Premier Partner of the Foundation and the Bibbulmun Track maintenance volunteer program. Again, thank you and happy hiking! There are many free shelters and towns along the way, so this trail is welcomed to many whether they be end-to-enders, weekenders, or day hikers. It was originally envisaged by keen bushwalker Geoff Schafer, in 1972. It also helped me to better understand my bodys abilities, and made me realise how much more I could be doing with my life! Each campsite has a three-sided shelter, a water tank, a drop toilet and picnic tables. Since I started using this I havent had a blister. You may be able to ship a resupply to the cafe, called the Three Ways Road House. Your email address will not be published. Blisters are a big problem for many hikers, so its worth experimenting with different shoe and sock combinations to see what works for you. Your email address will not be published. They generally only have one brand of everything though, and fresh items are often very limited. The Track is popular with locals, interstate and overseas visitors alike. Make a note of where youve buried the food in your journal because youll be desperate for it when you eventually get there! A range of tasty Back Country Cuisine meals are available in select stores along the Track. The Bibbulmun's Wagyl or Rainbow Serpent blaze. Walking the Bibbulmun takes some preparation, but its something that anyone of average fitness and mobility should be able to achieve. Hi we are considering heading over to WA from SA in September to experience a section of the Bibbulmun Track, imagining that the border will be open by then. If some of the forums are anything to go by, people have hiked the APT and PCT - much longer trails than we are planning for - with as little as 5 kg base-packs (the weight of your bag before any food or drink is added). Therefore, if my boots fit well at the heels, my second toes end up getting battered on hikes and eventually, the nails turn black and drop off. Not a fussy eater at all, just after the basic hiker foods. as we pass through the eight track towns along the route, but other than that will be camping out in the specially designated campsites for Thru-hikers with only the snakes for company. It is situated in Western Australia starting in the beautiful suburban town of Kalamunda and stretches 1000 km's south down to the historical coastal town of Albany. Each hut can accommodate between eight and 15 people (depending on the design) sleeping on wooden boards. Summer is not recommended as Western Australia has extremely hot dry summers, making it a high-risk fire season. Should just bite the bullet and get one! There are many businesses and organisations along the entire length of the Track that offer goods and services to help you get the most out of your walk, whether it be for a few hours or an epic end-to-end journey. From Perth, there are a couple of public buses that will take us straight to the Northern Terminus of the Bibbulmun Track in Kalamunda. Your email address will not be published. They cost nearly $700 and dont look like much, but theyre probably the best money Ive ever spent on hiking gear. I have opted for. So far, our base packs come to approx. Hi Ben, I did end to end over 10 years ago, agree with most of what you wrote but for your info, I passed a bloke wearing Dunlop volleys, an american wearing Teva sandals and socks and an Israeli carry a bag of rice. This well blazed trail travels through many national parks and state forests with various terrain that ranges from dense forest to beautiful coastland. Many Different Landforms. In the past, Ive hiked with a mix of homemade meals and supplies bought in towns. For a thru-hike or multi-day section hike youll need: The key difference between hiking equipment and regular camping equipment is its size and weight. There are great opportunities for fit walkers to challenge themselves, on at least two of the days we walk around 25 km. We wont be reaching anywhere near that kind of weight but does make sense to keep it down to the bare minimum with a combination of our existing kit and, where affordable or where it makes sense, new, super lightweight bits and pieces. SA, WA & NT specific bushwalking discussion. This includes how to get there, highlights, interesting places, weather forecasts, Track conditions, the Track towns and photos. The towns on the Bibbulmun Track are pretty spread out, with the greatest distance between two towns being 202 kilometres. It also provides schools with the resources to participate in the WACE endorsed end-to-end program and students to attain the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. If you are doing more than a day walk on the Track, you will need to take a lot of equipment: sleeping gear, cooking equipment and food, a change of clothing, basic toiletries, a first aid kit and maybe a tent. The Bibbulmun Track, south Western Australia. On long walks, maps are essential and a compass comes in handy. This isnt a problem on the outward journey, but on the way back it may be difficult to predict what time (or even what day) youll reach a town on foot. Winter conditions (June to August) are not for the faint hearted, particularly further south where temperatures are lower and rainfall higher. On my first attempt at hiking the Bibbulmun Track end to end, I was thwarted by very nasty blisters, caused by my boots being slightly too loose and rubbing on my heels. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The towns Tourist/Information centers and some petrol stations have stored supplies for her. There certainly are! Personally, I would take one. The Bibbulmun Track walk would technically take more than two months to finish at an average walking pace. Preparing the right kind of food for an overnight or extended walk on the Bibbulmun Track is one of the most important considerations walkers need to make. Download the app on Wi-Fi and then open the Bibbulmun Track and make sure you have downloaded the maps for offline use. Slower Hiking 12/9/22 Slower Hiking 12/9/22. I really wouldnt change much. Autumn (March to May) is another good time weather-wise, though water supplies will be low if you set off early in the season before the rain. The health food shop in Denmark had great supplies. My kneecaps tend to rub against their track if I allow my IT band to get too tight, so I make a point of stretching it and rolling it out whenever I get the chance. But how basic are these village stores? The only place you might need to plan ahead is the Kalamunda to Dwellingup section, where the only resupply point is the North Bannister Road House. If youre attempting an end-to-end for the first time, youll inevitably develop your own way of living on the track that will probably vary a little from the directions in this guide. This occurs on the first stretch (on a north to south hike) between Kalamunda and Dwellingup and involves walking for at least 10 days with no opportunities to resupply. There's a chance of no water, with many days the temperatures up in the high 30's, and some days reaching 40C and beyond. In the end I came away with the resupply plan: Kalamunda Sullivans Rock: Pack everything, dehydrating my own food & carrying from the start to reach Sullivans Rock, Sullivans Rock Dwellingup: Pack everything, dehydrating my own food & organise a trail angel to drop off near Sullivans Rock to reach Dwellingup. Top-line results of the planning so far: 8 resupply towns + two possible food drops, Having been brought up hiking in the bogs of Dartmoor, the Peak Districts moorlands and the soggy Scottish Highlands, Ive always owned hardcore walking boots, with hard soles and waterproof casings. Know that most who hike this track choose to hike hut to hut in almost double the time that I chose to do this track, and enjoy a relaxed experience of not having to hike full days. Some of this trusty kit does however weigh a hell of a lot more than some of the ultralight stuff on the market. In 1913 timber mills were established in Pemberton to supply half a million sleepers for the Trans-Australian Railway line. For advice specific to the Bibbulmun, the Bibbulmun Track Hikers Facebook group is a useful resource. This is a very rewarding and quite remote expeditionary hike. Walkers should always check the current Track conditions before embarking on a walk. . Revitalisation of John Forrest National Park. Of course this is all a bit subjective but if there is a lot of unstable rocky ground or long, steep walks uphill then I might be in trouble, Thanks for your quick reply, Andrew. Most of the sections are somewhere between 20 and 25 kilometres long, or about a full days walk for the average hiker. Hi Sue, I got an injury before then. I took water purification tablets on my first hike, but the treated water tasted so foul I couldnt drink it! If youre of average fitness, you could expect to finish the Bibbulmun in somewhere between 40 and 65 days, depending on your pace and how many rest days you take in towns. Im just worried about how rocky the sleeping areas are etc. Track so, if you walk in the spring when water is plentiful and temperatures are not too high, you could get away with carrying about two litres of water. This occurs on the first stretch (on a north to south hike) between Kalamunda and Dwellingup and involves walking for at least 10 days with no opportunities to resupply. On my last 16-day section hike from Northcliffe to Albany, I lost 5 kilos and that was with a calorie-rich diet, while stuffing my face in each of the towns I visited. Well be talking & typing all things #tinyhouse #hiking #permaculture #gardening #bushwalking #simpleliving #organic #wastefree #reading. The stores arent that basic, you should be able to get all those items you mentioned. Scroll down for a Map of the Bibbulmun Track through Denmark WA. I decided to see what my heart picked for me when the time came. Innovative lightweight backpacking and travel gear for your next adventure. Tank water should be treated, either with a filter, a UV lamp or some chemical treatment method. I used a pyramid tarp which gave me good all round protection although next time I would choose something with a smaller footprint. Hello Andrew. In my humble opinion, the Australian outdoor gear industry is still stuck in the 1980s, when heavy packs were a source of pride and durability was the biggest concern. I hope to do this one day soon. Since I started using this I havent had a blister. Thanks for all the information about the Bibbulman Track. Im all about lists & planning for a hike. It is named 'Bibbulmun' after a group of . It is managed by government agencies, and has a foundation. Take a walk on the wild side walking the Bibbulmun Track, Follow Local Travel Tips on Matt. Copyright 2023 Bibbulmun Track Foundation. BT Day 33: Nerang to Monadnocks 855.9km (25km) June 19, 2021. One of many shelters with covered tables and water tanks. It was another early settler who arrived a year later, Pemberton Walcott, who gave the town its name. Restocking food has been one of the biggest dilemmas for my hikes. Full-day walks average about 16 km. Im passionate about the Bibb, and am forever encouraging others to give it a go. These pages are bursting with information to help you have a safe and pleasant journey. I have a question about the resupply in towns.. if you dont mind. Western Australia, AU Distance 992.8 km Vertical Gain 17,500 m The Bibbulmun Track is one of the world's great long distance walk trails, stretching 1000km from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills, to Albany on the south coast, winding through the heart of the scenic South West of Western Australia. Sugars and fats might be your enemy in the real world, but theyre your friend on the trail. I waited for my turn, not knowing which of the places on my bucket list to choose. Glad to have stumbled upon your blog! One thru-hike at a time. There are eight towns along the way, where well be able to buy supplies, but other than that, well be relying on what we carry to keep us going. When buying a backpack, try on as many packs as you can before making a decision, and ask the shop assistant to add weight to them and adjust the straps to fit your body so you can assess how the pack distributes the weight. Celebrate our 25th year with an adventure! Unless you can talk friends into bringing supplies to you, which could be difficult to coordinate, youll need to do a food drop before you go. As a traveller from eastern side of Australia doing this hike in pieces wasn't an option. How big were the towns and what were their supermarkets/food stores/cooperatives like for resupplying? Pemberton to Walpole The section from Pemberton to Walpole is exciting. This occurs on the first stretch (on a north to south hike) between Kalamunda and Dwellingup and involves walking for at least 10 days with no opportunities to resupply. Notes for Potential Hikers of the Bibbulmun Track Introduction. We are flying to Perth from London on Qantas new direct flights. Those that walk every step of the way can be registered as end-to-enders. On an excel spreadsheet I mapped out my entire walk highlighting where I was planning to stay each night, how many days I would be on the track, how many nights I would be in each town to provide an overall understanding of where I would be for each day and for each meal. 55 days on the wallaby -- the Bibbulmun Track 55 days on the wallaby - an unauthorized guide to the Bibbulmun Track (Text by Ian McAuley, photographs by Helen McAuley) In October and November 2008, three of us walked the 966 km length of the Bibbulmun Track, from Albany to Perth. Thanks for the reply. Read More. If youre picky about what you eat or you have specific dietary requirements, you can make dried meals with a dehydrator and vacuum sealer, and ship them to yourself along the way. I might end up with a couple of 40km+ days I think but the majority should be around 30km. The first thing I needed to decide about was when to start the journey. I also maintain a rigorous stretching routine when Im on multi-day hikes, to keep my legs from seizing up and to protect my knees. There are buses from all the main track towns to Perth or Albany in case we get injured and need to bail. Donnelly River Village Northcliffe: Pack everything dehydrating my own food & post to DRV accomodation to reach Pemberton. People also record their experiences in these registers so, as well as being a safety precaution, they are a useful source of Track intelligence about such things as: missing markers; the condition of the Track; the state of the water supply at the next campsite; big hills en route; flora and fauna to look out for; or the school party that took over the campsite the day before. The tank water is potable but if you get water from natural sources along the way its a good idea to treat it. Erika Lori sets a new record on the 1,000km Bibbulmun Track. Two of the original fire lookout trees can still be climbed by daring visitors. 10 kg each. Required fields are marked *. In Pemberton purchase two days worth of food to reach Northcliffe. Best time to hike the Bibbulmun track is between April and October. What pack did you use for this hike? Very jealous, Ill add it to my ever-growing bucket list. You should have a separate inventory spreadsheet where you record how much the item cost you to . A practice walk of three or more days should give a good indication of how much food you need, otherwise allow about one kilogram of food per day. The shelters with the water supplies are 10 km apart in the first few days out of Perth, average 18 km over the rest of the track until they go back to 10-12 km apart as you come into Albany. Youll be carrying your whole life on your back, so youll need to make sure you have the right equipment and supplies to make it work. It can get extremely hot in WA between December and February, and the risk of bush fire is too great. Feel free to comment below for advice, or suggested additions to this guide. Overview Stretching just over 1000 kilometres from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills to Albany, the Bibbulmun Track is Western Australia's longest walking trail, falling just behind South Australia's Heysen Trail as the longest walking-oriented trail in the country (the impressively long 5330 km Bicentennial National Trail is not designed with walkers in mind). Some things Im curious about: if you dont mind answering: What do you bring to take photos? Therefore, we will put "30 day fixed", "7 day auction", etc in this column. South Australia, Western Australia & Northern Territory, Q&index=15, sp=sharing. Hey Ben! During the workshop, Susan asked everyone to talk about what their dream trip would be. If youre only walking a section of the Track, planning a walk can be trickier as vehicular access points and public transport are limited. As I mentioned in the last blog, there are 48 campsites on the Bibbulmun Track. But its still an awesome pack with a really strong hip strap. As you become more experienced you will get better at knowing what gear works for you. Thanks for your comment. BT Day 35: Mt Dale to Helena 918.6km (29.3km) June 21, 2021. my partner and I are planning to do the Bibbulmun Track starting ~14th of September (we're arriving 10th of September in Perth from Europe) and we're looking for some advice.