When Elliot asked why Damian is visiting him behind the Bat-family's back, Damian shrugs it off as a desire to keep Elliot company. [57][58] Damian's absence has also been causing a conflict between his father and his acting instructor, Carrie Kelley, who is determined to find out what has happened to him, leading her to realize that the Waynes are harboring a secret. Along with the mysterious Wingman and most of the Bat-family, Damian manages to rescue his father and defeat most of the League of Shadows. However, because of his possible paternity to Damian, Batman, on some levels, is optimistic about the chance of fatherhood. [38], Talia begins to clone Damian as she realizes that her son has completely sided with Dick Grayson and the Bat-Family. Because of the deaths of his parents at Ra's's hands, Tallant has completed following his father's tragic path as Batman. He is buried next to Bruce Wayne's parents, Damian's paternal grandparents. [68] Batman successfully retrieve his son's corpse as he and his family team return to Earth via the Boom Tube directly to the Batcave after successfully escaping the clutches of Darkseid and his Parademons. Damian Wayne. By Dashiel Reaves Oct 7, 2022. [46] Tim Drake eventually comes to the Titans for help after a robotic duplicate of the Calculator attempts to murder his close friend, Tam Fox, and decides to rejoin the team once the mission is completed. After meeting with his mother Talia, he discovered that it was a warning from his cousin Mara al Ghul, who had chosen him as her prey as part of an initiation ritual she must undertake in order to properly join the League of Assassins. Maggin novelization of Kingdom Come, al Xu'ffasch tells Bruce that his mother Talia is still alive and working as a Mother Superior in Cairo, one of Mother Teresa's successors. The two initially did not get along, and the situation was further complicated when Batman and Superman arrived, blaming each other for the conflict. [17] He flew his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan had taken over Wayne Tower. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. Ra's to Talia. The billionaire vigilante's son who made his official DC Comics debut in Batman #655 in September 2006, despite initially appearing as an infant in 1987's Batman: Son of the Demon was conceived. [81], In this book, Robin teams up with Superman's ten-year-old son Jonathan Kent, who he befriended previously during a test facilitated by Batman and Superman. His teammates are also unaware that he is working with Jason Todd, who goes by the alias Outlaw. Damian pursues Deathstroke and attempts to kill him, but the Titans again intervene. O'Neil, Dennis. And because my precious daughter loves you." In 2006, the character was reinterpreted as Damian Wayne by Grant Morrison, and introduced into the main continuity in Batman #655, the first issue of the "Batman and Son" story arc. Before he can effectively relay his news, he is attacked by Tim, who perceives Damian's attempt to help a tripping Alfred as an attack, and renews their battle. Damian Wayne will make his live-action debut in the film The Brave and the Bold, produced by DC Studios.[22]. The two young adults fell for each other and, after a brief fling, they conceived a child. Angered, he and a revived Nightwing battle the Heretic, but are eventually forced to retreat with Red Robin and Damian's body. Ace has been reintroduced in the Batman books, as a German Shepard/Great Dane mix bought by Bruce Wayne for his son Damian. On his 13th birthday Damian is sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contains a dead robin. "You fell in love with the Detective that day, of course. He neutralized the child soldiers, and teamed up with Dick Grayson to take down the remaining assassins. In Nightwing #153 (2009), Damian is shown being left in Alfred's care and trained by Dick Grayson (alias Nightwing). The two heroes then prepare for the Black Lanterns' assault on Gotham. He retains his old black and yellow cape and green domino mask. That is now proven beyond any doubt. In the comic, Damian is fighting hordes of Leviathan henchmen in the lobby of Wayne Tower when Nightwing comes to rescue him. Morrison, Grant. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. ", "DC Comics & Deathstroke Inc. #8 Spoilers & Review: Why Does Batman Pick a Side He Doesn't Want to in Shadow War Part 3?! "There is no Child in the world like Damian Wayne" -Batman/Bruce Wayne[src] Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, the founder and former leader of the League of Assassins. For the first Robin, see Dick Grayson. [18], After various trials and tribulations involving his corpse, mainly revolving around Ra's al Ghul and Apokolips, Batman managed to rescue his son's body and, through using the Omega Sanction infused within a Chaos Crystal shard, brought Damian back to life within the Batcave.[19]. After defeating Ra's in combat, Batman reclaims Damian's body and threatens his son's maternal grandfather that if he steals his son's body again, he will kill him in retaliation. exceptional martial artist, trained assassin, brilliant deductive skills, intelligence, gymnastic ability. He was created by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert, and first appeared in Batman: Son of the Demon in 1987 as an infant, but was introduced in Batman #655 in September of 2006. Their collaboration is hindered by their very different philosophies of battle. Talia and Bruce's son joins the Brotherhood in his father's costume, to destroy it from within.[23]. Of all the Robins, only Damian Wayne is actually related to Billionaire Bat. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, he takes the role of Robin at ten years of age,[21] becoming the fifth person to use the Robin persona. Upon entering Wayne Manor, Damian attempts to relay to Tim Drake the fact that Ra's has returned. After the events of Batman R.I.P. They defeat him and Damian decides to train Jon, but Jon's desire to join the Teen Titans against Damian's wishes creates ongoing conflict between the boys. It has yet to be seen if he will become "Bat-Hound", but Bruce has implied he puts police dogs to . Damian attempts to kill KGBeast, but only succeeds in cutting off his left arm before the Titans intervene and stop him. The choices are Tim or Damian. Damian Wayne's new look has been shown off in the new Robin series launching from DC Comics Infinite Frontier in May. Elliot surmises that Damian is rather using the resemblance to Bruce to "spend time with [his] old man". Damian possessed superpowers similar to that of Superman following his resurrection, though this was short-lived. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Childhood 1.2 Becoming Robin 1.3 New 52 1.3.1 Born to Kill 1.3.2 Batman Incorporated [47], When Blackbat, Stephanie Brown's predecessor, returns to Gotham, she and Damian are partnered together during a stake-out to catch the Architect, a new villain obsessed with destroying Gotham landmarks. Batman then arrives, having learned of his son's actions, declaring that the Teen Titans are finished. He's now 19. The investigation leads to Gotham Zoo where Damian is captured by Joker. The boys were subsequently punished by their respective parents. [37] Dick and Tim send Damian with the Gordons to their underground base while they battle the Black Lanterns. As the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne has never been a typical kid, so any birthday he celebrates was bound to be something out of the ordinary. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category. The gauntlets and boots are more armored and he has knee pads now. -- Damian Wayne (Prime Earth) This is the second time you've run from me. He becomes a talented martial artist before his teenage years, at which time Talia reveals Damian's existence to Bruce Wayne and leaves him in his custody in an effort to disrupt his work. The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne was born to a life of adventure, but he struggles daily against the lesser angels of his nature. The child from Son of the Demon was used as a backup character in various stories before appearing as Damian Wayne. Damian plays a particular role in Batman and Robin Eternal when the Bat-Family is pitted against Mother, a ruthless woman who believes that she can make her 'children' stronger by putting them through intense trauma. Batman offers a third alternative: the "Fountain of Essence" which contains the qualities of a Lazarus Pit. A subsequent conversation between Tim and Alfred implies that Batman has carried out a DNA test on Damian. The final issue of 52 (2008) designates the Kingdom Come alternate universe as Earth-22, thus making the Ibn al Xu'ffasch version part of the DC Multiverse. Since Talia is the daughter of Ras al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins and one of the Dark Knight's greatest enemies, there have always been tensions between her and Batman, despite their romantic feelings for one another. In Morrison's version, the child Damian Wayne is the result of a tryst between Batman and Talia, during which the Dark Knight claims he was drugged when they were at the Tropic of Cancer, though Morrison later admitted the claim of drugging was a canonical error on their part. In an act of defiance, Damian decides to make the Robin mantle independent from that of Batman and decides to stop Dr. Phosphorus from breaking into Project Cadmus, but fails miserably and is saved by Dick. The Heretic got in a battle with Damian, and killed him. Red Arrow is injured and Deathstroke escapes. Talia is unaware that White Ghost, a former servant of Ra's, plans to use him to resurrect Ra's, which would kill him in the process. [7] With the al Ghuls citing Bruce Wayne as the optimal successor to their empire,[8][9][10][11] after faking a miscarriage to his father and calling off their marriage,[12] Talia has kept his existence hidden from Batman until Batman #656 (2006). He was also trained in the disciplines of forensics, acrobatics, criminology, disguise and escapology. Damian then begins to mock Tim Drake for not being chosen as Robin, causing Tim to severely beat Damian, only to be stopped by Dick. In a tribute to a classic comic book cover, the publisher accidentally showcased the precarious situation involving its two current Robins, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne. Eventually, Kid Flash discovers the secret prison,[77] and Crush, who has fallen for Djinn, kisses her, showing her the kind of genuine affection which Damian in his grimness never really did. Another column in "Detective Comics #494" stated that Batman's birthday was now February 19. In the past year, Damian Wayne has been through a lot - witnessing Alfred Pennyworth's death . Ra's even sent the clone to murder his own daughter. "Who else in this world is like us, Bruce Wayne? Damian flees to alert Batman but is pursued by his evil grandfather. A Bizarro counterpart of Robin, named Robzarro, first appeared in the four-part story "Boyzarro Re-Death". He is violent, self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age, which troubles the relationship with his father who refuses to kill. This leads to a new version of the Titans forming, consisting of Nightwing, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, Troia, Crush, Roundhouse, Red Arrow, and Kid Flash. "Your brain waves will be purged as mine are implanted in their place. But next week's Batman #106 - and I seemingly killed by Darkseid during a massive invasion, 573 Appearances of Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 426 Images featuring Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), 76 Quotations by or about Damian Wayne (Prime Earth), Character Gallery: Damian Wayne (Prime Earth). As part of the DC Rebirth, Damian is featured in three titles: Teen Titans, where he becomes the team's leader to defeat Ra's al Ghul and succeed Red Robin (Tim Drake) as leader, Super Sons, co-starring with Jonathan Kent, the son of Superman and the new Superboy and Nightwing, where he has a supporting role. Damian's second year as Robin begins when he initiates a fight against his predecessor Red Robin. while at the Tropic of Cancer, Damian's mother, Talia al Ghul, drugged Bruce Wayne and, several months later, Damian was born. Altieri, Kevin, director. The ensuing melee was abruptly averted when Jon used his Freeze Breath to separate the two sides and allow him to explain the situation to his father. Damian is skilled in mimicking voices and speech patterns of others accurately, as he was able to imitate his father's and Tim Drake's voices to bypass the Batcave's voice-recognition security systems.[20]. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category. Talia then shows Damian a cloned version of himself, whom she sees as Damian's younger brother. [53] Unwilling to kill his father, Damian chooses death, but the Joker kills Batman before he can deal a fatal blow. [67] He then activates the Boom Tube to Darkseid's homeworld, Apokolips, to retrieve Damian's corpse. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. They survive the explosion. Dick does join to save Damian and end the war. When Damian regained consciousness, they talked about how difficult it is for Damian to adjust from the life of an assassin. As Batman's official heir, Damian has a lot to live up to. However their lack of teamwork and animosity toward each other caused them to fail every challenge. [49], Robin and a group of other ex-Titans later head to Titans Tower to help the team during a battle against Superboy-Prime and the Legion of Doom. League of Assassins memberThis character is or was a member of the League of Assassins, a international organization of the world's greatest killers, operating both for hire and their own agenda, in any of its various incarnations. He tries to teach Damian the same values his parents have instilled within him as he finally assumes his role as a father. Batman has experienced a life changing event, and Gotham City will never be the same. Along his journey, he crosses paths with Ra's and Talia al Ghul, Deathstroke, and a new character named Maya Ducard, daughter of the late villain, Nobody. Freeze's gun. Sasha, now dubbed Scarlet by Todd, returns and attacks Robin, as Jason attacks Dick, the two duos battle it out until the arrival of the Flamingo, who temporarily paralyzes Damian. Damian leaves his mother and Tim to an unknown fate, while he goes off to be with his father. Talia on the other hand, taking advantage of the hero's impressive genes, believed their child to be a perfect heir. Deadman then possesses and leaves Damian's body, subsequently passing his knowledge of the attack of the Black Lanterns onto him. Damian aided in fighting the Dark Knights upon their invasion, forming the Gotham Resistance with Green Arrow, Killer Croc, Nightwing and Harley Quinn. I'm not like Tim, or Jason, or even Dick. Damian Wayne is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. I'm light-years ahead of all the past Robins in skill and training. Dick Grayson was returned to his previous role as Nightwing, and Damian still serves as his father's vigilante partner Robin. Dick Grayson . Upon the start of Batman: Battle for the Cowl, it appears that Damian is now residing in Gotham, and living under the command of Nightwing (to an extent). Talia al Ghul to Batman. Bruce was unaware of the child's conception and returned to crime fighting for years.