Find out how Russet compared to Yukon Gold Potatoes in my latest article, Yukon Gold Potato vs Russet Potato: Whats The Difference? Consuming too much sodium or not enough potassium throws off the delicate balance the kidneys need to remove the excess water 11. Sometimes called the Yellow Hannah or Sweet Hannah, this variety of sweet potato has lightly colored tan skin. Here are some basic instructions for each cooking method: Fill a pot with water. Find out how Russet potatoes compared to red potatoes in my article, Red Potatoes vs Russet Potatoes: The Differences. Like other sweet potatoes, they originate in Central and South America, but this variety is typically associated with Japanese cuisine. Keeping them in a dark, cool place away from heat will make them last longer. Click To Download Your Paleo Diet Food List. You can also buy Ube yam powder, extract, purple Ube jam, or grated frozen roots. Most notably, Beta Carotene, which is easily absorbed by the body. If you are among the many people who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression, eating sweet potatoes may help, due to their high magnesium content 30.8 grams or 7 percent DV per serving, per the USDA. Brinkley White sweet potatoes have creamy white skin and white potato flesh. Chan: "The Nutrition Source: Sweet Potatoes", Journal of Medicinal Food: "Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam)--A Valuable Medicinal Food: A Review", MyFoodData: "Nutrition Facts for Sweet Potatoes", Harvard T.H. FLESH Deep purple. For these reasons, Garnet is best used for baking recipes, such as sweet potato pie or a casserole. These cells have the responsibility of keeping the immune system as healthy as possible to fight viruses and illnesses effectively. Yam Soft sweet potato with a copper skin and deep orange flesh. All nutrition data based on baked sweet potato with skin and baked white potato with skin. The following table is a side-by-side comparison of the nutrients: Sweet Potato Cooked (100 g) Russet Potato Cooked (100 g) Calories: 90: 95: Protein: 2.01 g: 2.63 g: Carbohydrates: 20.7 g: 21.4 g: Fiber: 3.3 g: 2.3 g: Fat: 0.15 g . Their firmness and dense texture makes Hannah sweet potatoes ideal for roasting in chunks, turning into fries, or mashing as a side dish. They have tapered ends, a slight curve to the overall shape and are small to medium in size. In fact, in the U.S., it is very rare to find true yams for sale in the store. They are delicious when baked, mashed, pureed or whipped. Eat Better Get Fit Manage Weight Live Well More Challenges Topics A-Z . These sweet potatoes don't boast the most complex flavor, but they make up for it with plenty of sweetness. All sweet potatoes have similar vitamin and mineral content making them great allies in supporting your overall health. Sweet potatoes contain Potato Vs Sweet Potato - Carbs Content When comparing strictly on carb content, both potatoes and sweet potatoes both have the exact same amount of carbs at 21g. Certified Organic Slips. White-fleshed sweet potatoes like the Hannah were some of the first to be farmed and eaten in America. In addition to coaching clients about them, Ive purchased, researched and consumed both prior to, during and after writing this article. Roast at 400F for 25 minutes, broil for 5 minutes. (Youre on your own for taste.). Almonds are better due to their greater percentage of minerals, fiber and vitamin E.Almonds have a, Read More Pistachios vs Almonds: Which is Better? Purple sweet contain more of the antioxidant anthocyanin. Bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees F. Another type of sweet potato not to be confused with regular potatoes is the OHenry cultivar. The Caiapo contained also has a positive effect on the cholesterol level. Farmers pulled more than 370 million metric tons of potatoes out of the ground in 2019. On the other hand, purple potatoes are richer in anthocyanins. Sweet potatoes have rosy brown skin and bright orange flesh while yams have a dark brown, bark-like skin and white flesh, and grow to be much larger than sweet potatoes. There are very few foods I cant live without. Yams have toxic and rough skin that is more difficult to peel, while sweet potato skin is edible, smooth, and easy to peel. Check out this post of 66 Paleo sweet potato recipes here. While you may be acquainted with only one or two types of sweet potatoes, sometimes referred to as "camote," many of the hundreds of varieties produced around the world are available in the United States. Ironically, when you want a classic baked sweet potato, with a crisp skin and fluffy orange flesh, or sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving sweet potato casserole, what you should buy will be probably labeled yam. There have been entire years during which I've religiously baked two sweet potatoes every night, eating one piping-hot from the oven, and putting the other in the fridge overnight. You can find an email on ourcontact page. Sweet potatoes are a popular vegetable in North America where they are also called yams. They are all comparable in nutrition, so it really comes down to your personal preference for taste, texture and how you want to use them in your favorite recipe. What are White Sweet Potatoes? Find out how purple yams compared in my article here. Like the Hannah, Okinawa sweet potatoes are denser than orange varieties. skin. Magnesium plays an essential role in nerve transmission and muscle contraction, which may be why it has been studied for its potential to prevent and treat neurological disorders, according to a review in Nutrients, published in June 2018. I roast them in a scorching-hot oventhough science (and our culinary team) advises against thisuntil the skin turns to a crinkly leather and the interior is a gooey, steaming mess of bubbling sugars and chewy flesh. Orange sweet potatoes have purple or copper skin and orange flesh, and many consider them to be the most traditional. Japanese sweet potatoes, aka white sweet potatoes, have a pale yellow interior and purple skin. Therefore, lets take a close loom at the prices of each potato. Japanese sweet potatoes are medium to large in size with a cylindrical, oblong shape and rounded tapered ends. This is why sweet potatoes are known to ward off certain diseases such as colon cancer . Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, have a smooth, reddish skin and a softer flesh after cooking. If youre substituting regular sweet for purple in a recipe, remember to shorten the cooking time. FLESH Orange. Carbohydrates and protein, though, are more plentiful in the regular potato, which boasts 37 grams of carbs and 5 grams of protein versus 24 grams of carbs and 2 grams of protein in a sweet potato. The Red Bliss potato is a waxy potato, which means it has a high moisture content and keeps its shape while cooking. There are a few varieties of sweet potatoes that are sold as Cordner cultivars. The Jewel variety is likely what you are used to seeing and eating when you think of a classic sweet potato. To conduct some original research, I polled readers, clients and members of food groups. One of the slight differences between jewels and garnets is that jewel sweet potatoes have copper colored skin, slightly lighter than garnets. If you are interested in integrating more protein into your diet, you should probably consider traditional potatoes instead of sweet potatoes. (1). (8). White or cream flesh: This type of sweet potato often has a pale copper to red or golden brown Orange When cooked, Envy sweet potatoes have a mildly sweet taste and moist flesh. Their skins can be various shades of brown, yellow, orange, red or purple. First of all, jewel sweet potatoes are a particular variety that is prized for its delicate flavor and beautiful appearance. Sweet potato is a major staple crop that is grown in many parts of the world, and there are many different sweet potato viruses that can cause disease and reduce crop yields. Any diet, health, or nutritional program you undertake should be discussed with your doctor or other licensed medical professional. Red Potatoes vs Yukon Gold Potatoes: Whats The Difference? So if youre looking to keep your diet low in carbs, you might want to look for other alternatives lower on the glycemic index. Pistachios vs Almonds: Which is Better? 10% said they never tried purple before and couldnt answer. Policy. Their flesh is slightly stringier and more juicy than some other varieties when cooked, so they're good for mashing and incorporating into baked goods and desserts. In addition, Ill examine their benefits and if one is easier to store than the other. Watch this video to find out. Can purple sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes be stored together? Color: Dark-purple skins, pale yellow flesh.Flavor: Subtly sweet, nutty, rich.Texture: Dense, starchy, smooth.Best uses: Steaming, roasting. If you're looking to show off that beautiful purple hue, she suggests steaming them and pureeing them into a smoothie or soup. Stokes purple has a moist and starchy texture and a mildly sweet floral taste. The Japanese sweet potato has more starch than other varieties. 4. Purple sweet potatoes are some of the most interesting and colorful vegetables you can cook. Yes, sweet potatoes tend to have a lower GI, slightly more fibre and beneficial beta-carotene, but white potatoes are richer in potassium and are one of the few sources of gut-loving resistant starch. A study published in Food & Nutrition Research in June 2015 examined the association between purple sweet potato anthocyanins and growth of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Sweet potatoes are native to tropical countries in Central and South America. These tuberous starchy roots belong to the family Convolvulaceae (morning glory) in the order Solanales. NUTRITION Data from Whole Foods. To call them sloppy would be an understatement. Heirloom sweet potatoes refer to varieties of root vegetables that are old cultivars or heritage varieties. They are both good to eat as a part of a healthy . This versatile starchy root vegetable is identified by its rose-colored skin and intense orange flesh. Lets answer which is better, pistachios or almonds? Garnet sweet potatoes are high in moisture and have reddish to purplish skin with orange flesh. Read More Atlantic Mackerel vs Spanish Mackerel Are They The Same?Continue, The difference between types of oats is not always immediately apparent. However, this changes to an intense violet-purple, almost deep blue color when cooked. They contain 4 mg of sugar per one serving size of 110 grams. Yams are a starchier and drier root vegetable. One of the most popular varieties of sweet potatoes that is grown in the US is the Beauregard variety. Sweet potatoes are a lower-calorie, high-fiber alternative to starchy potatoes, making them a favorite healthier alternative. His years of research and knowledge inspire people to achieve their goals. How long do purple sweet potatoes last? Keia explained that all three of the popular orange varieties I'd decided to include in this guide were designed first and foremost with production in mind. Summarized findings in the review supported magnesium as a treatment for mild anxiety and multiple anxiety disorders. The main reason? They can be used in both savory and sweet recipes, but are unsurpassed when baked, roasted or boiled. This sweet potato variety gets its name from the ruby-colored skin that develops when cooked. They are native to Polynesia and the Central and South America region, domesticated more than 5,000 years ago, and grown worldwide today. Weekly meal plans and shopping lists - 30 or few er ingredients per week - Full Nutritional Data - 100% Paleo. 2. (7), Sweet potatoes are high in oxalates, compounds found in many plant foods, which are safe for most people. Purple sweet potatoes store bought can last for about two weeks if properly stored. The popular Hannah batata (sweet potato) has light tan skin and yellow flesh. Those have both names on the label but are not yams. Sometimes, this sweet potato cultivar is sold as garnet yams in the U.S. Jewel sweet potatoes can be cooked in a few different ways. One of the most interesting varieties of sweet potatoes from Asia is the Murasaki sweet potato from Japan. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. It is in the percentage or quantity of antioxidants that sweet potatoes are much ahead of potatoes. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00 Back in 2023 thanks to Yanna Fishman, Yanna's strain appears more white skinned. Satiety value is greater. The average price for purple sweet potatoes is $2.99 per pound. Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that have the scientific name Ipomoea batatas and are part of the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. If you eat too many of these tasty veggies you might notice your skin and nails looking a little orange! When boiled, purple sweet potatoes have a lower GI than regular sweet potatoes. One such study, published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research in June 2013, concluded that purple-fleshed sweet potatoes had the highest overall level of phenolics, antioxidant content and total soluble dietary fiber. Adirondack Blue Potato Skin Color: Dark purple skin. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Employed in a healthcare facility, he's worked with nutritionists and staff. Please help! White potatoes score the highest at 75. Serving Size: 1 medium potato Calories: 177 Fat: 0.26g Carbohydrates: 42g (6g fiber) Protein: 2.29g Vitamin A: 4%* Vitamin C: 43%* Calcium: 3%* Iron: 5%* Potassium: 1224mg (35%*) Vitamin B6: 22%* Manganese: 30%* Jewel Sweet Potatoes SKIN - Orange/copper. Sweet potatoes originated in North America, first joining market shelves alongside the white potato as far back as the late 1600s. *Percent Daily Values based on a 2,000 calorie diet. However, true yams contain more starch and less moisture than sweet potato varieties. Mix well with a fork. On the bright side, this means you're highly unlikely to accidentally purchase a yam at your local supermarket. We. Carotenoids are yellow and orange pigments, synthesized by many plants, which function as a source of vitamin A (retinol) in your body. Sweet potatoes also have a high content of zeaxanthin, along with its isomer lutein, as reported in Current Developments in Nutrition in September 2018. If you see a bin simply labeled "sweet potatoes" it's likely you're either buying Beauregards or jewels. (3, 4), Yellow and orange varieties contain carotenoids, natural antioxidants which can benefit vision, cognitive function, and cardiovascular health. Covingtons have a distinct rose-colored skin that is often speckled with small spots and super sweet firm, dense bright orange flesh that stays vibrant when cooked. These antioxidants protect our skin from free radicals. For fries, purple potatoes have the advantage. A January 2016 review published in Nutrients examined the association of various levels of tryptophan, and its precursor serotonin, on emotion and cognitive reaction. Depending on where you live, it may be difficult to find purple sweet in the local stores. I quickly learned that there isnt a universal cooking method that suits all varietiesthere are thousands of sweet potato varietals out there, and knowing what youre in for in terms of taste and texture for a few of the most common varieties will help set you on the path to sweet, sweet bliss. SKIN Purple and fairly smooth. From the findings of the study, researchers concluded that purple sweet potato antioxidants boosted DNA synthesis and maintained cell survival and division.