I want you to know that I am here for you. Manage Settings If you have been going through a difficult period in your partnership will your partner, let him know that you want to find a way to resolve your issues and sort things out between you. I know that you'll continue to be successful in everything you do. Heres to lasting love! When youre feeling uncomfortable about where you are in your life, you should know that theres an important change happening in your life. Let go of what happened in the past. 2. If you have done something to upset your partner, you may want to try asking for his forgiveness. SHOW YOU CARE: Make a basket of goodies. Good morning, Dearly beloved. Dont give up, just in the nick of time, God will come through for you. Maybe youre trying to think of what to say when someone has a sick family member that needs to be cared for. You want these people to know youre there for them, even if all you can do is offer some small degree of comfort. Carol White Challenging times can bring you down, but remember that they will not last forever. Show instead of telling. There are the good times, and the bad times of life. when he or she is struggling, your loved one might not actually let you know. You become stronger, wiser, and more confident to handle whatever comes your way. SHOW YOU CARE: Drop off some groceries at their front door or order pizza and get it delivered. 4. 12. Dont force yourself to have certain things prematurely. Have you prayed about what you are going through? Abby Jamison is an editorial intern who loves reading and writing above all else, but roadtrips are a close second. Please believe that.. TRY THIS: Youre my friend and I want you to feel supported and loved. Or For future reference, I never get tired of giving out hugs, okay?. Some of the most beautiful things in life come from hardships and struggles. So take up those difficult tasks youve been avoiding all this while. Just when you think you couldn't fall any lower, you get kicked down again. There is nothing more important in a relationship than being able to talk about your innermost feelings. Consumed by a fog of grief, it can be truly difficult to know exactly what is needed. Remember that as long as youre alive, there is hope. You never really lose by looking at the bright side. But its important to remember that tragedies, failures, and setbacks are all a part of life. 5. Life has a way of bringing you down. You may not be somewhere you want to be, but you will always end up where you are supposed to be. Have faith. Each day gives you a chance to for new opportunities to exploit, so make the most of it. Every challenge, failure, and heartache carry the seeds of rewards, success, and happiness. As far as it runs and as wide as it stretches, so does my love for you. It's OK to initially express anger and frustration, but wallowing in feelings of unfairness or blame will make them feel worse and wastes their energy. Prove instead of promising. Keep your head up because God gives the toughest battles to His strongest and most courageous soldiers. The most important thing is to be there for him and to let him know that he can speak to you without worry or judgment. Related Post: Encouraging Words To Inspire Him or Her. I love you in a place where there's no space or time. You will not be able to overcome your challenges if you allow the things that dont deserve your attention and energy to keep bringing you down. Let go of the things that hurt you, but always remember what they taught you. It is a mixed bag- with moments of happiness and sadness, success and failure, smooth and tough times. 80. Here are some ideas for what to say to someone going through a hard time. Sometimes, saying sorry for your loss isnt enough to convey to a friend just how much you care when a loved one has passed on. of an actual attorney. But do it very well. I hope you find what you're looking for. On top of that, the ideas below could prove really helpful when your significant other is having a bad day. Enjoy your life. When you do, youll find yourself in the best place you could ever be. Bothering doesnt remove yesterdays sorrow, but it drains todays strength. I hate that youre going through this, but I know that youve got this., 6. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think. When someone is going through a difficult period it can help to remind them that the future will be different. Have you tried quitting cold turkey? or Just put your mind to it. The thing that you should be proud of is not in never falling, but in being able to stand up every time you fall. Be consistent and persistent. Tough times dont last but tough people do. When you believe in what these positive messages are telling you, you will also be able to turn your negative situation into a positive one and bring more happiness, abundance, and blessings in your life. Our gift to our friends is to not add an extra layer of complication. Take some time out and allow yourself time to calm down before you talk about things. ~ Winston Churchill. From still-newlyweds toasting with wine glasses they opened on their weddin Start journaling today with our easy guide on how and why to journal. 12. Morning messages for my boyfriend. Tough times will not leave you until you learn from them. God, You are the mender of the broken-hearted, so please heal our hearts and our relationship. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength. Let your partner know that you are there for him and that he can talk to you when he is ready. You will win too. TRY THIS: I know this is very difficult for you. You do not always have to say the perfect thing, but just letting your partner know that you are there for him and that you love him is enough. The most seasoned fighter can stand the strongest storm. sometimes, it may be better to say those words loud enough for yourself to hear, as this helps to get those encouraging messages into your consciousness. God is bigger than your current situation. Surprise everyone with your own strength and courage. Life begins when you step out of your comfort zone. No matter how difficult life gets, believe that theres always a rainbow after the rain. 10. There was an error adding this product to your cart. I love you paragraphs for him. If you have had an argument with your partner or you have said something that you didnt mean, there is nothing wrong with saying sorry. 222 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Silas Chung: Man Bought Woman A House Before Relationship Fell Apart (Full. Or maybe help them pack up belongings that trigger unwelcoming memories. 2. Theyll be happy to know they made you feel better. In this way, he knows that you are there for him. Remember Life is very short to be little. Take control of your own life, never allow anyone to control your joy, you only live once enjoy your life. window curtains for home. Dont worry too much if youre going through hard times right now. If you stumbled yesterday, get up today. People going through a tragedy are rarely clearheaded. As a family member, friend, or even colleague, youll likely want to let these people know you care for them when theyre struggling. 10. So, it is important that we endeavor to enjoy life, despite the hard times facing out. What the world needs to know is how you turned the bad into good and overcame your personal challenges. You can also consider sending, 7. Offering up specific help can be exceedingly valuable. AVOID THIS: Offering specific advice. Remind them of this when theyre in the same boat. 10. Marcel Proust. Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted? A few other no-nos: May happiness, love, beauty, and peace surround you forever. Its just you and that thing you have to live up to. If you need a reference, networking help, anything like that at all, let me know. Make it a day to sacrifice and move close to your dream. In this situation, it can make it difficult to know what to say if you dont know exactly what is wrong. See additional information. Dear friend, I know that at the moment you may be hurting and that you may be feeling low. I would like to drop off dinner to your house one night. Or Mind if I drive you to your appointment? Challenges are what will prepare you for your extraordinary destiny. Hard times are unavoidable, but that does not mean that better times are far away. When you address wedding invitations or another piece of formal correspondence, traditional etiquet Its so exciting when someone you know welcomes a child into their lives, whether by birth, adoption, or fostering Praying is one of the most ancient of human practices, and to this day, billions of people still believe in its po Kwanzaa, a festival of lights rich in African symbolism, takes place each year from December 26th through January Hanukkah is a lighthearted festival filled with rich traditions, many of which include food, fun, family and frien As parents, we want our children to understand concepts like empathy and kindness. AVOID THIS: Youre too good for them anyway. Or I always thought theyd be the type to cheat. Focus your efforts on supporting your friend in a positive way, not cutting down their ex. alas, i have a difficult past - sexual abuse & emotional abuse, diagnosed C-PTSD. Depending on the nature of your relationship with a family member, theres a good chance this important person would love to hear that youre proud of the way he or she is dealing with a painful experience. Your time is coming so enjoy the moment now. There are just some things that you can only understand when youre right in the middle of the storm. Your mind is your most powerful weapon. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. He may feel like he is not enough for you. Welcome! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. TRY THIS: Im so sorry. Your voice holds more power and you show a more confident body language. Then, try to explain things from your point of view and apologize if necessary. We can grab a chai afterward.. Be happy now you dont have to wait for people or something outside of yourself to make you enjoy every moment of life. Time is hard for you I know, but I am here. Please close LoveDevani is an independent website. It only shows that you are human, and that life is not static. University of Wisconsin La Crosse. You want to be there for him and support him during this time, but it can sometimes be hard to know the right things to say. Family members need to support each other when one is in pain. At difficult times, you want someone who can motivate you to stand up again and face the challenges. This is a must-read for you who are in the courtship period with a man they really like. (And we agree.). It is a wonderful day! You may be going through a tough time right now, but its only temporary. Have a wonderful birthday, my dear friend. So, how do we show we care? If you want to make your partner feel secure in your partnership, let him know that you will always be there for him no matter what happens. It can feel heartbreaking for a parent whose child may never get better. Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Youre my best friend. After the rain comes the sunshine. Or lets say it wasnt Mommaybe its been a stepmom, grand Hallmark writers offer up inspiration to help you find just the right loving words to add when you sign a valentine. Please believe that." There are a range of things that you can tell someone if they are going through a difficult time, however, what you say will depend on each individual situation so make sure to listen to your partners concerns first. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. And then, once you work things out, shout your love from the rooftops. You can choose to be angry for what you dont have, or be thankful and just enjoy your moment. Hope that this too shall pass and everything will get better, and strength to keep holding on until it does. Instead, offer to make his or her life easier during this painful time in specific ways. You could even bring over a pizza and binge watch a thriller or comedy series. Its about how much you can bear after you have been broken. So, dont let anything bother you, stay optimistic, keep smiling, and enjoy your life. 8. 3. Strength is not defined by how much you can take before you break. Love messages for boyfriend. "Don't add to your partner's struggle by telling him or her a stream of yours," says . Dont let life start to make you forgetwhy you love your partner. It can be especially difficult to know what to say to your partner if you know that he is struggling through something, but is not open about his feelings. The road you may be on can be long and difficult, but dont forget that long and difficult roads will take you to the most beautiful destinations. What motivates any one of us to care about others? Your email address will not be published. I just wanted to tell you that I believe in you, and you should keep up the hard work." Telling your boyfriend that you believe in him will give him the confidence to get through a particularly tough time. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Youre no longer bothered by what others think and only focus on success and favorable outcomes. Anything?" "Sometimes anxiety blocks our thinking to. Life has a way of bringing you down. Just when you think you couldnt fall any lower, you get kicked down again. Sample Letter to Husband About Feeling Unwanted 6. Always choose to be the bigger person. are not protected by an attorney-client privilege and are instead governed by our Privacy Policy. You are in our thoughts. There are no hard times for good ideas. Let them grieve for their lost boyfriend/girlfriend in their own way and at their own speed. Instead, keep that hope inside your heart and your caring will shine through. To enjoy every moment of life it has to start with you, decide to enjoy every moment of life, and make this life worth living. My blessings are that all your hard work pays off way greater than you wish. Have fun and enjoy the moment. If you need this for yourself, write out the ones that resonate with you, and paste where you can see them. Dont run away from them. DONT SAY: Youll get pregnant againyou just wait! Or Have you thought about adoption? Or At least you already have two kids. Losing a baby creates a deep, aching wound that is often grieved in silence. Let him know that he is your one and only and your partnership is one of the best things in your life. Never be ashamed of the current situation and dont be jealous of others. TRY THIS: "I want you to know I'm in this with you. If you want to send your guy a text that will make him smile, think of something that he loves and remind him of it. Especially when those we care about are hurting, genuine empathy can guide our words and actions: Try thoughtfully considering what kindnesses would speak to you if you were in a similar situation. I am grateful for all the people who are giving me a tough time, because they show exactly the person I dont want to become.