I went to her profile and clicked on message and there was no conversation between us. Report scam. If anyone on my friends list hears from these guys, dont answer. The COFAR will never request banking information, social security numbers or other personally identifiable information to facilitate the issuance of a "grant". . (yeah right) Phone number is listed as unknown. First, I got a friend request from a blood relative which I thought was strange because were already friends. The scammer, pretending to be my relative, asked me did I hear about a government grant information on BBC News. Help! The Eurosystem comprises the European Central Bank and the national central banks of those countries that have adopted the euro. I will call you as soon as I am done. My friend confirmed me that after she paid, she received her money the following day. In e-transfers the settlement may take days, whereas cash settlements are instantaneous and irreversible. Hal is a SCORE mentor, active investor in early-stage technology companies and Amazon bestselling author of The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan. I was contacted through a friend on Facebook urging me to sign up urgently it sounded very suspicious saying she she received 350.000 in from global government grant and to contact a agent, There is one called Christmas bonus that is happening an it has hacked my account and is now harassing people in.my contacts and then blocking them ,I have lost all co tell of my account and Facebook are actually useless in these cases ,people be warned an take note of advise given on this page. After you are assured that you completed everything properly and your chances to get the grant are high, you submit the application form, along with a $199 fee. }); Are you just about to make a purchase online? She asked if if I wanted her agents contact info and I said Id give it a try. //. I was contacted by a friend who told me that she received a Give back money grant of 100,000,00 from the STATE ECONOMICS DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION. That tipped it off. Districts. How do you know if the grant offer is legitimate or a scam? Standard grants are approved for large-scale projects that serve many people, primarily underserved and needy populations on a long-term basis. You're happy to hear that she's doing well now that she's able live her dream of traveling the country thanks to the federal grant money she received. I just want everyone to know that Tonia Mares is a scammer and dont send any money Because you wont get anything. The rapid evolution of financial technology now allows mobile moneyFrom the Latin word moneta, nickname that was given by Romans to the goddess Juno because there was a minting workshop next to her temple. In other words, beware of CHAT, because it is compromised. When said didnt have suggested getting a loan since I needed to do this in 5-6 hours. The grant is available only today, so you really have to get the ball rolling ASAP. I reported one of thise scammmers and got them removed after they sent me their "friends" profil page wich i reported after thwy blocked me. Other fraud schemes have originated in Cote . Jennifer James wants to send me 350 grand as soon as I send $1,500. ha, ha. Then He said, there is a representative that will be in my area. Proceed with caution. When corporate debit cards are used, interest accrues to the donor or partner organisation as funds are only dispersed when the card is used. Multiplier Effects: The recirculationThe right to recirculate banknotes that have been checked for authenticity and sorted for fitness by banks and cash-in-transit companies. BEWARE of friends contacting you out of the blue. She's raising the red flag on a scam that is again preying on innocent Facebook users. We've worked in challenging contexts across 11 countries, from Houston after Harvey to the most remote parts of Uganda, and launched 19 experimental evaluations (RCTs) with independent researchers documenting the impacts on recipients and on the local economy. After you are assured that you completed everything properly and your chances to get the grant are high, you submit the application form, along with a $199 fee. In this situation, its wise to recall two adages: 1) If it appears too good to be true, it probably is, and 2) there is no such thing as a free lunch. Breakage: The term is banking jargon used to describe revenue gained by financial service providers through un-redeemed money loaded onto pre-paid cards that is never claimed in this case, by humanitarian beneficiaries. USAIDs Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance is the U.S. government lead for international disaster assistance, reaching tens of millions of people around the world each year with life-saving aid. I said something about how her daughter and family were doing and I got no response to that, just another have you heard of this grant? Always do your research online. In crisis situations, at least some of this process is carried out by the aid agency partner, thus saving the service provider the cost of doing so. I had the same thi g happen on fb a friend or rather a distant cousin told me to contact sylvia perez I should of know better because that cousin never messages me they managed to get a pic of my dl.and my ss# number before I realized its not my cousin I dont know what to really do now or what there gonna do with that info they got .now I dont want to give out any info anywhere about anything, I received a message by a Aimoku Wagner. They me to complete the transaction is had to send them $485.00 Im glad my mother in law told me not to do it. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7717531029937458",
A few days later I got a message through Facebook messenger from the scammer while I was talking to my blood relative on the phone. Charitable giving hits a peak in December and cash donations can make a big difference well into the New Year. Interchange: Interchange refers to the fee charged by the issuing bank to the acquiring bank to cover their part in the clearing and settlementThe discharge of an obligation in accordance with the terms of the underlying contract. As i was texting to number i was still talking to "my high school friend" who confirmed what he was saying stating that he and another person was asked the same thing. There is no information on Facebook about Susan Clair Smith, which is close to Susan Claire Smith that does not have an informative Facebook page. She sent $7K to them and got a box of cash by UPS she says. Just had a guy contact me through one of my friends Facebook Messenger. Foreign ExchangeThe Eurosystem comprises the European Central Bank and the national central banks of those countries that have adopted the euro. You are told to wait five business days for the official results. She had received a $200,000 government check and she saw my name on the list when the Ups person delivered hers. For example, such a joined-up approach saw mobile ATMs re-introduced into Jordans refugee camps. You can register for free HERE. I became fishy because we are both attending my nieces wedding in a couple of months and I asked: If this is really my friend, when is the wedding we are going to? I just lost $250.00 today to those scam it could have been worst but I didnt go through with the rest of it . But I didnt until I was told I did quality in receiving a grant and to send them money so I can get the grant. Thought no more about it. You might even reach out to your "actual" friend to tell them their account may be hacked or cloned. No credit check, asked if I were deaf or could hear. I told him sorry I have no money. She said that she got a $500,000 dollar grant but I just can't believe that it's legit, Susan said. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. cash reserves; cash pooling). I told him I couldnt get the $1,000, because my card was maxxed out and I didnt think I could get that much from a friend at short notice, especially after the Christmas holidays. I contacted the Federal Government Grant person, Frank Atwood Snr, and became suspicious because of his bad grammar at times. When you are the fortunate recipient of a legit U.S. grant, make sure you understand its purpose and requirements upfront. Then, when I said I would call her, she said she was on vacation. This is specifically place for those who need assistance paying for bills, buying a home, starting their own business, going to school, or even helping raise their children with old and retired people. platform in Lebanon in 2016, It doesnt take twenty NGOs to load a pre-paid card. In Jordan, pooled funding saw transaction costs fall from an average of 3.25% to 1.67% as a direct result of fee negotiations with issuing banks and other financial service providers being conducted collectively through a single focal point. The program aims to reach up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in over 30 countries where we operate. ners12@gmail.com i thank you a lot.. At first, I got a message from a friend, a bit surprised to be asked to be her friend, and just thought sometimes friends drop off Facebook. Gave me this guys name and phone number. Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. of course it was a phony hacked account) and then she started chatting about her good fortune. Reported it to facebook. shelter. These Lions-led service projects focus on addressing unmet humanitarian needs in local communities where there is a major construction or equipment need. They replied with, you already know that answer.. How come she saw my name when she doesnt know me. You can also report grant-related scam attempts to the Health and Human Services (HHS) Fraud Hotline at 1-800-447-8477. My husband almost just got scammed for $500 by a man claiming to be Justin Felix Lafayette. If you think you may have been a victim of a government grant scam, file a complaint with the FTC online, or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. You can also officially report the scammers to the Federal Trade Commission using the link below: If you want to be the first to find out the most notorious scams every week, feel free to subscribe to the Scam Detector newsletter here. Where debit cards are viable, us the corporate rather than pre-paid version. The impersonator said he had gotten his money and that I should think of all the worthwhile things I could do for my community with the grant that had already been approved. Unfortunately they got enough info from me to call me. She never responded. He first steals a facebook iD,picks a friends name from their list and then sends a link that looks like it came from them. Assistance Type. I want to share my almost got scammed day I just had. I can send half now and half later. If you do find yourself with a convincing message from a friend about a government grant, you can always check grants.gov for a free list of available federal grants. If you want to donate, do so through your local club or online at lcif.org/donate. Got the money immediately I apply for it less than 6hrs with no issues. We are pleased to inform you that Facebook is rolling out a plan to give 100 Million dollars in aid, through loans and ad credits, to small businesses affected by the corona-virus outbreak. "),c=g;a[0]in c||!c.execScript||c.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===d?c[e]?c=c[e]:c=c[e]={}:c[e]=d};function l(b){var d=b.length;if(0