Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? But more importantly, the reason why it is hard to give it a proper name is that it appears to be doing too much. You signed in with another tab or window. We just published a Python course on the YouTube channel that will teach you how to code Minesweeper using the tkinter library. Thanks for taking your time to write such an detail answer. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Call two arms equally strong if the heaviest weights they each are able to lift are equal. Before creating the game logic, we need to design the basic layout of the game. The function is clearly separated into a series of steps: setup, game loop, finish. Its a site to ask questions My question is what is the optimal complexity for this. This method uses higher level functions to detect the state of a position, but then uses += 1 to set the state. [input] array.integer a Classes exposing private attributes as public: Proper OOP ensures that the internals of how classes achieve their magic are hidden. Example. Given an array of integers, replace all the occurrences of elemToReplace with substitutionElem. minesweeper codesignal The Blog. It should probably be split into two classes. You fixed the bad borders, but OP had a simple if, where you use exception handling as "regular" code logic. you have questions or w. This can be done by: Note: There is a need to import the os library, before using this feature. Write a function that returns the sum of two numbers. Note that there are only two items and you can't bring more than one item of each type, i.e. Check out the image below for better understanding: A non-empty rectangular matrix consisting of boolean values - true if the corresponding cell contains a mine, false otherwise. Alternately, you. They should be called _ to make clear that they are deliberately ignored: All the elifs can just be ifs, since in all of the conditionals in this method, we either exit the method or the conditional was false. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. For the other grid, the output should be false: each of the nine 3 3 sub-grids should contain all of the digits from 1 to 9. Return an array of two integers, where the first element is the total weight of team 1, and the second element is the total weight of team 2 after the division is complete. Movie with vikings/warriors fighting an alien that looks like a wolf with tentacles. You can initialize a result matrix with a zero on "O" cells and "X" on the mine positions. Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package, About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality. Please use descriptive variable names. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. The first two values denote cell location, while the last one denotes flagging. [input] string inputString For inputArray = [1, 1, 1], the output should be arrayChange (inputArray) = 3. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? codesignal codesignal-solutions codesignal-arcade codesignal-interview . It's clear that an enum for state and data is needed per tile, as well as the tile having the capability of call-backs into the board say when a mine was triggered. Given a sequence of integers as an array, determine whether it is possible to obtain a strictly increasing sequence by removing no more than one element from the array. 01-23-45-67-89-AB). Correct variable names consist only of Latin letters, digits and underscores and they can't start with a digit. You could just use 2D slicing (see the corresponding stackoverflow topic) and do. CodeSignal is a skills-based assessment platform whose mission is to discover, develop and promote technical talent. CodeSignal/Arcade/Intro/Intro - Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 36 lines (35 sloc) 1.17 KB Raw Blame int [] [] minesweeper (boolean [] [] matrix) { //either this or a lot of ifs (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException MADNESS) int [] [] out = new int [matrix.length] [matrix [0].length]; Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. I think this may be a method that got expanded and never renamed. You are given an array of positive integers - the weights of the people. However, it really should not exist at all. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. It means that throughout the years your balance would be: Thus, it will take 3 years for your balance to pass the threshold, which is the answer. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Work fast with our official CLI. moves required to obtain a strictly increasing sequence from the input. [input] array.string inputArray // Strings can be rearranged in the following way: "aa", "ab", "bb". First, the string is divided into the least possible number of disjoint substrings consisting of identical characters, for example, "aabbbc" is divided into ["aa", "bbb", "c"], Next, each substring with length greater than one is replaced with a concatenation of its length and the repeating character, for example, substring "bbb" is replaced by "3b". It's also less prone to bugs. I'd appreciate if someone could suggest a better approach to this task. Please note the use of the exception (that was the hint regarding the "x"s). Assuming that your hunch is correct, decode the message. You should always follow the guidelines of PEP8. This is done by: These values are to be hidden from the player, therefore they are stored in numbers variable. Given an array of integers, find the pair of adjacent elements that has the largest product and return that product.ding the year 100, the second - from the year 101 up to and including the year 200, etc. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Does Python have a ternary conditional operator? There is absolutely no reason to use Python 2 for new code in 2021. Always use words that explain to readers what the code does through proper variable names. Therefore, there must be provision for clearing it constantly. Given a divisor and a bound, find the largest integer N such that: It is guaranteed that such a number exists. [input] array.array.integer image For example, display should be an instance method of Cell. With this solution, you don't have to shrink your result using pop(). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Each day a plant is growing by upSpeed meters. Are you sure you want to create this branch? The complete move therefore looks like the letter L. Check out the image below to see all valid moves for a knight piece that is placed on one of the central squares. The description: The border created by "x", as suggested by codefight's user, is to ensure that if mine is at the border of matrix, bomb count won't transfer to the other side. One of them is the IPv4 address. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. You should choose one style and stick with it. Sometimes, you use two blank lines between methods, sometimes only one. Your task is to rearrange the people by their heights in a non-descending order without moving the trees. Imports: Unused imports hint that perhaps you're not fully aware of all the actions of your scripts? the first minute costs 3 cents, which leaves you with 20 - 3 = 17 cents; the total cost of minutes 2 through 10 is 1 * 9 = 9, so you can talk 9 more minutes and still have 17 - 9 = 8 cents; each next minute costs 2 cents, which means that you can talk 8 / 2 = 4 more minutes. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. [input] array.integer a The player has to prevent himself from landing on a mine with the help of numbers in the neighbouring tiles. These items are something you should be aware of when writing Python code. [input] string inputString A string representing time in HH:MM format. That's great post but the task was for 1 hour. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. [input] string s We use the function countAdjacentMines () to calculate the adjacent mines. [input] integer upSpeed The digits sum up to 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 4, which is the answer. Why not create a constant value such as MARGIN for it? This means we need to check at 8 spots for each cell: Top left, Top Middle, Top Right, Middle Right, Middle Left, Bottom Left, Bottom Middle, and Bottom Right. Some whitespace would help draw attention to those steps: Actually, it would make even more sense to extract the various separate steps into separate functions. Solutions to LeetCode, CodeSignal, Hackerrank and more, specifically written in modern programming languages such as Swift and Kotlin. Is it plausible for constructed languages to be used to affect thought and control or mold people towards desired outcomes? IPv4 addresses are represented in dot-decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots, e.g., How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Is a collection of years plural or singular? There is absolutely no reason to use Python 2 for new code in 2021. Below is the complete code of the Minesweeper game: We hope that this tutorial on creating our own Minesweeper game was understandable as well as fun. Ticket numbers usually consist of an even number of digits. The game rushes to a finish when flagging the correct tile, it doesn't leave the user in suspense whether they have chosen correctly or not. I don't know who can finish it that fast with the fixes. Read on for a walkthrough of how the code works. In the popular Minesweeper game you have a board with some mines and those cells that don't contain a mine have a number in it that indicates the total number of mines in the neighboring cells.. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? In fact, it should probably be Cell's __str__ method instead. It requires checking for some pre-requisites before flagging the cell for a mine. Tell - Don't Ask: When your code has a lot of if-this, then-that statements in it, it's clear the logic belongs with the data rather than continually asking the data "are you this?" How do I concatenate two lists in Python? I don't like that, but it's not so bad in python which is kind of designed for it. It looks like there is an added border on three sides, but no border added on the right. All pixels at the edges are cropped. Thank you for taking your time ! Additionally, you don't need to generate this list yourself, you can use random.sample: You're using this method in several places inside loops. In general, if you use two different ways to write the exact same thing, the reader will think that you want to convey a message with that. When I save your code into a file and open the file in my editor, I get a whopping, Now, to be fair, a lot of these are duplicates, because as I mentioned, I have multiple linters and analyzers set up. The largest integer divisible by 3 and not larger than 10 is 9. For instance, it would allow you to flag already revealed positions, or maybe call setMine after the setup stage. As pixel's value is an integer, all fractions should be rounded down. I have written this code in Python 3: def arrayChange (inputArray): original = inputArray [:] count = 0 if len (set (inputArray)) == 1: return ( (len (inputArray)-1)**2 + (len . An n-interesting polygon is obtained by taking the n - 1-interesting polygon and appending 1-interesting polygons to its rim, side by side. It is therefore quite easy to move the board into an invalid state or to make invalid moves. When this count is equal to the total cells, except those containing mines, then the game is regarded as over. I did not manage to finish the game in 1 hour at that time, so now I have written it again after the interview. Minesweeper constraints. You are given an array of integers. // The arrays are equal, no need to swap any elements. Looking at the line after having a coffee :) it's a good idea to separate the messge to the user (use print(msg)), and what input you're receiving (, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. 72 stands for H in the ASCII-table, so the first letter is H. 808 minutes mean that it's 13:28 now, so the answer should be 1 + 3 + 2 + 8 = 14. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2. Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. The row and column numbers displayed along with the grid are helpful for our input system. I'd use regular expressions here, if just to weed out invalid commands. Given an integer n, return the largest number that contains exactly n digits. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Determine if the given character is a digit or not. I added a remark that only the pop()s should be fixed and offered a 2D slicing as alternative Codefights, minesweeper, python, code almost working, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. import random. All possible sums of 2 consecutive elements are: [input] array.integer inputArray Rather than doing that, the set_alarm(self, hour, minute) function would spawn a thread which waits for hour/minute and then activates a call-back to the activate_alarm(self) function. So, you should only use two different ways of writing the same thing IFF you actually want to convey some extra information. [input] integer friendsRight In a flagging move, three values are sent in by the gamer. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? They should convey meaning. Given a valid email address, find its domain part. How can I delete a file or folder in Python? It mixes responsibilities of creating the string representation and printing it. Does Python have a ternary conditional operator? This way, the main entry point will only be automatically executed if the module is run as a script, but not if it is imported: Since you intend to run this as a script, it should have a shebang line, something like this: Note: In order to make this answer useful for future readers, I have mostly assumed Python 3.10, which is about to be released soon. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Python 3 simple Minesweeper game using tkinter, Time arrow with "current position" evolving with overlay number. A few superficial things: Games like this are perfect for object oriented code. Ow, I wonder how you would reveal those mines. The same applies to the game loop itself, it also has distinct steps. In our version of Minesweeper, we will be using the row and column numbers for our input technique. They want to eat as much candy as they can, but each child must eat exactly the same amount of candy as any other child. click is used as a method name. It appears that MineBoard is not actually a board of mines. It is guaranteed that the parentheses in s form a regular bracket sequence. Your task is to reverse the strings contained in each pair of matching parentheses, starting from the innermost pair. A minor comment: if you've ever worked with multilingual applications. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Instead of looping unnecessarily over out-of-bound cells, try instead adjusting the range boundaries: This is just a spur-of-the-moment idea, but you could implement __getitem__ for the MineBoard class. As we mentioned before, there are two kinds of player input : In a normal kind of move, the row and column number are mentioned. I would certainly perform a clear split between setting up the board and playing the game. pip3 install -r requirements.txt. A non-empty array of strings of lowercase letters. All the effort is to be done in setting up the Minesweeper layout. 'E' represents an unrevealed empty square, 'B' represents a revealed blank square that has no adjacent mines (i.e., above, below, left, right, and all 4 diagonals), digit ( '1' to '8') represents how many mines are adjacent to this revealed square, and 'X' represents a revealed mine. Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). It must be the result of doing many leetcode exercises recently and I just tend to save memory anytime possible. The building is represented by a rectangular matrix of rooms, each cell containing an integer - the price of the room. However, I don't think I have used anything that is not available in Python 3.9, and the code can be trivially made to work with at least Python 3.8. I gave an example on how to remove the border without using pop() in my answer. Jun 09, 2022. minesweeper codesignal This course explores the concepts and algorithms at the foundation of modern artificial intelligence, diving into the ideas that give rise to technologies like game-playing engines, handwriting recognition, and machine translation. If input: Could anyone explain clearly why that's happening? Given a ticket number n, determine if it's lucky or not. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. [output] boolean If your code is so complex that you need to explain it in a comment, you should rather try to refactor your code to be less complex so that it needs no explanation. He has published many popular programming courses both Below we will define an n-interesting polygon. greater than 0) integer the product of whose digits is equal to product. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Run code live in your browser. Are you sure you want to create this branch? On each move you are allowed to increase exactly one of its element by one. The danger is when the code changes (due to bugs or requirement changes) from what the comment says, another coder who sees the code, and sees the comment, says "The code doesn't do that, I'll be helpful and make it do that" (I've seen this happen). Duplicated code: I see multiple calls to self.isValidCell and other functions inside the class. Sometimes, you have 1 blank line after the function. The use of variables like, mine_values will be explained further in the tutorial. It's recommended to use them when writing any string statement that contains variables. A string of lowercase latin letters. Any solution is necessarily going to have to look at every cell in the board, which means it can never possibly be faster than O(n). CodeSignal-Solutions/24 - Go to file Go to fileT Go to lineL Copy path Copy permalink This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Minesweeper is a puzzle video game. This repository includes my solutions for the arcade challenges in CodeSignal. Such important information, and such an encoding should be encapsulated in an object. Is it a bug? Funny that we came to the dual layer / dual classes approach seperately. Each child will eat 3 pieces. There are a couple of names in your code that could be clearer, for example ip, m, and k. In particular, it seems that the parameter k in __init__, the parameter num_of_mines in allocate_mines, and the local variable m in play mean the same thing, but the parameter k in get_random_pos does not mean the same thing as the parameter k in __init__. The standard community coding style for the Python community is defined in Python Enhancement Proposal 8 Style Guide for Python Code. over 12.5 years). You could avoid some math to find the last item by using append, and give no argument to pop. Manually raising (throwing) an exception in Python, How to upgrade all Python packages with pip. A string consisting of English letters, punctuation marks, whitespace characters and brackets. Find out how long it would take for your balance to pass a specific threshold with the assumption that you don't make any additional deposits. For example, as mentioned, if I simply save your code into a file and open that file in an editor, I get 157 Errors, 44 Warnings, and 21 Infos. [input] integer downSpeed Find the longest word from the given string. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 29 lines (28 sloc) 1.04 KB Raw Blame Edit this file E Find the leftmost digit that occurs in a given string. [input] integer deposit okay, I'll do this action then". For each cell in the grid, we have to check all adjacent neighbours whether there is a mine present or not. [input] integer yourRight By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I would expect that a method called printLayout prints just the layout. I wish you the best of luck with the interviewing process and hope you get the job. I've always find it incredulous that comments are discouraged in a blanket fashion. The last candidate can't win no matter what (for the same reason as the first candidate). I believe there must be a better solution in terms of space-time complexity and just in general. A non-empty array of integers, sorted in ascending order. Two cells are called neighboring if they share at least one corner.'''. I presume it is trying to count bombs. The two equal numbers are a and c. The third number (b) equals 7, which is the answer. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Variable Naming: line 21 states self.cellsToOpen = w * h - k, but the comment says # Create a new board with size w x h, and the caller is MineBoard(w, h, m). So, your class declaration should just be class MineBoard: Unused variables For example, if each of the remaining voters cast their votes for each of his opponents, he will still be the winner (the. minesweeper codesignal. A limit involving the quotient of two sums. Given a rectangular matrix of characters, add a border of asterisks(*) to it. It is needed to update every move of the player as well as the conclusion of the game. A good name should be intention-revealing. The user has to clear the grid without setting off any mine. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? You have a string s that consists of English letters, punctuation marks, whitespace characters, and brackets. In particular, I have type checking turned on, and almost 130 of the Errors are from Pylance complaining it can't fully determine the static type of some variable, parameter, or function. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? You can pass any iterable to the list constructor to create a list: You import pdb but never use it. The standard input involves the overall functioning of the game. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? Construct a square matrix with a size N N containing integers from 1 to N * N in a spiral order, starting from top-left and in clockwise direction. Help Ratiorg by writing a function that returns the sum of numbers that appear in the given inputString. The cell has already been flagged or not. I just reversed your logic: I walk through the output field and add values from matrix. It can be done by 'import os' at the start of the program. Given a sorted array of integers a, find an integer x from a such that the value of. Also, I have them set to pretty aggressive settings, which can sometimes be annoying and overwhelming if you work with code that you haven't freshly written yourself. [input] integer friendsLeft He scanned the check of the items he bought and gave the resulting string to Ratiorg to figure out the total number of purchased items. Some empty lines would allow the code room to breathe, for example in the play function. Permalink. An array of integers containing at least two elements. If there is no such integer, return -1 instead. Check out the image below for better understanding: [input] array.integer inputArray It only takes a minute to sign up. The first 8 characters of the code are 01001000, which is 72 in the binary numeral system. n children have got m pieces of candy. [input] array.array.boolean matrix Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. How can I delete a file or folder in Python? I like the way the status is explicitly kept using the enum; it makes everything that more easy to follow. Currently your experience points (XP) total is equal to experience. of the docstring. A string consisting of lowercase English letters. Jim from JimShapedCoding developed this course. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? CodeSignal - Arcade - Intro - JS - Minesweeper Raw Minesweeper.js function minesweeper(matrix) { let height = matrix.length; let width = matrix[0].length; let outArray = Array.from(Array(height), () => new Array(width)); let mines = 0; for(let i = 0; i < height; i++) { for(let j = 0; j < width; j++) { mines = 0; if(i > 0) {