen of the world, and he would rather spend his money on plane tickets than designer clothes or a lavish mansion. I dont want to pressure a sag or any men for a relationship. Learn More. Goofy, weirdness, etc. She appreciates the finer things in life and yearns to have enough financial success to acquire all the lovely items she could ever want. Lazy, useless? . Also, neither of them are prone to make a fuss. This would be a challenge even with the most compatible partner who enjoyed adventures as much as he did. Clearly, you are uneducated and would never even come close to comparing with her. Sagittarius though are rude they are sweet by nature .their heart is pure I kindly advise all the zodiac men to beware of Taurus women who pretend to be innocent but dont trust them they are not. Until a month ago, he tells me that he found out that the reason why his ex wife left was that the fact she did cheat on him and left him for another man. One thing that will make it easier is that beyond a general sense of commitment, a Taurus woman will not make many demands upon him. A decision to work through their differences, His willingness to let her do things her own way, Her ability to manage life without needing him constantly around. No matter how much they love each other, Sagittarius and Taurus have too many similarities to be a good marriage match. Anyway, it was as close as love at first sight as it gets and we both knew it somehow. Yep! He is pretty free spirted. The Sagittarius male looks for someone with whom he can share his adventures for sports, go for trekking, share ideas and opinions which the Taurus female will always be ready for, as she is also a nature lover. Because both signs have something the other is lacking. It is a slow love that will gently become one of a kind love. It will be very hard for him to not chafe at domestic life with one woman. The Sagittarius man is in a light-hearted mood, ready to make good use of year 2023 to explore new opportunities. Sagittarius and Capricorn is another tricky match, but Chrissy Teigen and John Legend make it look effortless. George is a Taurus, while his lawyer wife is an Aquarius, and like most earth sign and air sign pairings, they're more than a bit mismatched. I just loved the sound of his voice. The Sagittarius man is optimistic, honest, ambitious, philosophical, and desires to improve skills and learn new things. Put that all together, and this duo to be one of the strongest Sagittarius-Capricorn couples. My husband, however,is a liar and probably has been unfaithful too. LOLLL! You can have what you want but you have to show it out loud. Our community thrives when we help each other. She wants everything for her. You can give in by building up your self-confidence in that aspect and know for yourself you are an amazing woman and dont need others acknowledgment. A Sagittarius guy isnt exactly lazy, but he only wants to work hard enough to be able to afford the trips and experiences he loves. We like spontaneous sex randomly and also want to have sexy at least once a day whether its to wake us up or put us too bed use your attraction for him as a sexual drive for yourself and go TAKE THE DICK!!! We both met on a dating app. If they are friends at work or distant friends through mutual acquaintances, they may enjoy each other's company. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake may be one of the sweetest pairs in Hollywood, but when it comes to their zodiac signs, they aren't fated to be as good a match as you might think. Realized that my grandpa is a Sagittarius,my father my sister my closest friends are Sagittarius. He is who he is, and she is who she is. However, this does not mean that they do not have and seek adventures. I use the word constraints because thats how we (in this instance me) feel when you gals unknowingly try to do things in your part as partners in the relationship. @nenaandrade We have a similar story but i wasntmarried to him. The male Sagittarius is sensually aroused by the submissive Taurus who will make her feel desirous and on the other hand the female Taurus will ignite the passion inside him to make each other satisfied. Let your man know what concerns you and i hope the best for you both. I am in a similar situation. The honesty and loyalty of these two blushes to red and make them trust each other and feel comfortable even in the absence of their partner. Sagittarius man Taurus woman connection can be incredibly passionate and steamy, but each must learn to give the other time to learn about the particular energy this relationship generates. Than he lies to my face that he is happy that he does want this relationship and that he doesnt want no one else but me. As the warm Taurus woman and jolly Sagittarius man start accepting their difference to a level of appreciation, their love turns out to be a dazzling experience for both of them. Intimacy is important not external appearances. It took me to go through alot mantally to prepare me for so much much better. If the Taurus woman has a worry or mistake on her mind, it would be best for both of you and for the health of your partnership for her to unburden herself. When the timing's right, Sagittarius, and Capricorn could merge beautifully if they share intentions of building a life together and encouraging growth and creative expansion. Neither of these traits applies to a Taurus woman. Shes a very down to Earth character, which compared to me, i like to know about new things or other places, people, culture, information on arts and science. My wife (Taurus) and I (Sagittarius) have been together for 15 years and been almost married for 15 years. The Fire signs trust too quickly and can be slow to realize how they are being manipulated. They are very different from each other and they have little basis for mutual understanding. You never know he might just help in increasing it with the way he does it with you. For me the taurus female i am totally attracted to the sagitarius male.Our relationship is very adventurous.We also share alot similarities.It has been going very strong for 7 months now. Legend is certainly the more cautious and soft-spoken of the two, but rather than get annoyed by Teigen's antics, he seems as endlessly amused by his wifey as the rest of the world. For the best sexual experience, they have to try harder, they have to work together. He judges me way too much and he always reminds me of the things he has done for me. More Compatibility Taurus and Aries Compatibility Taurus and Taurus Compatibility Taurus and Gemini Compatibility Taurus and Cancer Compatibility Taurus and Leo Compatibility Taurus and Virgo Compatibility "They are very, very different. The only time Ive seen a Fire and Water sign combination is when the Water sign is usually manipulating the Fire sign. Enjoy the fun of dating and the monent, but be very cautious making it a long term commitment because the odds are definitely against you. I act nothing like your husband. Soul mates :-)))). Doyle is a Pisces, and Wambach is a Gemini. She may not be able to live upto the spontaneity and enthusiasm with which he works which may disturb him sometimes. This is also a couple that loves to laugh and can leave each other in stitches. Im not A zodiac freak and base my relationships off of them but it does interest me. While Taurus is hardworking, they can be a little lazy. The Earth Sign natives are known for their patience, stability and practical approach. While excitement in love matters is not as important to Taurus. No one could believe it when forever-bachelor George Clooney decided to tie the knot with Amal, and the pairing is even more shocking when you consider their zodiac signs. These two are mostly. And when the time comes, Legend is ready to defend his wife when her words come back to haunt her. Which surprised me cause they were spot on with me and my ex her being a leo. : ( If she can grow to become more exploratory and he can learn to be a bit more reassuring, then these two might be able to work it out. If he wants that much freedom & space lol, Ill give him freedom & space. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How Long Does a Buffet Wedding Dinner Take? If youre new to astrology, the short version is that these signs could not be more different. Although both signs are mutable, meaning theyre willing to change and adapt, they have some core differences that can make Pisces and Gemini relationships challenging. it honestly feels like a yin and yang ..that together we are balanced. There is no trust at all. Your stubbornness is due to your essence of being a hard worker and you define yourself through your possessions. An Astrologer Weighs In, Selena Gomezs Zodiac Sign Makes Her A Feisty & Emotional Partner, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. All I can say is date longer than 2 years so that the infatuation hormones have time to wear off and reality hits. Everyday he is happy and tries to make me happy, and he succeeds everyday. She tends to be private about her deepest emotions, preferring to cope with her issues on her own rather than wear her heart on her sleeve. Required fields are marked *. He appreciates Taurus females down-to-earth approach and is usually ready to submit himself to her capabilities. Weve been together 8 years strong now. The Taurus woman who married him is for money She wants her parents. When he feels that he is allowed the proper amount of independence and freedom, he proves to be a loyal and true companion. While these two zodiac signs have a lot to offer in a friendship, they might let their obvious differences tear them apart instead of bringing them together. He was the impulsive one wanting to rush into marriage so definitely not afraid to commit. im going to leave him completely but i just cant. Taurus is the fixed earth sign, and as the first fixed sign of the zodiac, it is extra stubborn. and that is something that he always praises me for as he has always said that it is extremelly difficult for people to make him laugh. He is beautiful to me, and I know nobody is perfect but to me is and for me he is. Harry seems pretty fun-loving to me, but Virgos are actually often reserved certainly more so than wildly gregarious Leos. A frequent traveler, he does not like to be tied down to one place. All rights reserved. This couple each has an active social life and can introduce each other to new beliefs and ideas. Im a Taurus woman dating a Sagittarius man. The Sagittarius man is immensely supportive. This gives them a wonderful foundation with one another to have a long, steady relationship that is built on trust. Libra Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Once you have a better understanding of what these two signs are looking for in a relationship, you will know if a Sagittarius man and a Taurus woman are a perfect match. But that has make our bond really strong. I know he thrives with freedom. Though they are short tempered. I agree. thanks sarahi m also a taurus girl commited with sag boy (not married) from last 2 years but suddenly i got a job opportunity from abroad to settle over there but i cant go because my bf wouldnt company me over there because of some of his problem so i was really confused that should i go for the career or for himi have to leave him if i opt for foreign studies but he means a lot to meand i was just tensed that i will have not much problem leaving this opportunity but my main concern was that our relationship will last long or not?? He wants to love deeply and sincerely, he begs for it. You are the true meaning of ignorance is bliss, degenerate. Why are you so threaten by a Taurus? Im a Taurus my boyfriend is a sag weve been good friends 10years we started seeing each other for a few months 7years ago but wasnt the right time we stayed friends and got together again 4months ago. Good Luck. The Beckhams look for all the world like Hollywood's ideal pairing, but where David is a Taurus and Victoria is an Aries, these two strong-willed and stubborn signs actually make for a pretty contentious match. I would like to spend more time with him. For the most part we are some of the kindness people youll ever meet until you cross us then YOUR arguments become meaningless we dont take betrayal lightly and we cant stand when people assume anything about us without facts . Sagittarius Man Taurus Woman Compatibility. Just dont fuck up there wrath is horific. I agree. The Scorpio woman is not above withholding sex to manipulate men either. Sagittarians love their freedom, crave for adventures and travel and have a strong quest for knowledge, whereas Taureans prefer to follow conventional methods and do not like to deviate from the stable and fixed routine. When a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man get married, resentment and dissatisfaction are guaranteed. Its your protection of all the amazing things you achieved. The good news is that a Sagittarius man is honest, so if he says he will be faithful, he will be true to his word. Im his fire to bring warmth to his coldness. They try very hard to keep the peace and to keep things fun, but they will defend themselves when necessary.I am a Sagittarius male and have been utterly happy with my marriage of over 20 years with my Taurus wife. but its feels like a one sided relationship were in a long distance relationship weve only dated two times and i traveled a long way but he didnt, hes so lazy he doesnt give me enough attention. Marrying Taurus woman.. Beware she is useless woman. Thank you Aquarius, So it seems you already got your mind made up about this this girl and I feel you thats your brother I would judge her based on my brothers pain too but do you really know there beef have you sat with her and figured out where her crazy is coming from I love my Sagittarius to death we fight over whos tougher whos smarter everything is a competition and Sagittarius men are complicated always thinking there opinion is a fact you cant tell them anything but I dont play that I have girl friends that are drawn to my sag hang on his every word but I will not he will here my argument before I cave in and say ok and he loves that its not supposed to be easy nothing is its supposed to be understood and compromise , love a Taurus and a Sagittarius bond is unbreakable until they decide it breaks Im 13 years in Maybe you never gave her a chance..you talk about all our negative traits when Aquarius woman only talk to seem relevant and will only hear there voice.. always dismissing othersWish you the best with your Taurus problems . Men seem to pulled away when women come on strong. Her ideal partner is steady and reliable, and will always be there for her when she needs him. His carefree, funny, and social nature must not be taken for granted because it keeps the thrill and enthusiasm in their love affair. Dont think about the past and time wasted think about a possible future if u stay and leave, I am a Sagittarius male. Aquarius Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? We hang out a lot and have had many trips and adventures together. If he goes does what he says hes doing going. There is a strong physical attraction between the Sagittarius man and the Taurus woman. If you are still going strong 4 years or more in then maybe your union will work, but I would bet most will fall apart before or after that2 year mark. The Sagittarius man is ruled by the planet of Jupiter, also known as the King of the Gods, and signifies an outgoing personality who is social, open-minded, kind-hearted and intellectual. Enlightening sex, but he cant seem to have any input into making this a proper relationship. It was a discussion on the zodiac sign so I shared my opinionthats all. Sag men are action oriented, but he wants to know so badly hes worth it. In particular, he must settle down enough to help with the parenting responsibilities, especially when the children are younger. Its really hard to explain the feelings I have for this man. She is social, but introverted and loves nothing more than spending a night curled up on the couch with her lover. Id like to think that maybe some day, if not now but in the future we could get somewhere because I do truly adore him but when I read through some things on the net it says otherwise and practically gives me no hope although now I have a little more confidence due to reading all of your comments. 3. Olivia prefers to follow her husband's lead but offer herself as support, balancing the relationship in all its points.If the two communicate openly and are sincere, their love could perfectly last for life. An Aries man and Sagittarius woman have a lot in common, which means that it is easier for them to click.